The Scarlet Pimpernel - Vocabulary

Chapters I – III Vocabulary
aristocracy / a governing body or upper class usually made up of nobility; privileged class
audacity / boldness or arrogance
carnage / great and usually bloody slaughter or injury
ci-devant / former (French); having been (something) previously
citoyen / citizen (French)
effectual / producing or able to produce a desired effect
equanimity / evenness of mind especially under stress; composure; right disposition; balance
execration / the act of cursing or denouncing
foppish / characteristic of a man who is devoted to or vain about his appearance; foolish or silly
fraternity / the quality or state of being as brothers
impudent / bold; lacking modesty; with a disregard of others
indignity / an act that offends against a person’s dignity or self-respect; insult; humiliating treatment
inherent / belonging by nature or habit
insularity / having or reflecting a narrow viewpoint; characteristic of an isolated people
notoriety / the quality of being well-known or talked about; widely and unfavorably known
peremptory / expressive of urgency or command; characterized by arrogant self-assurance
rendezvous / a meeting at an appointed place and time
rubicund / having a healthy reddish color; ruddy
semblance / outward appearance or show; a small portion or limited quantity
sovereign (n.) / one that exercises supreme authority; an acknowledged leader
stolid / Unemotional
tyrant / an absolute ruler unrestrained by law; a ruler who exercises absolute power in a brutal way
vengeance / punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense; retribution
wretch / a miserable person; one who experiences great misfortune; a vile person
zeal / eagerness or interest in pursuit of something; fervor
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Vocabulary
Chapters IV - VI Vocabulary
abash / to destroy the self-confidence of something or someone; disconcert; embarrass
affectation / an unnatural form of behavior usually intended to impress others
ardent / showing or having warmth of feeling; passionate; zealous or devoted
bereft / not having something needed, wanted, or expected
capacious / able to contain much or many; roomy or spacious
conciliatory / to bring into agreement; to reconcile; to gain the goodwill or favor of
denounce / to condemn openly or publicly; to accuse; to announce the end of
eccentricity / something that does not follow an established pattern, norm, or rule; unusual behavior
emphatic / tending to express oneself in forceful speech or action; attracting special attention
endow / to provide with money for support or maintenance; to furnish with freely or naturally
epistle / a formal letter
filial / of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter; having the relation of a child or offspring
imbecile / a fool or idiot
inane / lacking meaning or a point; silly
insolence / disrespectful or rude speech or conduct; showing boldness or rudeness
jovial / full of or expressing good humor
peril / the state of being in danger of injury, loss, or destruction; immediate danger
preposterous* / making little or no sense
tariff / a list of taxes placed by a government on imported goods
vehemence / great force or energy; highly emotional; forcibly expressed
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Vocabulary
Chapters VII - IX Vocabulary
bereaved / having lost a loved one through death
bereft / deprived of somebody or something loved or valued; lacking in something desirable
decorum / dignity or good taste that is appropriate to a specific occasion
dexterous / physically skillful, esp. in using the hands and manipulating objects; quick-witted
ennui / weariness and dissatisfaction with life that results from a loss of interest
or sense of excitement
exonerate / to free somebody from blame, guilt, or obligation
flippant / showing a lack of seriousness that is thought inappropriate; offhand or dismissive
flourish / continuous strong growth; to be strong and healthy or grow well
foreboding / a feeling that something bad is going to happen; a premonition; a bad omen
gallant / courteous and thoughtful—especially toward women; brave and honorable
holocaust / mass destruction, especially of human life; a sacrifice or burnt offering
idyllic / serenely beautiful, untroubled, and happy
ingenuity / cleverness and originality
pall / a gloomy mood or oppressive atmosphere
purport / to claim to seem to be something or somebody; to intend to do something
quaint / with a charming old-fashioned quality; strange or unusual in a pleasing way
reprisal / a strong or violent retaliation for an action that somebody has taken; payback
shrewd / showing or possessing intelligence, insight, and sound judgment;
based on good judgment and probably correct
vagary / an unpredictable or eccentric change, action, or idea
vehement / expressed with or showing conviction or intense

The Scarlet Pimpernel - Vocabulary

Chapters XIII - XV Vocabulary

allay / verb – to make quiet; to calm, as a storm; to pacify, as a quarrel; to relieve as pain or distress; syn. alleviate; ant. excite, arouse, intensify
foray / noun – a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory especially to obtain something; a raid; syn. assault, strike
ormolu / noun - a gold-colored alloy of copper, zinc, and sometimes tin cast into desired shapes and often gilded, used especially in the eighteenth century for decorating furniture and making ornaments.
sallies / noun – sudden changes out of a besieged place against the enemy; a sortie
syn. sorties, charges, attacks, forays
verb – make a military sortie
sortie / noun – an attack made by troops coming out from a position of defense.
syn. charge, assault
verb – come out from a defensive position to make an attack

The Scarlet Pimpernel - Vocabulary

Chapters XVI - XVIII Vocabulary

aught / pronoun – anything at all
caprice / noun – a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior;
syn. quirk, whim
divined / verb – discovered (something) by guesswork or intuition;
syn. infer, surmise, discern
foible / noun – a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character;
syn. failing, flaw, shortcoming
jabot / noun – an ornamental frill or ruffle on the front of a shirt or blouse, typically made of lace
jeunesse dorée / noun – young people of wealth, fashion, and flair.
keen / adjective – 1. sharp or penetrating, in particular; 2. having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm; syn. anxious, intent, determined, impatient
noisome / adjective – 1. literary: having an extremely offensive smell;
2. disagreeable; unpleasant; syn. revolting, repulsive, repugnant
punctilious / adjective – showing great attention to detail or correct behavior
syn. conscientious, diligent
somnolent / adjective – sleepy; drowsy; syn. languid, tired, groggy