MY “final” personal fitness improvement plan

And FINAL evaluation

Physical Education Class

DUE ______

WORTH 200 points

This is your final plan for the School year. IT SHOULD ONLY BE TURNED IN TYPED. You may re-create this form, type directly on it OR enter the information onto the google form that will be provided to you.

It may be emailed, shared or printed and handed in traditionally. When it says “list” or “define” complete sentences are not necessary.

For this plan, you must complete all of the following tasks:

1) Personally self-reflect on your personal performance, improvements, and needs in each of the areas of physical fitness

AS well as overall activity level before you entered 9th grade until now. Suggested minimum 1 paragraph per portion of this prompt.

2) Write a minimum 2 paragraph summary of how exercise and physical activity contribute to BOTH physical health and overall wellness.

3) List the difference OR define the 3 main types of exercise: Interval, Continuous, and Circuit


5) DEFINE and EXPLAIN: FIT Principal

6) Briefly explain difference between Dynamic and Static stretches and when each category is most beneficial to be used

7) List at least 5 (or more) physical activities/sports/games/etc from class that you participated in THIS YEAR and enjoyed Point out any activity you plan on trying to continue at least as a “for fun” recreational activity by yourself or with friends.

7) Complete a chart listing each FITNESS component, your current performance for each (using the fitness tests), your required Healthy Fitness level for your age/gender as determined by Cooper Health Institute, and if applicable, your personal goals. THEN, go to question 8

Fitness Component / My most recent performance based on fitness tests / My Healthy Fitness Level/Healthy Fitness zone
according to Cooper Institute / What are my personal goals for this section. Since you are no longer going to be in class, you can skip this section UNLESS you do have a personal goal
You’d like to see occur
Aerobic Capacity
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance for CORE (abdominal)
Hamstring Flexibility
Lower Back Function

8) Evaluate your performance and improvement from your September Baseline scores until the Final fitness tests.

Examine EACH component, the changes you made, and your thoughts about the changes. What are did you improve the most on? What area was most difficult for you to improve on? Is there any area you still did not pass? Why do you think that is? Opinions are permitted but be realistic with what you’ve been taught all year. Minimum 2 paragraphs