Professor DowEnglish 121

Office: 1037 N

Phone: 253-3187


Office Hours: MTWTH 9:00—9:30AM and 11:30AM—Noon. I reply to email and phone messages only during scheduled office hours.

TEXTS:One World of Literature. Edited by Lim and Spencer.

A Short Guide to Writing about Literature. Edited by Barnet.


English 121 introduces students to the study of literature by focusing on genres: fiction, poetry, and drama. The content of the course honors diversity and history by reading selections from a range of cultures and periods. The class emphasizes enjoying literature through analysis and understanding. Students will write 6,000 to 8,000 words of expository prose based on their reading. One essay will require research. There will be in-class and out of class essays on fiction and on poetry. There will be one essay on drama. There will be comprehensive tests at the end of the fiction and poetry sections.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Upon completion students will be able to think, read, and write critically about a variety of literary genres. 2. Write unified, coherent, well supported and grammatically correct documents while demonstrating basic research skills and discipline appropriate styles such as MLA. 3. Demonstrate through explication, interpretation, and analysis, knowledge of the elements and principles that make up works of imaginative literature such as fiction, poetry, or drama



Portfolio (Refer to Portfolio handout)15%


Essay assignments must be typed in MLA format.


It is the policy of this college that you can be dropped from a class if you miss more than three hours of instruction (when the class meets three hours a week), no matter what the reason. I take roll at the beginning of each class. If you are late it is your responsibility to tell me (after class) so I will adjust my roster to show you as late rather than absent. Please be in class on time.


The College Classroom is a formal setting that requires that we follow fundamental rules of civility. Because I respect your desire for an education I request that you do not participate in conduct that disrupts the educational process for yourself or others, such as phone use in class, unnecessary talking, or going in and out of the room during class. Each time you give in to distraction you undermine your ability to focus and concentrate. This can affect your ability to succeed in your education and can result in poor grades.


Please put your cell phones on silent mode during class. If you expect an urgent

message, please let me know before class.


Academic honesty is essential for education. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are a serious breach of academic honesty. If an essay contains plagiarized material, it will receive a failing grade. If a student cheats on a test, they will fail the test. Successive acts of cheating will result in failing the class.


If you have special needs be sure to get them documented by contacting the Office of Special Services (DSPS) in the Library and Learning Resource Center (Room 1766), phone (707) 256-7442, or by scheduling an appointment with the DSPS Counselor in the Counseling Department (Bldg. 1300), phone (707) 256-7720.


I do not accept late papers (including research process steps). Missed tests cannot be made up. Only students with disabilities documented by our college are allowed to take tests in the Testing Center.