Minutes of Lakeroad School Council
September 13, 2017 – 6:00 pm
Present: Tammy Bendel, Helen Bergen, Christine Bramham, Tanya Codling, Melissa Dent, Jackie Gibb, Pauline Henderson, Elaine Johnson Sine, Lisa MacDonald, Michelle McLaughlin, Bevin Perdu, Valerie Rochon, Lesley Smith, Sheila Ward
1.Welcome & Introductions
2.School Council Policy & Procedures
a.See Handouts- LKDSB School Council Meetings & School Councils, A Guide for Members
- Highlighted focus on finding a Community Member to sit on council. Someone who isn’t a parent of a child at Lakeroad/does not work for the LKDSB.
3.School Council 2017-2018 Elections
- Chair – Lesley nominated Pauline for Chair position. Pauline accepted.
- Co-Chair – Melissa nominated Lesley for Co-Chair position. Lesley accepted.
- Treasurer – No nominations. Lesley volunteered to continue doing this role. School council members agreed.
- Secretary – Melissa nominated Christine for Secretary position. Christine accepted.
4.Principal's Report
a.2017-2018 Lakeroad Staff
FDK- Mrs. Kedwell & Miss Sulkye (ECE)
SK/ Grade 1- Mrs. Clarke
Gr. 1/2- Mrs. Crooks
Gr. 3/4 – Mrs. Norcross
Gr. 4/5- Mrs. Perron
Gr. 6/7- Ms. Schultz
Gr. 7/8- Mrs. Dent/ Ms. Fortney-Blunt
French- Mme. Ciccone
Resource- Mrs. Murphy
EAs- Mrs. Timmermans, Miss Nicolai, Mrs. Yazdani
Secretary- Mrs. Bramham
Custodian- Ms. Hyde & Mr. Gillard
b.Special Events & Activities
i.Saidat (today)
ii.Open House- September 19, 5-7PM
- Discussed having the same set-up as last year (BBQ, Band etc.) It was suggested for Teachers to be in their classroom for families to go in and visit with the teacher. Gives families the option of seeing the room and creates a “comfortable feel”. There will be a bake sale table set up as well inside the school. Spirit Wear will be sold at a later date. Tanya is still looking at different vendors.
iii.Every Child Matters (Orange Shirt Day)- September 28
- "We Are Still Here" Screening "
- Melissa Dent has organized a screening of “We Are Still Here” at Grace United Church. She will be taking the Gr. 7/8 students from Lakeroad and has invited intermediate classes from other schools to join. Cathcart, Errol Road & King George have confirmed. Still waiting on Rosedale. LKDSB Mental Health Lead, Ellie Fraser, has also been invited. The film will start at 11 a.m. Orange shirts have been ordered for staff. Pauline suggested sending home Shirt Order Forms with students.
Lesley suggested that a new event day be added to the School Calendar. Friday, October 13th. Alliance Jersey Day
- Students are to wear a jersey to school. Lesley is going to try and arrange to have a sting player come to the school on that day. This will help show students togetherness and being a team.
c.News from the Ministry of Education
i."Pause" for one year on all Accommodation Reviews (school closures)
ii.Continued focus on improving math achievement & student wellness
5.Hot Lunch Plans
- Dates were set in June for the 2017-18 school year. It was decided that Hot Lunch Days will be held on Mondays (Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 15, Feb. 5, Mar. 5, Apr. 9, May 7, June?). The Hot Lunch committee consist of Tanya, Lesley & Elaine. Volunteer forms are to be sent home for any other parents/grandparents etc. who are willing to help out with Hot Lunches.
- Elaine talked with John from Dattolo’s about possible options for Hot Lunch. He has offered individual lasagna for $5.00. Can also provide Spaghetti, Meatballs & Subs. He is a local business. School council gets their hot dog buns from Dattolo’s for Hot Dog Day.
- Allergies to be mindful of – Nuts, Fish – Coconut is no longer an allergy at Lakeroad.
- Looking for possible new ideas for Hot Lunch Days. Eliminate Taco Day – It was a lot of work for the Hot Lunch Committee and not all students enjoyed it. Sub day instead?
- Bevin mentioned doing a Holiday Feast in December for the Holidays. Have a set up in the gym where all students come down and can enjoy a turkey lunch together. She thought it created a nice sense of community and it was fun for all the kids to get together for a “special” meal. A school her daughter previously went to had theirs catered by Personal Touch Eatery on Mitton Street. They provided all the food, hot plates etc. and parent volunteers baked cookies for dessert. Pauline asked Bevin to put together a proposal and present to council.
- Apples from Zekvelds. Last year we sold 323 bags which brought in a little over $1000. Lesley is hoping to have Apple Order Forms sent home on Friday. Order Forms will be due to the office onOct. 2 and apples will be delivered on Oct. 6. Lesley looked into selling potatoes, carrots and onions but timing wasn’t working out as they wouldn’t be available before Thanksgiving. If we held off and sold apples when the other produce was available apples would have been more expensive and not as many options. It was beneficial to stick with apples and skip the potatoes, carrots and onions.
- Hot Lunch Days – Small mark-up
- Lakeroad will be continuing with the Sheet Sale fundraiser.
- Vendor Event in November, Online Auction in April.
- Dance & Bake Sales have been planned to happen throughout the year (Oct/Jan).
- Tanya suggested a Dance-A-Thon as a fundraiser. Good way to raise money and a lot of fun for students. Pauline asked Tanya to put together a proposal.
7.Financial Report
- School Council Bank Account is currently sitting at $2,082.31 with an outstanding invoice for $485.45 for School Planners which will be paid this month.
- Plans for School Council money:
- Yoga – School Council will cover the cost of yoga for every student in JK-8
- Graduation Dinner for each Gr. 8 student and 3 guests. Approx $1035.
- Snack for Jump Rope for Heart.
- Last Hot Lunch Day in June is free for each child. They will receive a hot dog, juice, a bag of chips, and veggies. Anything over and above the student will be responsible for purchasing.
- Lisa will be asking staff at the next staff meeting if there is anything that they would like for the school. Anything that Lisa finds appropriate and that cannot be covered by the school budget will be brought to council at the next meeting.
- Pauline noted that in the past School Council has paid for: resource bins, iPads, iPad chargers, pancake lunch, transportation for class trips.
- Lesley put forth a motion that our extra funds in our bank account be used to help cover the cost of an educational extracurricular activity. Each classroom will receive up to $150. Tanya and Michelle seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
- Noelle’s Gift of Fitness. Lisa will talk with teachers about this event and request artwork.
- Healthy Snacks will be starting within the next few weeks. Lisa received an introductory email this week. School funds are currently being used to purchase snacks for the office. Pauline asked if there was anything that Council could help provide until the Healthy Snacks starts. Nothing is needed at this time.
- Graduation – School council has agreed to help cover the cost as seen in the Financial section of the agenda.
- Pauline will be sending out an email to ask for volunteers for the bake sale. She is looking for help with running a table, providing ziplock bags, providing baked goods etc.
- Lisa handed out a survey at the end of the meeting with questions on how we individually feel our School Council runs/effectiveness. It can be handed into the office anonymously and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Next meeting: Oct. 11, 2017 at 6 p.m.