Learning Framework

Session Title: MSK – Case 6 Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, learners will be able to:

  1. Identify key elements of osteoarthritis history
  2. List 3 assessment tools that may be useful
  3. Identity appropriate investigations
  4. Appropriate access of RACE line


Learning Framework

  • Osteoarthritis History
  • Patient Assessment and Follow- Up
  • Treatment and Medication Options
  • Personal Action Planning for Self Management

Patient Populations:

  • Bilateral Knee Pain Osteoarthritis
  • Female, 62 year old
  • Primary care practice

Patient / Condition / Issues / Tools
Ruth Ann, 62 years old / Bilateral knee pain, right worse than left, Medical and anterior joint area. Patient has BMI of 42 and uses a cane intermittently. . / Identification of moderate to severe OA not yet appropriate for surgery.
Not optimized in medication, exercise or weight management.
Follow up required for education and support.
Need for patient self management and care / Osteoarthritis History to differentiate inflammatory vs non-inflammatory
Functional Assessment for Activities of Daily Living
Medication discussion of benefit versus side effects
Personal Action Planning

Time: 30 minutes


  • Facilitator laptop connected to internet and projector with display screen
  • Wireless Network connection instructions projected on display screen
  • Power point slide deck
  • Tools(1 each per attendee)
  • Session Evaluation Forms(1 per attendee)
  • Handout(1 per attendee)


  1. GPAC Osteoarthritis Guidelines.
Time / Topic / Delivery Format
3 min / Introductions and Session Overview / Didactic presentation
1 min / Objectives / Didactic presentation
15 min / Case study / Facilitated conversation
10 min / Questions / Q&A
2 min / Review and Wrap-up / Didactic presentation, Evaluation forms
  • How many participants can identify osteoarthritis versus inflammatory arthritis.
  • Can participants list 3 assessment tools that may be useful?
  • Can participants identify appropriate management strategies.
  • Can participants facilitate patient self management planning. ?

Learning Framework


Time / Directions / Slide Showing
[10 min before session starts] / Pre-session facilitator preparations
  • Show slide on Objectives
  • Set up room
  • Introduce yourself to participants as they come in
/ Slide 4
3 min / Introductions and Session Overview
  • Welcome, encouragement to learn and appreciative of time commitment
  • Use Tent cards with learners name and practice location.
  • Session Facilitator introduces profile of group and asks that each participant introduces self on first time speaking.
  • Show Slide 2&3 and briefly go over disclosures
/ Slide 1
Slide 2&3
1 min / Objectives
  • Show Slide 4 and review intended learning objectives:
By the end of the session, learners will be able to…
  • Identify key elements of osteoarthritis history
  • List 3 assessment tools that may be useful
  • Identity appropriate investigations
  • Appropriate access of RACE line
/ Slide 4
15 min / Case Study (Jonathon ,31 – Inflammatory Back Pain)
Present case information one slide at a time, pausing where appropriate to solicit participant input
Slide 5- what else would people want to know from history (before slide 6)
Slide 6- ask audience- what assessment tools would they use?
Slide 7- before physical exam slide, ask the audience what kind of things they’d look for
Slide 14
Slide 17- Ask audience about determination of appropriate referrals for investigation and consultation.
*Use the handout resources which will help guide you in facilitating participant questioning and discussion at key points
[Timing reminder: you have about 2 minutes to cover each slide] / Slides 5-18
10 min / Questions
  • Ask if the audience has any questions
  • Discuss questions and ask if participants have other responses to offer
/ Slide 18
1 min / Wrap-up
  • Briefly summarize session
  • Give overview of resources
  • Review learning objectives and ask if they were achieved
  • Hand out evaluation forms – ask participants to complete before leaving room
  • Thank participants for their participationand provide take-home resource
/ Slide 19-21