Irvine Rugby Football Club


Monday 16th April 2012

Welcome Vice President Robert Auld welcomed everyone to the AGM in the absence of the President thanked them for their attendance.

Apologies G Gibson, G Maxwell & R Festorazzi.

Minutes The minutes of the 2011 AGM were agreed as a true record. This was moved by Al Thomson and seconded by A Wilson.

Matters There were no matters arising.


President’s VP Robert Auld outlined the following in the absence of a President’s Report Report.

This year is the Club’s 50th Anniversary and will start with our Annual Dinner on the 1st June – please make every effort to attend. There will be various events throughout the year with the main event being an Anniversary Lunch on the 3rd November – which is the nearest Saturday in November to when the club was first formed. All the events will be advertised on our website. A new tie has been designed and will be on sale shortly.

Treasurer’s The audited accounts were presented and certain areas were

Report discussed. After all matters & questions were suitably answered the accounts were approved moved by J McCabe and seconded by J Doolan

Auditor’s This was read out.

Report A motion to adopt the Auditors Report was moved by D Murdoch and seconded by J Burns. It was agreed to retain the Auditor for next year.

Coaching This was presented by Al Thomson.

Report The Tour was our best ever and has helped all the players to bond together. I was really proud as we were able to return home undefeated. This season has been a start to a 5 year plan. The SRU ‘changes to the playing structure’ has been accepted and look forward to the new season. We hope to stop the rot and with the support of the coaches players and others we look can look forward to a bright future. I would like to thank Kevin as 1st team captain and players for finishing 3rd in the league. Our discipline must improve – we must keep working on our skills and be at both nights training. Our 2nds reached the play-offs and must be congratulated. The loss of Gary Kerr due to a serious eye injury must be noted and thanked for all he has done for the club over many years. Hopefully he will turn to coaching and will not be a loss to the club. As I finish I cannot go without mentioning ‘Murphy’ – a legend who will be sadly missed for many reasons.

Youth The club has started looking for a Development Officer – this can be

Report viewed on our website. We expect to have him or her in place for the start of August.

When I took on the youth convener role the youth section was in a bit of a mess. There were kids playing in the wrong age group, coaches not knowing what age group they should be coaching. Parents were wanting to know what was happening to their kids etc;

For example we started the season with the following teams , a mini squad of at that time numbered around 6 , teamed up with Cumnock as they did last year, A s1/2 squad of around 15 players and a under 16 squad of around 16 .

The mini section with the help of two parents, G Sweeney and B Wilson who also became level one coaches, looked after itself. Graeme, Brian and Cammy Crawford who came back after a long spell away coached these kids every Wednesday and Sunday. The mini section also grew in numbers throughout the season from the 6 we started with to around the 20 mark, this is due to the work that our sessional coaches have been doing in the local primary schools.

The s1/2 squad numbers have risen as well they are up from 15 to 22 and we still get a new player every week. This team has had a bad year as far as winning games go, but any of the senior players who have came down to help coach the youngsters will tell you they are a great bunch of kids to coach as they take in every thing and try the new things out in all their games. These boys are coached by Brian Wilson who has moved from the mini’s Jim McCabe and Ben Auld when he can make it. I am still in discussions with the youth league committee as what we can do with this team next year as they should go into the under15 league programme but I don’t think they are ready for that yet, as it’s all about the kids safety and enjoyment at the end of the day, and we will do what we think is best for our kids at all times.

That leaves me with what I thought we had was a under 16 squad as they played in the under15 league last season I entered them in the under 16 league this season. After a couple of 60 point defeats and a discussion with a few parents I discovered that most of the boys were under15 , so I contacted the youth committee and asked if we could drop down an age group , witch we done and the boys have come on to their game . If you look at the league table you will see we are at the bottom this is because we have a couple of over aged players in our squad and we lose the points for this reason, but again it’s not all about winning leagues it is about 20 kids getting a game of rugby every Sunday and enjoying it. This group of kids are coached by Jamie Doolan, Stuart Docherty and Daniel Davies This team will play in the under16 leagues next season with the same over aged players but the following year we will have a cracking under18 side, the first under 18 side for about 3 years .

Both the s1/2 and the under15 squads have had the extra coaching from Alana who comes down every Wednesday night and does strength and conditioning work with the kids.

Can I at this time just thank all the people I have mentioned for all their time and patience throughout the season.

As you all know we are going to have our own DO come August ,so I would like to thank the people who have been working in the schools in the last year coaching and get new players down to the club, they are Stuart Docherty, Graeme Sweeney Ben Auld and Daniel Davies, thanks guys.

Fixtures All competitive fixtures have been completed, on schedule I might add Report (except in the case of the Allan Glen's away game which was delayed a few weeks)! I sat here this time last year saying that the season ended just as the 1sts were getting into their stride, and their results would suggest that they did indeed pick up where they left off last season, and with a few breaks could have finished higher in the league than third. This gives them a good platform to build on for next season, though with the makeup of the league likely to change significantly in the close season we could be looking at another "transitional" season.

The 2nds are facing another season of pod rugby (unless a new structure is put in place).

There are no further fixtures ahead of the tour as everyone is understandably gearing up for that. Following the tour Irvine squads will compete in the Kilmarnock 7s on the 12th of May and the Newton Stewart 7s on the 19th. That concludes my report.

Sport’s Club This has been an interesting year for the Sports Club.

Report We have received the money from Scottish Water and are now in the process of drawing up plans for the future.

Al Thomson has to be thanked for fixing the toilets.

The changing rooms, gym & car park to follow soon – we hope.

The Bowling section has folded and we are assessing the future of the bowling green.

Figures are now being drawn up with possible grants from outside authorities – we will need lots of volunteers to complete the massive tasks ahead.

Equipment Equipment report was given by Robert Auld.

Report We spent a lot of money on tape for the players and we are now sourcing a cheaper option. We have had problems with the Canterbury strips and looks like we will be given a new set of strips – FREE. Proven website for equipment is finished and we are looking at O’Neill Sportswear as a replacement. We do need additional medical bags for S1/S2 & under 15’s.

Entertainment The social side of the club has been going well and the functions have Report been well attended. As this is our 50th Anniversary special effort to attend as many functions as possible is requested.

Election The following were elected after being suitably proposed and of the seconded:

Board President Gary Auld

Senior Vice President Gary Gibson

Junior Vice President Jim McCabe

Secretary Derek Murdoch

Treasurer Ben Auld

Sports Club Rep. Robert Auld

Match & Fixture Rep. Dane Craig

Youth Convenor Allan Wilson

Equipment Conv. Stuart Docherty

Board Member – Sat. William McVey

Board Member George McKee

Board Member Jim Burns

Any Other

Business This is a big year for the club and it is hope that all committee, players, members & friends make this a year to remember.

The club will be looking for games for the spare Saturdays throughout the year.

New posts have to be put up so volunteers will be required.

The AGM was then declared closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.