Request for Quotations
Project Name:Knowledge from Research in the Caribbean
Project Reference:KNLA-0008
Date:13th November 2015


1.Instructions for completion

2.Project Summary

3.Supplier Response

4.Evaluation and Award Decision

5.Conditions of Procurement Process

  1. Instructions for completion

Section 2 to be completed by the Supplier and returned to the CDKN Procurement team ().

CDKN is looking for a technical Supplier/consortium of Bidders to develop and disseminate knowledge packages based on existing knowledge products in the Caribbean.

Bidders are invited to submit a proposal (including Non-disclosure agreement) electronically etailing how they would deliver the programme of work as set out in this document.

Bidders are encouraged to propose innovative approaches that will meet the objectives and outcomes of the project.

Declaration of Intent to Bid

Bidders must email confirmation of their intent to bid to

RfQ Closing Date

Bidders must email their submissions the Closing Date 15.00 UK time on Friday 27th November.

Submissions received after this deadline will not be accepted.

Delivery of the RfQ

The bid must be marked “Proposal in response toRfQ for “KNLA-0008 Knowledge from Research in the Caribbean”and emailed to .

Timetable of Events

Note that this timetable is provided on a best information basis only. CDKN reserves the right to adjust dates and add further events if a programme requirement arises. CDKN undertakes to keep Bidders submitting tenders informed of any change.

Event / Date
Date Tender Advertised / 13th November 2015
Closing date for questions to be submitted / 15.00 (UK time) 24th November 2015
Closing date for receipt of bid / 15.00 (UK time) 27th November 2015
Target date for CDKN contract award decision / December 2015

Communication during Tender period

All questions relating to the contents of this ITT or the submission of a Tender are to be submitted (by e-mail) to the following address no later than 15.00 (UK time) 24th November 2015:

Questions / Contact / Email Address
Commercial OR
Technical / CDKN Procurement Team /

PwC will respond to all reasonable requests for clarification as soon as reasonably possible. All questions must be sent by e-mail only. Responses will be published on the CDKN website during the Tender period. PwC reserves the right to issue the response to all Bidders.

If a Bidder wishes PwC to treat a request as confidential and not issue the response to all Bidders, it must state so at the time of request for clarification, stating the reasons for the desired confidentiality.

If, in the opinion of PwC, the content of a request is not considered to be confidential, PwC will inform the Bidder and it will have an opportunity to withdraw the request for clarification. If the request for clarification is not withdrawn within the timeframe specified by PwC, the response will be issued to all Bidders.

PwC may itself issue clarification requests to the Bidder. The Bidder is asked to provide a single point of contact (including telephone and e-mail details) in their organisation for the receipt of such requests.

PwC will expect the Bidder to provide a prompt response to all clarifications issued.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – Annex A

An NDA allows PwC and the bidder to have open discussions about the project in advance of the contract being signed. Please complete the first paragraph of the first page with your company details, then print and sign two hard copies and return them to me at the address below.

Rachael Nicholl, CDKN Procurement, PwC, Waterfront Plaza, 8 Laganbank Road, Belfast, BT1 3LR

Following this, CDKN Procurement will send you a copy of the NDA countersigned by the leading partner for your records upon request. An electronic copy of the signed NDA must accompany the proposal and this must be followed up with hard copies. Without receipt of your signed hard copy NDA we would be unable to award a contract to you.

Contract Value

The budget available for this project is between GBP35,000 and GBP38,000. Bidders will have to provide a detailed budget against the proposed activities that includes all costs for technical human resources, travel and logistics, workshops, seminars, knowledge sharing, capacity building and publications.

Bidders must use the budget template provided (Annex B) and rework the activities on the spreadsheet to suit the individual project.

Contract Term

CDKN anticipates that this project is expected to start in January 2016 and end in December 2016.

  1. Project specification

CDKN Project Manager / Maria Jose Pacha
Procurement Manager / Rachael Nicholl
Project Reference Number / KNLA-0008
Project Title / Knowledge from Research in the Caribbean
Background / The small island nations of the Caribbean are among those most vulnerable to extreme weather events and sea level rise. Their economies are also heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels. CDKN has been working in the Caribbean since 2010 supporting the needs of Caribbean Community Secretariat of 18 nations (CARICOM) and investing more than £1.5 million.
  • In 2010 CDKN fostered the development of a climate change strategy and roadmap for action. CDKN and DFID have partnered with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) to develop the strategy and roadmap into a detailed Implementation Plan (IP) for the Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change. The IP was developed through a process of consultation that extended over a period starting 1st September 2010 and ending 30th June 2011, with national governments, regional institutions, the private sector, civil societies and international donor agencies.
  • From 2012 until 2014 CDKN supported the development of the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool (CCORAL), a web-based tool designed to help decision makers in the Caribbean integrate climate resilience into their decision making and planning processes. CCORAL was developed by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), with support from CDKN, based on a thorough consultation process involving significant inputs from across the region.
In the last years there has been CDKN support focused in three main research projects we are running in the sub-region – Research Regional Call, CARIWIG and GIVRAPD – which are slowly coming to an end and deliverables are being finalised.
  • The Caribbean Research Call emerged as a demand-driven response to the research needs identified in the IP, with the aim of commissioning high quality and innovative research for the Caribbean to lay a sound evidence-base for future climate change mitigation and adaptation. Subsequently, five projects in Belize, Jamaica, St Lucia and Trinidad &Tobago were selected and implemented by CDKN and its Caribbean partners.
  • The “Supporting risk-based decision-making in the Caribbean” (CARIWIG)project started in2012 and runs until 2015 and addressed gaps in climate model projections through the provision of locally relevant information on weather impacts of climate change for a range of time horizons. It provided training for Caribbean-based technical staff in the use of weather information, helped them build up support networks, and developed a web service to provide weather scenario information.
  • Global Islands’ Vulnerability Research, Adaptation, Policy and Development (GIVRAPD) is a two year research project on community adaptation to climate change in four Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean (St Lucia and Jamaica) and the Indian Ocean (Mauritius and Seychelles). It seeks to understand the multiple social, economic, governance and environmental conditions that shape vulnerability and capacity to adapt to climate change.
These projects have addressed serious knowledge gaps andhelped to strengthen the evidence-base and policies for future climate change mitigation and adaptation in the region. They also helped to build capacity for technical staff on modeling and scenario planning, brought together policy-makers and researchers, and built research, modeling and writing capacity for the latter. As expected by such a wide range of projects, outputs and outcomes are of mixed quality. These implementers of these three last project produced a high number of products: 6 policy briefs, 1 technical paper, 3 working papers, 11 case studies, 4 journal articles, 3 climate-related tools, 3 models and several technical reports, brochures, posters, presentations.
Other knowledge products have been published in the past years for the Caribbean and Small Island States, such as the previous work in Barbados, Jamaica and Granada on different aspects of climate change and development. Also packaging information for the region has been important in the past, in 2013 a “course convenor packs” were developed for university professors and course convenors as summaries of main material available for the region related to climate change. In 2014 the IPCC’s fifth assessment report, “What’s in it for Small Island Developing States?,” was a huge success and demonstrated how CDKN added value as a knowledge catalyst and broker.
At the moment, there is a need for CDKN LAC to better understand the range of products that the research projects generated, their impacts and how they can also be linked with local projects in the region about disaster risk management (DRM), climate modelling, impacts of climate change in agriculture, water provision, health and policy and practice. The understanding and transfer of this knowledge is of key importance to advance on climate compatible development in the region to catalyse new forms of dialogues and action in different communities. Also it is important to understand the impact that CDKN has made in the Caribbean region after these years and the level of funding involved.
Proposed contract start date / January 2016
Proposed contract duration / 12 months
Project objectives / The main objective is to develop key and strategic knowledge and communication materials that are tailored to policy makers and technicians of the Caribbean that reflect the research findings from Research Regional Call, CARIWIG and GIVRAPD projects that can help:
(a) Understand the type of research work that CDKN has supported in the region and evaluate its impact.
(b) Bring awareness to decision makers and technicians of the Caribbean of the knowledge generated by CDKN that can help them make informed decisions
(c) Catalyse new forms of dialogue and action in professional communities around CCD.
(c) Provide material for fundraising and capacity building on CCD inside and outside CDKN.
The research projects in the Caribbean covered a wide spectrum of topics and together they developed more than 30 different types of products so it will be important to develop knowledge packages. These packages need to be developed for a particular target audience and to summarise the research done on each topic. Specifically:
Knowledge Package on / Examples of products / Main target audience
Policy and practice / IP, Participatory research to enhance climate change policy and institutions in the Caribbean: ARIA pilot tool (Caribbean Research) / Country and regional decision makers
Agriculture / Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on Belize’s water resources, Climate impacts and resilience in Caribbean agriculture (Caribbean Research), Assessment ofClimate Change Impactson Agriculture on Cayo District (CARIWIG). / Ministries or Secretariats that work specifically in those issues
Health, Tourism and water / Health Sector and Dengue Feverin the Belize District(CARIWIG). / Ministries or Secretariats that work specifically in those issues
Climate modelling and DRM / CARIWIG developed a series of tools and online services (CARiDRO tool, SMASH storm tool,Weather Generator Tool, CCORAL) / Technicians working in the government, researchers and Universities.
Deliverables / No. / Deliverables / Proposed Due Date / Produced by?
(CDKN / Supplier)
1 / Document summarising user-needs / 31st.January 2016 / Supplier
2 / Document summarising main ideas for each knowledge package and its communication and dissemination plan / 28th February 2016 / Supplier
3 / Knowledge package 1: on policy and practice* / 31st.March 2016 / Supplier
4 / Implementation of dissemination of knowledge package 1 (including webinars, social media campaigns, etc.) / 30th.April 2016 / CDKN and Supplier
5 / Knowledge package 2 on agriculture* / 30th.May 2016 / Supplier
6 / Implementation of dissemination of knowledge package 2 (including webinars, social media campaigns, etc) / 30th. June 2016 / CDKN and Supplier
7 / Knowledge package 3 on health, tourism and water* / 30th July 2016 / Supplier
8 / Implementation of dissemination of knowledge package 3 (including webinars, social media campaigns, and measurement of impact) / 30th August 2016 / CDKN and Supplier
9 / Knowledge package 4 on climate modelling, and disaster risk management* / 30th September 2016 / Supplier
10 / Implementation of dissemination of knowledge package 4 (including webinars, social media campaigns and measurement of impact) / 30th October 2016 / CDKN and Supplier
11 / Document on how to measure impact and reach on research projects / 30th. November 2016 / Supplier
Expertise required /
  • The supplier of this project needs to have proven experience on knowledge management and the elaboration of products to reach a wider audience.
  • Alsomust have expertise in climate change issues and research to be able to understand methodologies and results and liaise with the different research projects that CDKN funded.
  • It is key for the supplier to be able to digest complex issues and present them in a friendly way for a particular audience.
  • It is preferable that the company has worked before in the Caribbean and know main stakeholder in the public sector.

Contract Management / The project will be reviewed through monthly performance meetings
Pricing Proposal / The budget envelope for this work is £35,000 to £38,000.
CDKN requires a detailed breakdown of costs including: staff time/day rate; expenses such as design costs; printing costs; proof reading costs; indicative number of days per task etc.
Prices to be quoted in GBP exclusive of UK VAT and inclusive of any other tax.
Please present the budget breakdown in a separate Excel Sheet (Annex B). All expenses must be compliant with the CDKN Expenses Policy (Annex C).

1.1Procurement Information

Date for RFQ return / 15.00 UK time on Friday 27th November 2015
Instructions for return / The submissions should be emailed to . Please send in the budget breakdown in separate excel document.
Evaluation (Quality / Price) / Overall quality-90%
  • Experience – demonstrated track record of proposed team on Knowledge management and elaboration of products to wider audiences-15%
  • Experience of working with research teams and disseminate complex results in an effective way -15%
  • Experience of working in the Caribbean 10%
  • Creativity and design-10%
  • Resource allocation (capacity to deliver the work on time)-10%
  • Technical proposal and methodology for achieving results- 10%
  • Proposed project management approach-10%
  • Quality standards including environmental standards (print quality, ISO compliance etc.)-10%
Overall price-10%
Any further information
  1. Supplier Response
  2. Supplier details

Supplier Name
Supplier Country / [Please indicate which country your main office is located]
Type of Organisation / [Please indicate the legal status of your business – such as, Commercial Organisation, Government Agency, NGO, Charity]
Lead Contact
Supplier Address:
Supplier Tel:
Supplier Email:
Supplier website:
UK Service Agent / [In order to manage its risks, and because all our contracts are let under UK law, we require non-UK organisations to have an agent in the UK who can represent the organisation in receiving legal papers or notice should that become necessary. This agent may for example be a branch of their organisation in the UK, embassy, solicitor or a commercial organisation that offers such services
We do not require companies to have a UK Service Agent at the proposal stage, only once the contract has been awarded. If you already have a UK Service Agent that can fulfil this role, please include their details here
Individual consultants based outside of the UK (and who will be contracted by CDKN as individuals) do not need to put a service agent in place.]
Insurance requirement / Please confirm if you have public liability and professional indemnity insurance and the value of this cover? Please confirm if the insurance is valid and mention the expiry date (should not be expired).
Terms and Conditions /
  • The Terms and Conditions (Annex D) associated with the funding for this piece of work are non-negotiable.
Please confirm that you have understood the above statement, and that you have read, understood and accepted our Terms and Conditions of contract.

2.2Evaluation Criteria

Please provide evidence of the following criteria in no more than two A4 pages per each criteria

Experience of knowledge management - 15% / Demonstrated track record of proposed team on Knowledge management and elaboration of products to wider audiences
Experience of dissemination – 15% / Working with research teams and disseminate complex results in an effective way
Experience in the Caribbean – 10% / Working effectively in the Caribbean
Creativity and Design – 10% / Track record of creativity
Resource allocation – 10% / Capacity to deliver the work on time
Technical Proposal -10% / Methodology for achieving results
Project management – 10% / Proposed project management approach
Quality Standards - 10% / Including environmental standards (print quality, ISO compliance etc.)
Pricing proposal – 10% / Providing a value for money solution.

2.3Pricing Information

Please summarise the pricing information below and send in a separate detailed budget breakdown.

Project Cost (excluding expenses) / £ [Day rates etc.]
[Please quote the fee price for this piece of work, breaking down any components costs in excess of £500. We encourage you to attach a spreadsheet if appropriate]
Indicative Expenses / £ [Please break down any components costs in excess of £250]
Total Price excluding VAT and Taxes / £

2.4Expenses Policy

Please confirm you have read and understood our Expenses Policy (Annex C) / Yes/No

2.5Monitoring and Evaluation

It is the responsibility of the Supplier to work in conjunction with the Service Recipient and CDKN to propose and agree upon key success factors which are specific to the project. The Supplier will be expected to outline suitable indicators for each success factor, including sources of information, collection methods and timeframes for collecting the information. CDKN will provide suitable templates and guidelines to assist the Supplier in developing such success factors.
The Supplier will also be required to complete a short report on completion of the project which will assess its success and identify lessons learned. This report will include a short written summary of the report, identification of any key lessons learned, an estimate of the extent to which the project was success or not and recommendations for the future.
Please confirm that you have read and understood this requirement / Yes/No

2.6Statement of Compliance