ACS CINF Education Committee
Meeting Minutes, Atlanta, March 25, 2006
In attendance: Grace Baysinger, Sue Cardinal, Jeremy Garritano, Patricia Kirkwood, Adrienne Kozlowski, and John Martin.
1) Going on at this meeting:
· Meaningful Employment: What is Career Development and Mentoring in Chemical Information? Sunday, 2-4 pm
· Crossfire and DiscoveryGate Training
· SciFinder Scholar Solutions (Sunday)
· Wednesday CHED symposium on using technology in education looks interesting. (Page TECH-29, Section A in official program) Maybe a member of the committee can attend and report back to the group.
2) Trisociety Symposium FYI
· This year ASIST will organize at the DASER Conference. They would like to see the conference broadened beyond chemistry. The CINF Executive Committee will be investigating further.
3) BCCE (*Information Obstacle Course: Successfully Incorporating Chemical Information Into Your Curriculum *Teaching Students About Copyright and Plagiarism)
· July 30-August 3 at Purdue University
· Because of the large number of workshops submitted, our workshop was not accepted. Portions of the workshop will now be incorporated into the Information Obstacle Course symposium. Patricia has volunteered to teach these sections. She hopes to have the modified sections done by the end of April and would appreciate feedback from the committee.
4) Fall 2006 Program
· Chemical Information Instruction in the Electronic Age (Bartow)
· Leah Solla and Andrea Twiss-Brooks are working on another unnamed symposium on support for technology.
· We need to do a better job of having our symposia co-sponsored by other divisions.
5) Future Modular Workshops
· It was suggested Judith Currano coordinate this endeavor.
· Discussion on whether we can get a stamp of approval on the modules—from the ACS, or at least CPT??? Could these become official publications, having a review board for approval?
· Look at old workshops for ideas where to begin
· Modules must be simplified enough so a chemistry professor or non-chemistry person can teach them. Must remember the community colleges and the general chemistry courses where resources will be limited. (Maybe have advanced versions as well.)
· We should also consider related fields such as Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering since we have members with expertise in these areas.
6) Opportunities at ACS Regional meetings
· NERM 2006—Beth Brown and Leah Solla are coordinating a symposium on Open Access.
· Can we develop a set of modules, similar to out workshop, which could be taught at every regional meeting?
· The CHED Division always has a booth at the regional meetings. Could we start a pilot where we ask for some of their space and if all goes well, we would eventually have our own both next to CHED? We could develop additional hand-outs, National Chemistry Week for example, that could be given away. There is a committee or taskforce on regional meetings that we might contact to get further information (contact: Mort Hoffman, Boston University?)
· Poster Sessions at regional meetings are usually for undergrads, so we should not pursue this track.
· 2YC3 Conference is for Technical Community Colleges (preparing students for industry) and Community Colleges (preparing chem students for 4 year institutions). Are we ignoring them? Is there a place for us at this conference?
7) Brainstorm Ideas for Future National Programming
· The members in attendance individually brainstormed ideas for future programming and the lists were given to Sue Cardinal.
8) Brainstorm Ideas for supporting small college science librarians
Did not get to this agenda item.
9) Vision of Chemical Information Instruction Clearinghouse
· The CINF-CIC collaboration is discussing this on a large scale, including a possible grant proposal to get it started.
· Modules discussed in Item 5 would be a good start for items to be deposited in the Clearinghouse.
10) Our website
· Sue Cardinal agreed to take a look at the committee web site and work with Rick Williams to add information about current projects, etc.
11) Teaching and Using Chemical Information Bibliography
· Judith Currano is updating this , but is having trouble tracking down appropriate titles since “libraries” combined with “chemistry” is turning up many false hits.
12) Chemical Information Teaching Standards for Graduate Students , possible collaboration with SLA Chem Div Information Literacy Committee
· We do want to collaborate. Sue will investigate our involvement with Judith Currano.
13) Brainstorm ways to get others involved and Ideas for help wanted ads for committee website
· It was suggested that the Chair of the CINF Education Committee be a member the CHED Division. CINF could pay for this.
· If we want more exposure and to drum up more members, we might consider publishing articles and/or notices/call-for-papers in the CHED Newsletter.
· More we can do at regional meetings, the more librarians and educators we can attract to our sessions and as new members to the division.
· The issue of attendance was brought up. It was suggested that we start holding members to a stricter attendance policy.
· Grace Baysinger will be a member for 2006-2008
· We should survey the consultants to see how they might be able to help with our various projects. But we should also have want ads on the CINF web site and information in new member packets about how other can get involved as well.
14) Others?
Patricia Kirkwood was made a consultant of the CINF Education Committee.