Universal Service Fund

Average Schedule Company Data Definitions


Average Schedule company expense adjustments for high loop costs are calculated each year using a formula developed by NECA. This formula is a statistical model of the average cost per loop of each Average Schedule study area. It simulates the cost per loop that would be obtained for each study area if individual categorized cost data were used. The method conforms to the formula-based method of cost calculation used for all other Average Schedule company interstate settlements pursuant to Part 69.606(a) of the Commissions rules.

NECA files full description and justification of Average Schedule formulas on October 1 of each year pursuant to Commission rules. The filing describes data, formula development methods, and results of the Average Schedule Expense Adjustment study that support the Annual Universal Service Fund (USF) Data Submission. The study develops a loop to line ratio, cost company categorization factors, and, for each sample Average Schedule study area, the several components that comprise loop cost, total USF loop cost, and expense adjustments. Finally, the study develops a formula to distribute expense adjustment dollars among the population of qualifying Average Schedule study areas.

datadefa.wpd1March 19, 1999

Data File Identifier Data

Column Variable Name Description of Data Item Line Format

Universal Service Fund

Average Schedule Company Data Definitions

A / SAR_ID / Exchange Carrier Study Area Code / N/A / 7.
B / SAR_ABBR / Study Area Name Abbreviation / N/A / $20.
C / CC_ID / Exchange Carrier Study Area Code / N/A / 7.
D / CC_ABBR / Common Control Abbreviation / N/A / $20.
E / T_ / Tier / N/A / 2.
F / S_ / Subset / N/A / 2.
G / PRD / USF Data Collection Period / 040 / 4.
H / F / File / N/A / $2.
I / CL / Calculation Method / N/A / $2.
J / ST / State Abbreviation / N/A / $3.
K / EXCH / Number of Exchanges Within the Study Area / N/A / 5.
L / USFLOOPS / Category 1.3 Loops / N/A / 11.
M / SAR_CPL / Study Area Cost Per Loop / N/A / 8.2
N / NACPL / National Average Cost Per Loop / N/A / 8.2
O / ANNPAY / Annual Expense Adjustment / N/A / 15.2
P / MOPAY / Monthly Expense Adjustment / N/A / 15.2
Q / USFURR / USF Unseparated Revenue Requirement / N/A / 15.2
R / SAR_CPLU / Study Area Cost Per Loop Unlimited / N/A / 8.2
S / NACPLU / National Average Cost Per Loop Unlimited / N/A / 8.2
T / ANNPAYU / Annual Expense Adjustment Unlimited / N/A / 15.2
U / MOPAYU / Monthly Expense Adjustment Unlimited / N/A / 15.2
V / USFURRU / USF Unseparated Revenue Requirement Unlimited / N/A / 15.2
W / CORPLPUL / Corporate Operations Expense Unlimited / N/A / 8.2
X / CORPLPLM / Corporate Operations Expense Limit per Loop / N/A / 8.2
Y / CORPLMCD / Corporate Operations Expense Limited Code / N/A / $2.
Z / CORPLMAT / Corporate Operations Expense Limited Amount / N/A / 11.

datadefa.wpd1March 19, 1999

Data File Identifier Data

Column Variable Name Description of Data Item Line Format

Universal Service Fund

Average Schedule Company Data Definitions

Notes to Table

Data File Identifier - Column: Excel file Column Name

Data File Identifier - Variable Name: Data Column descriptor on Excel file

Description of Data Item: Data Collection item definitions

Data Line: Data Collection line numbers

Format: Excel file field format


6. 6 character numeric, no decimals

11.211 character numeric, 2 decimals

$1. 1 character alphanumeric

datadefa.wpd1March 19, 1999