Melbourne Metro Rail Authority

December 2017

Important notice


This Registration of Interest (ROI) is issued by Melbourne Metro Rail Authority (MMRA) on behalf of the State of Victoria (State). This ROI is being distributed to facilitate interactions in relation to the procurement of services to deliver the Regional Rail Revival program (Regional Rail Revival).


The information subsequently supplied or given in connection with the Regional Rail Revival by MMRA is confidential and accordingly any such information may not be published, reproduced, copied or disclosed to any person, other than the recipient’s employees and professional advisers, or used for any purpose other than as contemplated by this ROI.

The recipient must not make any public statement, press release or other communication relating to the information contained or subsequently supplied or given in connection with Regional Rail Revival without the prior written approval of the State.


This ROI is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision. No part of this ROI constitutes a recommendation, offer, invitation or solicitation in relation to the Regional Rail Revival. Recipients must conduct their own independent review, investigations and analysis of the prospective works and rely entirely on such reviews, investigations and analysis and not on this ROI.

This ROI has been provided to the recipient for information purposes only and upon the express understanding that the recipient will use it only for the purposes and on the conditions set out in this ROI. MMRA reserves the right to decline to send further information to any respondent to this ROI.

No guarantee, representation or warranty (express or implied) is given by or on behalf of the State (including without limitation its employees, agents, associates and advisors) as to the quality, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this ROI or any other information supplied by or on behalf of the State or that reasonable care has been taken in compiling or preparing any information.


By retaining this ROI and submitting a ROI response, recipients acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the terms of this ROI.




1.2Scope of works


1.4Packaging and procurement

2.Purpose of Registration of Interest

2.1Purpose of ROI

2.2Selection to participate in future market interactions

3.Instructions for registering interest

3.1General instructions

3.2Additional information for respondents

APPENDIX A: ROI Response Schedule

  1. Introduction
  2. Background

Over the last 30 years, regional Victoria’s economic, social and cultural landscape has changed significantly. The evolution of the regional economy has been influenced by geography, services, industries, infrastructure, and proximity to Melbourne.

Today regional Victoria contributes more than $65 billion to the economy annually, is responsible for almost a third of the State’s exports, is home to a third of the State’s small businesses and attracts more than 13 million tourists annually.

The regional rail network provides the backbone of the regional transport system. Across regional Victoria, train services are delivered each week across 1,747 km of rail track, while over 41 million bus and coach kilometres are travelled each year. The public transport network connects those living in regional areas to jobs, education and health services, whether they be in Melbourne or other regional centres such as Geelong, Ballarat or Bendigo.

Over the previous decade, major investments such as Regional Fast Rail and the Regional Rail Link have changed the way people in regional areas travel, drawing an ever-larger area of the state into the commuter catchment of Melbourne. They have progressively supported the growth and prosperity of key regional centres and their surrounds. These investments together with a range of other factors have however led to unprecedented surges in demand over the past decade, placing ever greater pressure on the ageing infrastructure network that supports regional service provision. The V/Line rail network now carries nearly 50,000 passengers on a typical weekday, an increase of nearly 100 per cent in the past decade, andpatronage across the entire metropolitan and regional networks is forecast to almost double over the next 10 years.

The $1.57 billion Regional Rail Revival program is a joint initiative of the Australian and Victorian governments and includes major upgrades across every regional passenger train line in Victoria, creating over 1,000 jobs. MMRA is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Regional Rail Revival program on behalf of the State.

1.2Scope of works

Regional Rail Revival includes the following packages:

Ballarat Line Upgrade ($518 million for Stage 1 and $39 million for Stage 2)

  • Ballarat Line Upgrade Stage 1 includes:
  • Track duplication between Deer Park West and Melton
  • Rockbank station upgrade, platform extensions and new carpark
  • Additional platform and pedestrian link at Bacchus Marsh, Ballan and Wendouree stations
  • Removal of stabling facilities at Bacchus Marsh and track duplication
  • New stabling facilities at Maddingley
  • Passing loops at Ballan and Millbrook
  • Track duplication at Wendouree
  • Signalling upgrades and track improvements
  • Ballarat Line Upgrade Stage 2 includes:
  • Signalling upgrades and track improvements
  • Developing stabling facilities Ararat stabling

Bendigo Line Upgrade ($91 million)

  • Signalling upgrade from Bendigo to Eaglehawk
  • Signalling upgrade from Bendigo to Epsom
  • Track speed upgrade from Bendigo to Echuca

Geelong Line Upgrade ($110 million)

  • Additional platform and pedestrian link at Waurn Ponds station
  • Armstrong Creek transit corridor planning

Gippsland Line Upgrade ($435 million for Stage 1 and $95 million for Stage 2)

  • Gippsland Line Upgrade Stage 1 includes:
  • Level crossing upgrades
  • Track duplication between Bunyip and Longwarry
  • Additional platform at Bunyip, Longwarry, Morwell and Traralgon stations
  • Upgrade drainage at Morwell River
  • Track duplication between Traralgon and Morwell
  • Track duplication extension near Moe east towards Traralgon
  • Extend Morwell crossing loop
  • Signalling upgrade and remove stabling facilities at Traralgon
  • Gippsland Line Upgrade Stage 2 includes:
  • Replace the Avon River Bridge

North-East Corridor Upgrade ($140 million)

  • Track improvements to Albury / Wodonga
  • Donnybrook station upgrade
  • Wallan station upgrade
  • Supporting infrastructure for new standard gauge trains

Shepparton Freight Network Planning ($10 million)

  • Identify infrastructure improvements to enhance freight capacity

Warrnambool Line Upgrade ($114 million)

  • Crossing loop at Boorcan or Weerite
  • Signalling upgrade from Waurn Ponds to Warrnambool
  • Level crossing upgrades

A high-level summary of the Regional Rail Revival scope is provided in Figure 1-1. Further information on the Regional Rail Revival can be found


With demand for passenger and freight services increasing, addressing constraints on the regional rail network is critical in delivering improved connectivity and productivity in Victoria's regions. The multi-dimensional demographic and service changes have led to more complex demand patters that go beyond the work commute into Melbourne. Trips are increasing between major regional centres for education, medical services, commerce, creating the need for ‘regional city metros’ as part of the regional train service landscape.

Regional Rail Revival includes projects to address the resilience and reliability of the regional network and to give regional cities and towns the infrastructure necessary to support more reliable and frequent services. Regional Rail Revival will better connect communities, meaning more frequent and reliable train travel for regional Victorians.

These priority projects have been selected to address population and patronage growth across regional Victoria. These projects will remove bottlenecks on the rail network and improve rail network resilience. They will enhance reliability and passenger improvements by focussing on signalling, track speed and track infrastructure upgrades resulting in service improvements and improve passenger facilities at regional stations.

Regional Rail Revival – Registration of Interest1

Regional Rail Revival – Registration of Interest1

1.4Packaging and procurement

MMRA has been working with Transport for Victoria (TfV) to prepare a delivery strategy. It is anticipated that the main construction works for the delivery of Regional Rail Revival will be delivered through a number of works packages using both Competitive Alliances, and Design & Construct (D&C) delivery models and will be subject to further due diligence and stakeholder feedback, including through any future market interactions.

The proposed timing for the commencement of the procurement process for the work packages from 2018.

Table 1-1 Preliminary Regional Rail Revival packaging

Proposed project packages
Ballarat Line Upgrade Stage 1
  • Ballarat Line Upgrade Stage 1 is already in the procurement phase and being delivered by MMRA.
  • A consortium consisting of Lendlease Engineering, Coleman Rail and SMEC Australia has been selected as the construction contractor.

Ballarat Line Upgrade Stage 2:
  • Signalling upgrades and track improvements
  • Developing stabling facilities Ararat stabling

Bendigo Line Upgrade:
  • Signalling upgrade from Bendigo to Eaglehawk
  • Signalling upgrade from Bendigo to Epsom
  • Track speed upgrade from Bendigo to Echuca

Geelong Line Upgrade
  • Additional platform and pedestrian link at Waurn Ponds station
  • Armstrong Creek transit corridor planning

Gippsland Line Upgrade Stage 1:
  • Level crossing upgrades
  • Track duplication between Bunyip and Longwarry
  • Additional platform at Bunyip, Longwarry, Morwell and Traralgon stations
  • Upgrade drainage at Morwell River
  • Track duplication between Traralgon and Morwell
  • Track duplication extension near Moe east towards Traralgon
  • Extend Morwell crossing loop
  • Signalling upgrade and remove stabling facilities at Traralgon

Gippsland Line Upgrade Stage 2:
  • Replace the Avon River Bridge

North-East Corridor Upgrade:
  • Track improvements to Albury / Wodonga
  • Donnybrook station upgrade
  • Wallan station upgrade
  • Supporting infrastructure for new standard gauge trains

Shepparton Freight Network Planning
  • Identify infrastructure improvements to enhance freight capacity

Warrnambool Line Upgrade:
  • Crossing loop at Boorcan or Weerite
  • Signalling upgradefrom Waurn Ponds to Warrnambool
  • Level crossing upgrades

  1. Purpose of Registration of Interest
  2. Purpose of ROI

The purpose of this ROI is to allow MMRA to:

  • develop an understanding of organisations that are interested in the Regional Rail Revival and have the requisite experience and capability and capacity to potentially deliver one or more Regional Rail Revival work packages;
  • establish a structured process for greater interaction, information sharing and ‘market testing’ of the proposed packaging and procurement approach, key commercial principles, processes and timing for the delivery of Regional Rail Revival
  • provide an opportunity for respondents to this ROI to commence discussions between potential major contractors, rail systems and signalling providers and other relevant providers and advisers via the Industry Capability Network Gateway, noting that MMRA would not be facilitating any such discussions.

It should be noted that the ROI process is not a pre-qualification for the formal procurement process, which is currently proposed to commence in 2018.

2.2Selection to participate in future market interactions

The information provided by respondents in the ROI Response Schedule (Appendix A) will be used by MMRA in its sole and absolute discretion to determine whether a respondent will be invited to participate in future, pre-procurement process, market interactions.

In exercising its discretion, the MMRA will consider respondents for participation in such future market interactions based on each respondent’s capacity to meet either of the following two criteria:

  1. VicRoads Pre-Qualification:

Respondents must hold the required level for any of the following VicRoads Pre-qualification Scheme categories:

  1. Road Construction R3 or higher;
  2. Bridge Construction B3or higher;
  3. Bridge Design – Structures Simple (SS) or Structures Complex (CS); or
  4. Proof Engineering – Structures (PE).


  1. Capacity and Capability

Respondents mustdemonstrate the required financial capacity and organisational capability to undertake the proposed works by:

  1. revenue (in Australia or internationally) for the 2016-17 financial year of greater than of AUD50 million; and
  2. experience of, or be currently involved in, large scale (i.e. greater than AUD50 million) rail or civil construction, design or rail signalling contracts.

Potential respondents who do not satisfy the above criteria and who may wish to participate in one or more of the Regional Rail Revival work packages and/or offer their services to a potential tendering organisation should register their details with the Industry Capability Network Gateway at

  1. Instructions for registering interest
  2. General instructions

MMRA is now seeking ROIs from suitably experienced and qualified major contractors, rail systems and signalling providers and other relevant providers and advisers who may be interested in tendering for packages of work. Organisations that are interested in participating in tendering for one or more packages of work are encouraged to register their interest.

Responses to this ROI should be provided in accordance with the information outlined in the ROI Response Schedule. No other information is to be submitted.

Responses to this ROI are to be submitted by email to:


Respondents may submit their responses at any stage from the release of this ROI and should note that it is MMRA’s discretion to close and not consider responses after a certain point in time.

3.2Additional information for respondents

Respondents to this ROI should note:

  • MMRA may have discussions with organisations that do not submit a response to this ROI
  • respondents should register interest as individual entities (partially or fully formed consortium structures are not required to be registered at this stage)
  • ROI responses should contain the minimum information set out in the attached ROI Response Schedule
  • a decision not to submit an ROI will not preclude an organisation from participating in the formal procurement process
  • any information made available to respondents that are invited to participate in future, pre-procurement process, market interactions is expected to be made available to all respondents prior to the release of any tender issued by MMRA in relation to the procurement of the Regional Rail Revival work packages
  • while not required for the purposes of responding to this ROI, respondents will need to demonstrate their compliance or ability to comply with all State Government requirements on or before the execution of any agreement in relation to the procurement of any package of works

In addition to the State Government requirements, and while not required for the purposes of responding to this ROI, given that the Regional Rail Revival is jointly funded by the Federal Government, respondents will also need to demonstrate their compliance or ability to comply with all Australian Government requirements on or before the execution of any agreement in relation to the procurement of any package of works including with respect to the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 (the Building Code) which commenced on 2 December 2016.

APPENDIX A: ROI Response Schedule

Respondents wanting to register their interest must respond by providing the information outlined in this Response Schedule. It should be noted that information not requested in this Response Schedule will not be considered.

The response is to be limited to six pages in total.

Responses should address each of the following:

1Contact details

Key Contact:
Office Address
Alternate Contact:
Office Address

2Business Overview

Brief overview of the respondent’s business including:

(a)major areas of operation;

(b)capacity relative to the estimated scope and capital cost of the Regional Rail Revival packages of work; and

(c)the regions in which the respondent operates.

3VicRoads pre-qualification

Interested Parties which are prequalified under any of the following VicRoads Pre-Qualification Scheme categories must provide evidence of their current qualification against the relevant category:

  1. Road Construction R3 or higher;
  2. Bridge Construction B3or higher;
  3. Bridge Design – Structures Simple (SS) or Structures Complex (CS); or
  4. Proof Engineering – Structures (PE).

4Organisational Capacity and Capability

Interested Parties must provide the following information in addition to, or in lieu of, demonstrating the relevant VicRoadsPre-Qualification category above.

a)Organisation Key Financials and Employee Information

Australia / Total
Annual turnover ($AUD)
Profitability (net profit after tax) ($AUD)
Number of employees

b)Relevant Experience

Brief description of no more than four recent relevant projects that the respondent has been engaged on, including the project name, value, client organisation and the respondent’s specific role.

5Interest in Regional Rail Revival work packages

Indicate the Regional Rail Revival work package(s) that the respondent may wish to participate in.

Y / N
Bendigo Line Upgrade
Geelong Line Upgrade
Gippsland Line Upgrade (Stage 1)
Gippsland Line Upgrade (Stage 2)
North-East Corridor Upgrade
Warrnambool Line Upgrade

6Further Information

Brief description of any additional information that would be beneficial to understand in relation to the respondent in the context of the Regional Rail Revival.


I, [insert name], on behalf of, [insert company name], acknowledge that I have read the 'Important Notice' on page 2 of the Registration of Interest document, I agree to comply with the terms contained therein and warrant that I have the authority to make this acknowledgement on behalf of [insert company name].


Regional Rail Revival – Registration of Interest1