Achievement Tests-tests designed and distributed by the state of Ohio and given at third grade level in Reading and Math. Results distributed to parents
APE-Adaptive Physical Education
AR-Accelerated Reader-a computer program that assesses comprehension after a student reads a book
Building Block- Kindergarten learning: forms the foundation for content objectives
Conference Room-room in the main office area where meetings are often held
Diagnostic Tests-tests designed by the state of Ohio to assess progress of kindergarten, first, second, and third grade students. Given throughout the school year as needed.
DAP-Developmentally Appropriate Practice
DRA-Developmental Reading Assessment-an assessment given periodically in first, second, and third grade to determine a child's reading level
ESL-English as a Second Language-program designed to assist foreign language students in the public school system
Flag Patrol-third grade volunteers who take care of raising and lowering the flag daily
IAT-Individual Assistance Team-team of teachers at each grade level who meet to discuss students with academic or behavioral concerns in the classroom
IEP-Individual Education Plan-for students who have tested into the Learning Disabled or Cognitively Disabled Program and need a modified program to support school learning
InView Test – standardized cognitive assessment used the by district for third grade
Loaning Library-Books and videos pertaining to behavioral and emotional issues in children available for parents to borrow (in the library on a blue cart)
MFE-Multi-factored Evaluation -meeting of parents, school psychologist, principal, teacher, and other staff members to report findings from individual tests given by the school psychologist
OT-Occupational Therapy
PT-Physical Therapy
PALS-(Parents Actively Linked with Schools) Parents and caregivers of Broadway students who want to support various activities in the building by volunteering their time.
PTC- Parent Teacher Club-Parents and families of Nevin Coppock students who want to support various activities in the building by volunteering their time
Phonics Dance-song and movements used to help students internalize sounds and blends
Red Ribbon Week-week in October when entire school celebrates being drug-free with special daily activities
Safety Patrol-group of third grade student volunteers who are trained to help children cross the street before and after school
Related Arts-Gym, Art, Music and Library on a weekly rotating basis
STAR-a computerized reading assessment that is individualized
Student of the Month-student is chosen monthly to represent an exemplary character quality
Student PIN-number assigned to individual student to memorize and used in lunch line (cafeteria) when buying his/her lunch (three digits)
Student Agenda-assignment notebook owned by each student to write down daily assignments and notes from school. Begins in first grade
Study Island-Computer-based program used to reinforce Math and Language Arts skills in grades 2-8
TCEP- Before- and after-school program for Tipp City Students housed at Tipp Central (fee)
Terra Nova Test-standardized academic assessment, aligned with state standards
Volunteer-parent or community member who wants to donate time to help with school activities
Word Wall-commonly used words placed on a designated wall in the classroom.
WOW-Word of the Week-Special word chosen weekly and assigned to a specific class to define and share thoughts about how it is tied in with the Character Education Program
YPP- Yearly Progress Pro- for grades two and three, covers math, reading, and language arts in weekly computerized entries per individual student