Fees: Adults £35 Initial / £30 Renewal Students £25 Initial / £20 renewal Juniors £10
Please complete and return to your club Membership Secretary who will retain a copy and send to:
Arnold Rothwell, KDS Administrator, PO Box 317 TOTTON. SO40 0BD
Family name / TitleGiven names / Date of Birth
School College University*
Home Address
Including post code
Telephone Number
Email address
Term time address*
(*only applicable to students) Including post code
Date started practice
Ethnicity (Please tick) / Caucasian / Black African / Indian / Black other
Bangladeshi / Black Caribbean / Chinese / Pakistani
Other (Please specify):
Have you ever suffered from, or do you suffer with any illness or disability?
If yes, please give details overleaf: / Yes/No
Have you ever been convicted of a crime of violence, or of any offence at Crown Court? If yes please give details overleaf. /
I wish to become a member of KDS and, if accepted, I promise to uphold the honour of Karate-Do and to follow the practice methods laid down by the association’s principal, Mr. Mitsusuke Harada. I understand that I am not authorised to instruct. I confirm all the details given by me are correct.
Signed Dated
If applicant is under 18 consent of Parent or Guardian is required:
Signed (Parent/Guardian) Dated
N. B. Any health / criminal details will be kept confidentially on record by your club membership secretary and shared with the instructors, but may also be passed to the insurers, to the national KDS executive or to instructors in other clubs (if, for example, you are attending courses at other clubs). Your other personal details will likewise be kept by your club and national KDS for administration purposes including gradings. Agreement to such use is a condition of membership. Some clubs may also share your contact details with other club members. Please tick here 1 to let the club secretary know if you object to the latter.
Membership Application