Unit 7 /


Countable and uncountable nouns

1 Scrivi C (countable) per i nomi numerabili o U (uncountable) per i nomi non numerabili.

crisp C

1 milk 7 apple

2 pork 8 sugar

3 pea 9 lemon

4 sausage 10 butter

5 biscuit 11 aubergine

6 tea 12 bread

2 Completa il testo con a, an, some o –.

Stan and Marie are going for a picnic. They’re putting things into a bag. They’ve got some sandwiches, 1 packet of crisps, 2 chicken and 3 cheese. They aren’t taking any salad. Neither of them like 4 vegetables. They need 5 loaf of bread, 6 butter and 7 water. Marie is also taking 8 banana. Stan doesn’t like 9 fruit so he is taking 10 biscuits.


3 Osserva che cosa c’è in cucina. Completa le frasi.

There is lots of rice.

1 There is a bit of .

2 There is a lot of .

3 There are a few .

4 There isn’t much .

5 There aren’t many .

4 Completa il dialogo con a, an, lots of, a lot of, much o many.

How much sugar is in the recipe?

1 We need egg to make the biscuits.

2 There aren’t sandwiches for ten people.

3 There are cans of cola in the kitchen.

4 There isn’t water in the swimming pool.

5 How people are there in your class?

6 Is there loaf of bread for lunch?

7 There is sugar in this coffee.

8 How cereal have we got?

how much, how many

5 Scegli l’alternativa corretta nel dialogo.

Eddie Let’s make this chocolate cake!

Lily We haven’t got enough/a bit of chocolate. How about making these orange biscuits?

Eddie OK. What do we need?

Lily We need butter, flour, sugar and 1a few/a little orange juice.

Eddie We also need a 2few/bit of salt.

Lily OK. How 3many/much biscuits does this recipe make?

Eddie Twelve. That’s 4a little/not enough. We need two biscuits each.

Lily We can make more. How 5many/much flour have we got?

Eddie One kilo. We can make 100 biscuits!

Lily That’s 6too many/too much. I think we need 24. Come on. Let’s start.

Whose…? + possessive pronouns

6 Scegli la risposta corretta.

Whose is this rucksack?

a It’s my. b It’s mine. c It’s me.

1 Is this pencil yours?

a No, it’s his. b No, it’s him. c No, it’s he.

2 Whose are these boxes?

a They’re her’s. b They’re hers.

c They’re hers’.

3 Are these books Megan’s?

a No, they’re ours. b No, they’re our.

c No, they’re our’s.

4 Are these my sandwiches?

a Yes, they’re yours. b Yes, they’re your’s.

c Yes, they’re your.

5 Whose is this piece of cake? Is it Leo’s?

a No, it isn’t him. b No, it isn’t his’.

c No, it isn’t his.

6 Is this Gemma and Jo’s house?

a No, there’s has got a blue door.

b No, they’re has got a blue door.

c No, theirs has got a blue door.

7 Riscrivi le frasi correttamente.

Is this you orange juice?

Is this your orange juice?

1 That pizza is my.

2 Who’s is this piece of cake?

3 There’s too many butter in this cake.

4 Are these sandwiches our?

5 My rucksack is like your.

6 This coffee is Caleb’s and this biscuit is him too.

Requesting and offering

8 Riordina le parole per formare frasi.

I vegetarian the please menu look at can

Can I look at the vegetarian menu, please?

1 help can you I


2 pizza could a please have I


3 like and chicken some salad I’d bread a


4 a bottle mineral could have of water please I


5 cup much a of how coffee is


6 orange like please some I’d juice


7 cakes how small chocolate much are the


8 on cheese can pizza have my please I




9 Scrivi i prezzi in parole.


four pounds ninety-eight

1 £3.11

2 45p

3 £26.25

4 £1.75

5 £5.67

6 87p

7 £19.50

Food and drink

10 Osserva i tipi di cibo. Scrivi le categorie, poi aggiungi altre due parole per ciascuna.

vegetables: courgette, garlic, beans, 1, 2

3: cheese, milk, 4 5

6: chicken, pork, 7, 8

9: crisps, biscuits, 10, 11

12: apples, bananas, oranges, 13,


11 Completa le parole per cibi e bevande nel menù.

Quantities and containers

12 Abbina i contenitori (1–7) ai cibi o alle bevande (a–h).

can of d a eggs

1 packet of b chocolate

2 box of c bread

3 carton of d lemonade

4 slice of e pizza

5 loaf of f crisps

6 bottle of g milk

7 bar of h cola