Malvern C.I. Home & School

Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2009

Present: Line Pinard, Diane Sharpe, Leslie Rose (chair), David Couch, Leesa Blake (teacher rep), Nanci Harris (secretary)

Regrets: Mark Greenfield, Fermer Santos

1.  Welcome to everyone present. Sign-in list circulated.

2.  Student report to be included in Principal’s report.

3.  Approval of minutes of Feb. 3 meeting – No errors or omissions noted. Honour Stark motioned for minutes to be approved as read, seconded by Jennifer Jones. All in favour, minutes approved.

4.  Treasurer’s Report – David Couch. No new activity since last update – we have approximately $7500 as our balance and one outstanding cheque to be cashed. We have received the $1000 from Scotiabank through the able stewardship of Mark Greenfield – this will go to support the purchase of fitness equipment. At this time not sure if the $1000 will be matched by the donor who previously had committed to matching funds raised for the Fitness Centre – Line to follow up and report back. Additional equipment has also been purchased for the room and is enjoying significant use by students.

5.  Principal’s Report:

·  Line extended thanks to Chris Smelt, Malvern Pool Captain who has advocated diligently for the Malvern pool to remain open. There is no further update on the pool situation at this time – the final report will go to the city and the province at the end of the month.

·  Line reported back on comments made by a concerned parent at the Feb 3rd meeting re: equity and homophobia at Malvern. Line received feedback from Mr. Izzo who will be speaking to the work being done in this area at our April meeting. This is taken very seriously at Malvern.

·  No news yet on staff changes. Line spoke to the consideration of courses being offered next year. Malvern has been named an “e-learning centre” – a one page summary of what that means was circulated. Information can be obtained by visiting: . These are programs not available at regular day school but can be taken online during school hours. Does require students to have competence with computers and the ability to spend a good chunk of time online. The courses are prepared by teachers, modifiable and will involve some face to face time with students – being designated means staff time can be dedicated to this component of the course. Students can take 2 a year, courses are semestered so a work around will be required to accommodate Malvern’s schedule.

·  Malvern also seeking to be certified as a Specialists High Skills Major to recognize those kids who don’t go on to post-secondary education right away. Students would self select a stream – there are two -> Mixed which is College/University and Workplace – their diploma would recognize the certification for research or work experience. Will require linkages for placements with universities and workplaces, we find out in May if we are successful.

·  Physical Plant Report: 1. Based upon parental feedback – the entire second floor was repainted 2. Order for school sign has been placed with trustee 3. Safe Schools – based on the blast email re: Code of Conduct – parents are asked to review this with their kids. There have been incidents of graffiti and vandalism. ** Parents are asked to scan their children’s books and school supplies – is their a lot of “tagging” on their books or spray cans/markers that would not appear to be used for school – suggest having a conversation concerning what those items are for. As well – parents are strongly encouraged to prevent kids from bringing expensive electronics to school and if they do to lock them up and NOT share their locker combo with anyone and especially not to leave them in the dressing room during gym etc. Lastly – no lighters or laser pens to be brought to school.

·  Allergies and medical concerns: Line reviewed measures undertaken at school to ensure risks to students with severe food and chemical allergies are minimized. All teachers receive anaphylaxis training, are asked not to wear scented products and there is a defibrillator in the office. A parent offered to donate used epi pens for teachers to practise administering.

·  Upcoming dates: April 2nd – Grade 10 EQAO Literacy test – students involved in the testing will be asked to be at school at 8:45 that morning, all other students not coming to class till the afternoon. Detailed information will be going out to parents. Students will also receive an assembly to prep.

·  Student Report – many are participating in a “Vow of Silence” on Friday – will involve a variety of means of non-communication measures. Following week is Peace Week with a number of activities including the Sport-a-thon on March 12th that runs from 5 pm – 7am – very well supervised. Students sign up and raise $ for both internal sports support and the charity “Right to Play”.

·  Earth Hour is being celebrated at Malvern on Friday March 27th from 2-3 p.m.

·  The Malvern band is participating in the Sounds of Toronto at Massey Hall on April 2nd.

6.  Vice-Principal’s Report:

·  “Bubble” Day is Thursday, March 5th for student course selections. 100 students have still not handed in the paper version so parents asked to check if they have been asked to sign the form yet.

·  Ongoing professional development for teachers – the board is taking the transition from Grade 8 to 9 very seriously – as a result a series of workshops for teachers on numeracy, literacy and cognitive development are being held with recognition of the various ways in which different children learn.

·  Online Academic workspace – hoping to be operational by the Fall – will be inside the TDSB firewall so safe and secure for communication.

7.  Boardwalk Ball – Angela Wall

·  Date booked for Friday, May 22nd at Historic Fort York – time to be confirmed but likely 7:30 – 11:30.

·  Capacity is 150 seated – doesn’t include students who will be performing – weather permitting they will be on picnic tables outside.

·  Angela considering a number of catering options including a Malvern parent

·  Hopes to have tickets available for April meeting - $30 this year

·  Needs lots of volunteers to assist – will circulate a list for next meeting

·  Also needs donations for the silent auction

·  Wants to confirm date for 2010 event by June of this year also

8.  Malvern Retro Athletic Wear Fundraiser: Red & Black Society almost ready to send survey. Discussed a variety of other sources to circulate the survey including Beach Metro News and local churches with lots of Malvern alumni as members. Will go out in email blast in new few days.

9.  Onward Malvern Foundation – meeting of current Board members is April 8th but looking for a number of new volunteers to take on a variety of roles and who can commit 5-6 hours a month. Letter will be going out to parents.

10.  Other Business: Nanci let people know about the premiere of the documentary “Stronger Than Fire” which is a profile of Holocaust survivor Eva Olsson – being held at Beach United Church – east campus on Sat. March 28th at 7 pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for youth – sending a flyer to Line to post. Tickets available through Linda Torrance at: 416-691-2845.

11.  Next meeting: Tuesday, April 7th at 7pm.