Service & Leadership Report

Name: Cor:

To maintain your membership in the Franciscan Chapter of the NHS, you must be actively involved in school activities and complete 10 hours of service this year. Remember, your 10 hours can be either in school or outside service. Please complete the following report to update us on your progress. If you are having trouble completing a requirement, it is essential that you meet with Mrs. Bergin, Mrs. Rafferty or Dr. Sullivan before May 13th.

List all clubs/school activities in which you were an active member this school year. This includes seasonal sports and activities such as: soccer, play; and upcoming activities: softball, baseball, etc.

Club/Sport/Activity / Moderator’s Name & Signature

List school service for the current year and number of hours served to date. Examples of service to the school: PS4, Tutoring, Liturgical Ensemble, Homework Room, Open House. If you have performed service for another Honor Society, club or team, feel free to list that group, total hours and provide signature from your moderator.

School Service & Description / Moderator’s Name & Signature / Total Hours as of May 13th
Deans’ Aid –Day 5 / Mrs. Colasanti / 8

(Continued on back)

List outside community service for the current year. Examples of service to the community: Coaching, teaching, soup kitchen. In lieu of a signature, a letter on the agency’s letterhead can be used for verification purposes.

Community Service & Description / Total Hours
as of May 13th / Moderator’s Signature and Contact Number
Ozanam Hall- visit with elderly residents / Mrs. Gail Donovan

Upcoming Service Opportunities

Incoming 9th Graders’ Orientation, Thursday, May 12th, 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Fifty volunteers are needed to speak in Cors to the new students, welcome them, and assist them with their transition to high school.

School Supply Collection, Wednesday, May 18th, Thursday, May 19th, During frees and 2:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Volunteers are needed after school to gather and sort usable school supplies. Supplies are shared with families needing assistance with providing school supplies for their children.