Noah Zarnow Period #4


Computer History Notes

  1. 1876 Alexander Bell invented telephone: He entered into a invention competition, but was late to enter so he was in a room far away from the judges and since it was hot the judges didn’t care to go up a flight of stairs to see what he had invented. Then Bell spoke into his telephone and the scientists heard his voice from the other room and were all amazed. He said in a letter to his father (since there were no telephone lines up yet): “The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas -- and friends will converse with each other without leaving home."

Found and researched from:

  1. They used telegraph or mores code before this, which is a bunch of beeps and pressing down to make a noise that would last as long as you held down on the button. Certain combinations meant different words or letters or phrases. It could also be done with light or a flashlight if maybe out on sea and you had no wire running from ship to ship.
  2. Early 1900’s CTR (calculating tabulating and recording) manufactured punch cards. These made it able to keep track of things like population etc. this is a tabulator machine found at the site:
  3. Another company decided to compete with them called nicknamed big blue: they make PC’s and started the computer market in 1911 company name was IBM (international business machine)
  4. These two companies IBM and CTR merged together and made one big company, but was accused of monopolizing and sued by the Department of Justice.
  5. Early 1900’s Remington Rand they made guns out of metal and the extra metal they used to make typewriters. Not invented by them but manufactured by them.
  6. Department of Justice DOJ sued them for being monopolies in the business machine market in 1930’.
  7. Vananeur Bush 1940’s wrote an article on forward thinking and said in the article, called As We May Think, in the Atlantic Monthly about computers and the future of business machines. He wrote about Hypertext mark up language and the mouse.
  8. Dick Tracy is then written and it involved a two-way wrist radio for a character.
  9. Late 1940’s the punch cards were being hand counted instead of machine counted.
  10. The UNIVAC was the worlds largest scale computer made at the university of Pennsylvania. This is a UNIVAC found at the site:
  11. Late 40’s this computer was used for calculations
  12. First electronic calculator was invented for the census in late 40’s early 50’s
  13. This tolled the government how many people should pay taxes so they can make money
  14. Texas instruments is making crank calculators and later makes electronic calculators: This is the first handheld calculator made by Texas Instruments found at the site:
  15. They then go to the DOJ and have them sue IBM for monopolizing again.
  16. Dick Tracy has a wrist TV
  17. Space race in 1950’s begins and the USSR launches the Sputnik This is a picture of the actual Sputnik found at the site:
  18. Russia sends Yuri Gargorian the first human to go into space
  19. Integrated circuit boards are invented by Gordon lore and started a little company Intel
  20. Early 60’s Douglas Englehart invents the mouse

Late 1968 Douglas introduces the mouse to all the companies This is the first mouse invented for computers found at the site:

Microprocessors / Hardware / Software / Internet
Intel made first microprocessor called 4004k it went into the Xerox Alto / Akatair 8800 makes first personally owned computer. / Gary Kindall makes CP/M software to use this micropro. For the Xerox Alto / 70’s first e-mail
75’s Ethernet
Intel makes in order:
4004k, 8008, 8086, 8088, 80286, 386, 486, 93 Pentium / Sony makes the Betamax / Micro-Soft was started by Bill Gates and made software named Basic, MS-DOS or disk operating system. / Tim Berner Lee created CERN that created the internet
Then the VHS comes out / Word Start (typing) then Visi-Calc (exel) / Filo/Yang started Yahoo
Apple 1 comes into the market on April Fools day 1976 Made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak / Netscape
Apple II comes out on the Super Bowl
Commodore 64

Research paper due on Wednesday February 26th at beginning of period if turned in on Monday 24th get 100 extra credit points

2-5 papers long on history of technology from 1876 to present

Newsletter due February 28th ------Test on Friday the 28th the test is online on website