IBM Radio Club

2008 Calendar of Events

Updated 10-03-2008 Check Udates

January 10th

Discussion items:

·  December Minutes

·  Calendar events for 2008

·  Elect club officers

·  Amend Club By-laws


February 7th

Discussion items:

·  Review January Minutes

·  Finalize by-laws amendments


·  Chattahoochee Challenge _02/_09/_08

·  Dalton Hamfest _02/_23/_08 Dalton, GA North Georgia Fairgrounds 501 Legion Drive Div: Southeastern Sect: Georgia


March 6th

Discussion items:

·  Review February Minutes

·  Meeting Movie Scarborough Reef DXpedition _Guy W4GBU___

1. On March 6th, Thursday at 7:00 PM the IBM radio clubinvites you to attend

a movie of the BS7H dxpedition to Scarborough Reef. This is the "official" one hour

movie produced and filmed by James Brooks, 9V1YC of Hong Kong. James is famous in

the Amateur Radio community for producing many fine videos of dxpeditions and

contests. His web site for these videos is


·  Kennehoochee Hamfest _03/_15/_08, 55th Annual Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club Marietta, GA Jim R. Miller Park 2245 Callaway Road Div: Southeastern
Sect: Georgia


April 3rd

Discussion items:

********* New Meeting Location for the balance of 2008, Classroom C************

*********The same room used for the March video***************

·  Review March Minutes

·  Decide where to have Field Day ______

·  Entry Level Amateur Radio Training - Class Planning

o  Discuss length

o  Possible Date and Times

o  Possible methods and resources

o  Instructors

o  Possible Training Locations

Antenna Repairs Schedule

  1. # People needed to test club antennas, Date ___/___/___
  2. Volunteers to help



·  Calhoun Hamfest _04/_26/_08, Sugar Valley, GA Sugar Valley Community Center 3295 Sugar Valley Road NW Div: Southeastern Sect: Georgia


May 1st

Discussion items:

·  Review April minutes

·  Field Day – Planning

  1. Who brings what
  2. Radios to be used
  3. Antennas to be used
  4. Food…


·  Movie – Micro-Lite Indian Ocean DXpedition to FT5XO, Kerguelen Island.

Written and filmed by James Brooks 9V1YC. One of the people on the DXpedition was Wes Lamboley, W3WL who lives in Marietta. We need PAQ Bob’s Laptop again…Ok’d 3-23-08

·  Saturday Breakfast (Date_5_/_10_/_2008) Location: Cracker Barrel at Franklin RD and Delk Road 09:00 AM Wives Welcome______


June 5th

Discussion items:

·  Review May Minutes

·  Finalize Field Day Plans


·  Field Day _06/_28/_08 and _06/_29/_08

·  Atlanta Hamfest _06/_07/_08 Marietta, GA Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Road
Div: Southeastern Sect: Georgia

·  Possum Trot _06/_21/_08 Chattahoochee Nature Center: Charles Turner


July 3rd

Discussion items:

·  Review June Minutes

·  Get approvals for September Open House: Name ______

·  Plan Fox Hunt for August: Name ______


·  Antenna Workshop Name ______/Date/Location______

·  Breakfast Date ___/___/___ Location ______

·  Gainesville Hamfest _07/_12/_08 Gainesville, GA Div: Southeastern Sect: Georgia


August 7th

Discussion items:

·  Review July Minutes

·  Plan Open House for September, Mac McGuirt (Planning Session)


·  Fox Hunt ______Location______

·  Ellijay Hamfest. 1729 So Main St. TI-145.170 -600 PL-100


September 4th

Discussion items:

·  Review August Minutes


·  Movie/Speaker

·  Breakfast Date ___/___/___ Location ______


October 2nd

Discussion items:

·  Review September Minutes

·  New Meeting Date = Third Tuesday beginning in November 2008

·  Plan December dinner location – Scalini’s

·  Movie-None Planned


·  Halloween Hikes Oct 17,18 & 24,25, 2008 Chattahoochee Nature Center Please Contact Charles K0CZR In Advance


November 18th

Discussion items:

·  Review October Minutes

·  Finalize December Dinner Plans

·  Movie/Speaker Subject:The next IBM radio club meeting is the Peter I - 3Y0X - Movie on November 18th, Tuesday at 7:30 PM

Don't miss this meeting - This is your chance.

Peter I Island, 275 miles off the west coast of Antarctica and south of most of the Antarctic bases, was one of the most wanted DXCC entities -- until twenty-one international ham operators plus a non-ham world traveler took on the daunting task of mounting the most costly DXpedition in history.

Considered by some to be the DXpedition of the Decade, this 3YØX DVD brings the danger and excitement right into your living room. See the helicopter flights, hear the howling storms and incessant wind, and struggle along with the team as they erect shelters and antennas.

Hear the huge pileups as heard from the bottom of the world at the bottom of the sunspot cycle.

Watch the daring rescue of a team member and three ship's crew members as they remove the last gear from the island.


·  Lawrenceville Hamfest _11/_01 and _11/_02/_08


December 16th

Discussion items:

·  No Formal Meeting

·  Radio Volunteers helpers will be invited to participate (Dutch Treat)


·  Christmas dinner get together _12/16/08_ Location _Scalini’s Restaurant_at 7:00 PM Please note it is not on Sunday this year! (directions will follow)
