HSE Site Management Reviews
PDO MD/DMD, Asset Directors and Chief Executive Officers of Contractor Companies have committed time and focus on the HSE Management Site visits to coastal and interior work sites.
The involvement of the highest level of management in the 4 Must Wins and Business Plan implementation and monitoring, demonstrate to the general work force top management leadership and commitment to HSE.
This booklet provides a checklist to assist Directors and Chief Executive Officers carry out an assessment of the Progress against Business Plan & Management of HSE in the field.
2.0Visit Organisation
2.1Annual Schedule
The visits are part of the annual PDO Corporate HSE Business Plan and will be conducted every two months. 3 visits by MD/DMD each.
2.2Travel Arrangements
Individuals are requested to book land transport and air flights well in advance.
2.3Visit Programme
It is the responsibility of the Host Asset Director and Area Co-ordinator to prepare a detailed 4 MWs review programme which should be agreed with the Director one week before the visit.
The visit schedule is attached.
Template: Appendix 1
2.4Visit Team
The Management team should comprise;
- PDO Asset Director
- Scheduled Must Wins Champion
- Contractor CEO
- Host Asset Manager
- HSE focal point.
- Contract Holder
- Host Asset Rep (Coast & Interior)
In order to focus on the 4 Must Wins, it is recommended that the 4 Must Win Champions along with the 4MW team leads visit the asset to drive the implementation and progress of the 4 Must Win.
2.5Visit Report
The host Director shall upate progress against the 4 MWs and Corporate HSE Business Plan & additionally note the key points raised by the visiting team and compile a report with actions to be implemented.
The contents of the report should be agreed with the Director and copy issued to all visit team members.
3.0The Visit
3.1Pre visit meeting
Schedule a pre visit meeting between the Asset Director and the Must Win champions, to be held a few days before the visit to agree on objectives of the relevant agenda, roles, responsibilities and scope of the visit. The timing for each item on the programme should also be discussed.
3.2MD/DMD Management Site Visit
The most important principle guiding this HSE Site Management Reviews is to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the 4MWs as per the HSE Business Plan, rather than unsafe acts and unsafe conditions on site. Therefore the Director will present an update of progress against the 4MWs as per the 2009 HSE Corporate Business Plan.
This will include the Scheduled Contractor Business Plan update against the 4 Must Wins.
3.3 Open Forum
2 hour discussion time to allow for site staff, both from PDO and contractor, to discuss & raise issues to the management that will help in improving 4MWs implementation in turn improving the HSE performance:
Attached is a list of topics for discussion but not limited to:
- HSE performance
- How can we improve HSE Performance?
- What do staff need to achieve HSE improvement?
- What are the HSE concerns?
The above discussions should be Site specific.
3.3Preparation Checklist
Before you leave Home:
Flight Arranged?Own Vehicle checks?
Journey Management?
Accommodation arranged?
Preparation file?
Personal Protective Equipment?
Before you go to site:
Ensure you get Safety BriefingGive a briefing to the site team on 'objectives' of the visit
Discuss the previous inspection results