My Path to Success

Imagine as if you could see into your future… what would you see? For this assignment you will create a timeline for where you see yourself in the future (include at least 20-30 years). You will mark specific events on the timeline and the approximate dates those will happen. For example you can use graduation from high school and/or college as a goal, finding a job, buying a house, starting a family etc. Use your assignments and worksheets you have completed thus far to help aid you in your timeline. You will turn the worksheets in on the same date as the project for separate points.

To get the best grade possible on this project you must include:

-Plan for at least the next 20-30 years

-Label dates for the time that an event will occur

-Must include and label on the timeline at least 5 short term goals, 5 long term goals and 1 SMART goal

-Pictures to help illustrate and make it interesting

-Short write-up of about 1-2 paragraphs (a paragraph being at least 5 sentences) about what your short term goals and long term goals are and describe your SMART goal and how your values play into your goals and dreams

Your Path to Success is due on ______

My Path to Success

Imagine as if you could see into your future… what would you see? For this assignment you will create a timeline for where you see yourself in the future (include at least 20-30 years). You will mark specific events on the timeline and the approximate dates those will happen. For example you can use graduation from high school and/or college as a goal, finding a job, buying a house, starting a family etc. Use your assignments and worksheets you have completed thus far to help aid you in your timeline. You will turn the worksheets in on the same date as the project for separate points.

To get the best grade possible on this project you must include:

-Plan for at least the next 20-30 years

-Label dates for the time that an event will occur

-Must include and label on the timeline at least 5 short term goals, 5 long term goals and 1 SMART goal

-Pictures to help illustrate and make it interesting

-Short write-up of about 1-2 paragraphs (a paragraph being at least 5 sentences) about what your short term goals and long term goals are and describe your SMART goal and how your values play into your goals and dreams

Your Path to Success is due on ______

Timeline Rubric

1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / Comments
Goals clearly marked on timeline
5 short term goals
5 long term goals
Write-up includes goals and SMART goal and values and how they fit in timeline
Neat, creative, show solid effort

Total ______/50

Timeline Rubiric

1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / Comments
Goals clearly marked on timeline
5 short term goals
5 long term goals
Write-up includes goals and SMART goal and values and how they fit in timeline
Neat, creative, show solid effort

Total ______/50