Welcome to the Glenwood City Elementary (GCE) 2016-17 School Year

By Betsy Haltinner, Elementary Principal

I hope you and your family are enjoying summer. The experiences and memories that you create together are a source that children draw upon during the school year. Please know they contribute immensely through connections that they will make; thereby enhancing their learning. While summer is quickly winding down our GCE staff continued serving students through our summer school enrichment courses and the STARS program. Thank you for encouraging your child to participate in GCE summer programs.

Throughout the summer our schools have been under construction. We are excited to welcome students and families to our NEW and improved school. You will notice a new look to the front of the building. We will now have a designated parent drop off and pick up zone. Buses will have their own transportation lane for loading and unloading. Both lanes of traffic are one way. Additionally, the lower parking lot has been blacktopped and contains 106 parking spaces for families and staff. Several parking spaces have also been added to the front of the building for visitors.

The elementary office has been moved to the front of the building. During school hour’s visitors/families will enter through the main elementary doors (Entrance #8) and proceed into the elementary office to check in and receive a name badge.

Also new to GCE is the Innovation Lab. This space is designed to engage students and their teachers in thinking, creating, learning, experimenting and innovating. The lab is designed to facilitate 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Envision a learning space with comfortable seating, flexible in design, rich with tools to make things, spaces to collaborate in small groups and debrief as a large group. Technology tools are available, walls and floors can be projected on, and a variety of tools are utilized to engage students in the process of creating, making and thinking. You will hear purposeful chatter, conversations about ideas, and the development of a plan. You will see students and teachers engaged in teaching and learning.

See http://www.p21.org/our-work/4cs-research-series

The new school year will also bring some staff changes.

·  Mrs. Standaert is moving to our 4K program. She will also be providing academic support to our kindergarten and first grade classes.

·  Ms. Carey is moving to kindergarten.

·  Ms. Brenda Johnson will be joining the GCE team in Art.

·  Ms. Jodi Main will be joining the GCE team as our school nurse.

School will start each day at 8:20 and we will dismiss students at 3:20. Children should not arrive at school before 8:05 AM. Please remember that the doors will be unlocked from 8:05 to 8:20 each morning. After 8:20 parents and visitors can enter through the main doors (#8) and proceed into the elementary office to check in and receive a name badge. At the end of the day we ask that parents and families continue to meet students in the lobby area for pick up or utilize the drop off/pick up route in front of school.

GCE operates on a trimester calendar for grade reporting. This calendar provides more time to instruct, assess, and adjust instruction to address student needs in each marking period before a report card grade is computed. Grade periods will end on December 6, March 13, and June 8 with report cards prepared and sent home within the next week. Parent teacher conferences will continue to be held in conjunction with the middle and high school on October 13 and March 9.

Our GCE staff is looking forward to working with you and your child/children as we work to continue to provide quality curriculum, and rigorous and relevant learning opportunities that will help them grow academically, socially and emotionally.

As in the past, we will begin the year with a Student-Parent-Teacher Orientation. Student-Parent-Teacher Orientation will be considered the first day of school. You may come in at a time that is convenient for your family to meet their teacher(s), visit with the staff, bring in supplies and spend time in the school.

Student-Parent-Teacher Orientation 4K through 5th grade

Tuesday, September 6 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

·  Kindergarten through 5th Grade

o  The first full day of classes will be Wednesday, September 7.

·  4 Year old Kindergarten

o  The Monday and Wednesday class will meet for their first full day of class on Wednesday, September 7.

o  Tuesday and Thursday classes will meet for the first full day of school Thursday, September 8.

Improving Literacy will continue to be a focus at GCE! Topper Hour will continue to be an independent reading time. During this time our teachers will provide interventions that focus on skills requiring reinforcement, remediation or enhancement. Topper Hour allows us to continue to work towards the district’s mission of improving teaching and learning, enabling all students to achieve their highest standard of performance.

We are always looking for parent volunteers. The GCE Parent Teacher Committee is an organization of parents, teachers, administrators, and community members working together to enhance learning opportunities for GCE students. The PTC will meet throughout the year and new members are always welcome. Please check out our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gceptc/?fref=ts .

Additionally, we are looking for a parent representative to serve on our School-Wide Title I Leadership Team. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact Glenwood City Elementary School at (715) 265-4231 or email Betsy Haltinner at .

The GCE faculty and staff are looking forward to a successful 2016/17 school year. It is a privilege and a pleasure to serve you and your child/children. Thank you for sharing your students with us and please do not hesitate to email or phone with questions or concerns.


Betsy Haltinner, Elementary Principal

(715) 265-4231