
School Menu for w/c Monday 12th Juneis ‘Week 1’

Attendance and Lates

School Target 2016/2017: / 96.50%
Attendance week ending 9th June: / 94.90%
Attendance Year to date: / 96.46%
Lates: / 7

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year, we can’t quite believe there are only six more weeks left. There are lots of events and activities to take place this half-term so please keep an eye on the diary dates listed below.

Year 6 Residential Visit to Blackpool

The children and staff have been having a fantastic time in Blackpool this week. We hope you have been keeping up to date with all their exciting adventures by visiting the school blog at

Growing-Up Talk

Nurse Jo will be in school on Monday 12th June to give a ‘Growing-Up’ talk to the children in Year 5 & 6. Letters were distributed to the children this week; please return the form if you do not want your child to take part.

Class Visits

The following educational visits are taking place next week:

  • Monday 12th June - Nursery Class will visit Gentleshaw Wildlife Centre and Year 4 will visit Stoke Synagogue.
  • Tuesday 13th June – Reception Class will visit Stoke TenPin, Festival Park.


  • Bags-2-School

Our next Bags-2-School collection will be held on Tuesday 13th June. Bags must be dropped at school no later than 9.00am on Tuesday morning. Any bags brought into school after this time unfortunately cannot be accepted. Please ensure you read the instructions on the bag for what can and can’t be included.

  • Gift Stall

The PSFA will be holding their popular Father’s Day gift stall on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th June. Gifts will be priced from £1 to £5. Please make sure you put your child’s money into a named envelope or purse.

  • Summer Disco

The PSFA are holding a summer disco for children in KS2next Friday 16th June from 5.00pm to 6.00pm. Entrance is £2.00 per child which will include drinks and sweets and should be paid on arrival at the disco. Please note that the school gates will be locked throughout the disco to ensure the safety of the children.

A disco will be held for KS1 children on Friday 23rd June from 3.15pm to 4.15pm and for Foundation Stage on Friday 30th June from 3.15pm to 4.15pm. Further details will be provided in next week’s newsletter.

Year 5 York Residential Meeting

A meeting is being held on Tuesday13th June at 3.30pmto provide parents with further information about the residential visit to York. Medical forms have been distributed to the children today; please complete and return to school by Wednesday 14th June.

Bikeability – Year 6 pupils

Our Year 6 pupils will be taking part in their Bikeability training on Thursday and Friday next week. Please ensure that your child remembers their bicycle and their helmet. Bicycles must be in full working order and roadworthy to take part. Children should put their bicycles on the grass just through the wooden gates. Children can bring a change of clothes into school to wear during their session. Clothing must include suitable shoes, trousers or leggings (not dresses and skirts) and a waterproof coat!

Class Photos

We would like to remind you that Academy Photographers will be in school on Monday 19th June to take photos of each class, school sports teams and music groups.

Father’s Day Breakfast

A reminder for those dads who have booked to have breakfast with their child next week, this will take place on Wednesday 14th June for children in KS2 and on Thursday 15th June for children in Foundation Stage and KS1. Breakfast will be served from 8.00am to 8.45am followed by an activity with the children. All activities should finish by 9.30am.

Little Owls

The activities next week are:

Monday – Bug and bee prints Tuesday – Paper flowers

Wednesday –Surprise patterns Thursday – Beautiful butterfly Friday – Rainbow string print


‘Who Let The Dads Out?’

Please see the attached poster for information about an event being hosted at school by The Loggerheads Benefice on Saturday 17th June.

Summer Term 2017 Diary Dates – Parent Copy

(Updates in Red)

Date / Event
Monday 12th / Year 5 & 6 Growing-up talk
Nursery Class – Educational Visit to Gentleshaw Wildlife Park, Eccleshall
Year 4 – Educational Visit to Stoke Synagogue
Tuesday 13th / PSFA Bags 2 School collection
Reception Class – Educational Visit to Tenpin Bowling, Festival Park
Year 5 Residential Visit – Information meeting for parents @ 3.30pm
Wednesday 14th / Father’s Day Breakfast KS2
PSFA Father’s Day Gift Stall
Thursday 15th / Father’s Day Breakfast Foundation & KS1
Year 6 Bikeability
PSFA Father’s Day Gift Stall
Friday 16th / Year 6 Bikeability
PSFA KS2 Summer Disco 5.00-6.00pm
Monday 19th / School photographs – class groups / sports teams / leavers
Tuesday 20th / Year 5 Residential visit to York
Friday 23rd / Year 5 return from York
PSFA KS1 Summer Disco 3.15-4.15pm
Wednesday 28th / Reception Class Assembly 9.00-9.30am
Friday 30th / PSFA Foundation Stage Disco 3.00-4.00pm
Monday 3rd / Year 6 - Madeley High School Induction Day
Madeley High School New Parents Information Evening – 6.30pm
Tuesday 4th / Year 6 - Madeley High School Induction Day
Reception Induction 8.50-10.30am
Wednesday 5th / Sports Day
PSFA Committee meeting 6.30pm
Thursday 6th / Year 5 D&T Technology Challenge at Madeley High School
The Grove – Parents Information Evening
Friday 7th / Reception Induction 8.50-11.45am
Year 6 Production - Dress Rehearsal 2.00pm
Monday 10th / Reports Issued
Tuesday 11th / Reception Induction 8.50-11.45am
Year 6 Production – Main Show to parents 6.00pm
Wednesday 12th / Year 2 Class Assembly 9.00-9.30am
Parents’ Drop-In Session 3.30-5.30pm
Thursday 13th / Year 2 Residential visit to Llandudno
Friday 14th / Year 1 Educational visit to Llandudno
Year 2 return from Llandudno
Tuesday 18th / Year 6 Leavers’ Night
Thursday 20th / Leavers’ Assembly – 10.30am
Friday 21st / School Closes for the summer term