
Internet use in Primary Education

·  The Internet is an essential element in 21st Century life for education, work and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience, to prepare our children for work and study in the outside world and as part of our vision to create an E-Confident school

·  The purpose of Internet use in school is to raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staff and to enhance the school’s management information and business administration systems.

·  Internet use is a part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for staff and pupils.

The Internet as a Tool

·  The Internet allows access to world-wide educational resources including museums and art galleries; the National Grid for Learning (NGfL), and school Blogs and Class Dojo stories for both pupils and staff.

·  Fast communication links to support services, professional associations and colleagues.

·  Fast exchange of data with the DfE.

Enhancing Learning

·  Use of the Internet will be built into curriculum planning for all subjects to specifically enrich and extend the learning process.

·  Staff will guide pupils in on-line activities that are planned to support the learning outcomes for the pupils’ age and ability.

·  Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the Internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location and retrieval.

·  Pupils and staff will use the Internet on a regular basis to enrich their learning, allow greater communication between pupils and staff and to encourage regular assessment for learning.

Filtering of Internet content

·  If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL (address) and content must be reported to the Computing Coordinator. Our school operates a strict filtering system, differentiated for pupils and staff members and monitored by One Education.

·  Crossacres ensures that the use of Internet derived materials by staff and pupils complies with copyright law.

·  Pupils should be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and know that material is not necessarily valid just because it is on the Internet.
·  Pupils will be taught to acknowledge the source of information and to respect copyright when using Internet-based material in their own work.
·  The Computing Coordinator and Headteacher will have permission to allow specific websites to be accessed, bypassing the filtering system. This will take place under guidance from One Education.
·  Pupils will be made aware of the consequences of attempting to subvert the filtering system.

·  The school will work in partnership with One Education to ensure systems to protect pupils are reviewed and improved regularly.

·  If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL (address) and content must be reported to the E-Safety Co-ordinator or Headteacher.

·  Filtering strategies will be selected by the school in discussion with the filtering provider, where appropriate. Where possible, the filtering strategy will be selected to suit the age and curriculum requirements of the pupils.


Connecting Outwards

·  The school runs a website, school blog, Facebook account and Twitter account.

·  The point of contact on the Internet should be the school address, school e-mail and telephone number. Staff or pupils’ personal information will not be published on social media, the school website, Class Dojo or the school blogs.

·  Photographs on the Internet that include pupils will be selected carefully and will not enable individual pupils to be identified.

·  Pupils’ full names will not be used on areas of the Internet that are accessible to the public.

·  Written permission from parents or carers will be obtained before photographs of pupils are published on the Internet.

·  The Computing Coordinator will take overall editorial responsibility and ensure content is accurate and appropriate for all online publications.

·  The copyright of all material must be held by the school, or be attributed to the owner where permission to reproduce has been obtained.

·  All year groups are to embed Internet Safety into their Computing Curriculum and all pupils are to be familiar with the CEOP Think U Know Website and the CEO Report button (embedded on the school website)
·  Pupils are responsible for any content they upload to the school’s Blogs or Class Dojo stories. Pupils are taught to report any material they are unsure of and individual class teachers are responsible for ensuring that all content on their sections of the website are appropriate.
·  Pupils and staff are aware of the importance of keeping their passwords secure and private when using the school computing system.

E-Mail Management

·  Staff should only use the school e-mail account to e-mail external organisations.

·  The class e-mail account may be used by pupils under supervision of the class teacher.

·  The class teacher has responsibility to ensure that no abuse of the e-mail facility occurs.

·  E-mail sent to an external organisation should be written carefully and authorised before sending, in the same way as a letter written on school headed paper.

Social Networking Sites

·  Pupils will not be allowed access to public chat rooms or Newsgroups, such as MSN, Facebook, etc. This is due to concerns that young people may upload content that is inappropriate, offensive or illegal to their online spaces; posting material that could damage their reputations or the reputations of others. Equally they may post inappropriate comments to the profiles of others, which can result in the bullying, slander or humiliation of others. The school firewall will not allow such websites.

·  Pupils in Upper KS2 will be taught how to use a variety of social networking sites in a safe and socially responsible manner.

·  Crossacres is aware that bullying can take place through social networking sites. Crossacres Primary Academy does not tolerate any form of bullying through social networking sites. Any incidents are referred to the Computing Coordinator and the Headteacher. Parents will be notified.

·  The school implores all teachers to discuss E-Safety with children during Computing sessions. The school discusses E-Safety during Computing based assemblies. E-Safety posters are displayed around the school. E-Safety is an integral part of the Crossacres Computing Curriculum, accounting for one third of the overall curriculum and running throughout all computing activity.

·  Pupils will be told never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them and/or their location. Examples would include real names, addresses, mobile or landline phone numbers, school attended, IM and E-mail addresses, full names of friends, specific interests and clubs etc.

·  Pupils should be instructed not to place personal photos on any social network space at school or outside of school. They should consider how public the information is and consider using private areas. Advice should be given regarding background detail in a photograph which could identify the student or his/her location eg. house number, street name or school.

·  Teachers’ official blogs or wikis should be password protected and run from the school website. Teachers should be advised not to run social network spaces for student use on a personal basis.

·  The safe use of all of these tools is taught in the Crossacres Computing Curriculum.

·  Pupils are not permitted to use Mobile phones in school.

·  Staff are instructed not to discuss or display details of their workplace on social networking sites and are advised to regularly check who has access to their information.

Risk Assessment

·  In common with other media such as magazines, books and video, some material available via the Internet is unsuitable for pupils. The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the international scale and linked nature of Internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a school computer. The school cannot accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences of Internet access.

·  The use of computer systems without permission or for inappropriate purposes could constitute a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990.

·  Methods to identify, assess and minimise risks will be reviewed regularly.

·  Any unauthorised loss of sensitive or personal data must be reported to the Headteacher immediately.

·  The Computing Coordinator / Headteacher will ensure that the Internet Use Policy is implemented and compliance with the policy monitored.

Password Security

·  A safe and secure username / password system is essential and will apply to all Academy technical systems, including networks, devices and email.

·  All users will have clearly defined access rights to Academy technical systems and devices. Details of the access rights available to groups of users will be recorded by the Network Manager.

·  All Academy / academy networks and systems will be protected by secure passwords that are regularly changed

·  The administrator passwords for the Academy / academy systems, used by the technical staff must also be available to the Headteacher and Computing Coordinator.

·  Passwords for new users, and replacement passwords for existing users will be allocated by the Computing Coordinator.

·  All users (adults and young people) will have responsibility for the security of their username and password, must not allow other users to access the systems using their log on details and must immediately report any suspicion or evidence that there has been a breach of security.

·  Users will change their passwords at regular intervals – as described in the staff and student / pupil sections below

·  The level of security required may vary for staff and student / pupil accounts and the sensitive nature of any data accessed through that account.

Staff passwords:

·  All staff users will be provided with a username and password by the Computing Coordinator, who will keep an up to date record of users and their usernames.

·  The password should be a minimum of 8 characters long and should include three of – uppercase character, lowercase character, number, special characters

·  The password must not include proper names or any other personal information about the user that might be known by others

• Temporary passwords e.g. used with new user accounts or when users have forgotten their passwords, shall be enforced to change immediately upon the next account log-on

• Passwords shall not be displayed on screen, and shall be securely hashed (use of one-way encryption)

·  Passwords should be different for different accounts, to ensure that other systems are not put at risk if one is compromised and should be different for systems used inside and outside of school.

Student / pupil passwords:

·  All users will be provided with a username and password by he Computing Coordinator, who will keep an up to date record of users and their usernames.

·  Students / pupils will be taught the importance of password security.

·  The complexity (i.e. minimum standards) will be set with regards to the cognitive ability of the children.

Cyber-Bullying and Abuse

Cyber-bullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to cause hurt, upset, stalk, intimidate or humiliate another person on more than one occasion.

·  Crossacres Primary Academy acknowledges that cyber-bullying is a serious issue that can affect our children and cause severe emotional trauma, damage and disruption.

·  Bespoke E-safety schemes of work are delivered to each year group in Spring and Autumn terms, of which cyber-bullying is a major component.

·  Overall responsibility for dealing with issues arising from cyber-bullying lies with Mr. Higham and Mrs. Blay.

·  E-Safety assemblies are delivered each half-term in order to raise awareness throughout the school.

·  Posters offering advice and highlighting reporting routines are displayed around the building.

·  Children are taught that cyber-bullying that takes place outside of the school is still an issue that the school will deal with through the behaviour policy.

·  Should any form of abuse be experienced, children are told to take screenshots of any offending messages and to bring these into school (either via email or through print-outs)

·  Support will be provided to the victims of cyber-bullying and their immediate families.

·  Illegal activity witnessed online will be reported to the police.

·  Crossacres will liaise with parents wherever issues of cyber-bullying or abuse occur.

·  Any other forms of abuse via electronic communication will be dealt with by Mr. Higham and Mrs. Blay.

Policy Roll-out to Pupils

·  Rules for safe Internet access will be posted near all computer systems.

·  Pupils will be informed that their Internet use will be monitored.

·  Instruction in responsible and safe use should precede Internet access.

Staff Consultation.

·  All staff must accept the terms of the ‘Responsible Internet Use’ statement before using any Internet resource in school.

·  Staff should be aware that Internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user. Discretion and professional conduct is essential.

·  The monitoring of Internet use is a sensitive matter. Staff who operate monitoring procedures should be supervised by senior management.

·  Staff development concerning safe and responsible Internet use and on school Internet policy will be provided as required.

Computing System Security

·  There will be a regular review of network security.

·  Appropriate security measures are in place, via MGL and One Education to protect the servers, firewalls, switches, routers, wireless systems, work stations, mobile devices etc from accidental or malicious attempts which might threaten the security of the Academy systems and data.

·  Virus protection will be installed, monitored and updated regularly on all devices.

·  Security strategies will be discussed with technical support partners, particularly where a wide area network connection is being planned.

·  Personal data sent over the Internet will be encrypted or otherwise secured.

·  Use of staff USB drives is permitted, provided that a virus scan is conducted.