Student’s Name Advisor’s Name Academic Year
Program Start Date Estimated Graduation Date
M.A. Curriculum (30 SH) / Semester/Year / Course # and Name / ENGL 5103: Proseminar - 3 SH
Theories & Methods (1 of 2) - 3 SH
/ Theories & Methods (2 of 2) - 3 SH
/ Medieval through early Renaissance
(to 1600, including Shakespeare) - 3 SH
/ 17th Century/Restoration/18th Century (including Early American) - 3 SH
/ 19th Century/20th Century - 3 SH
/ Rhetoric or Writing course (1 of 2) - 3 SH
/ Rhetoric or Writing course (2 of 2) - 3 SH
/ Elective (1 of 2) - 3 SH
Elective (2 of 2) or
ENGL 7990: Thesis - 3 SH
Other M.A. Requirements / Semester/Year / Description
/ Language Requirement
/ M.A. Comprehensive Exam or Thesis
Student’s Name Advisor’s Name Academic Year
Program Start Date Estimated Graduation Date
Section I - Completed by Student
STUDENT: After completing this section, forward the checklist and Annual Review Form to your faculty advisor. If you were in coursework or held an “I” grade in 2016, also attachan unofficial transcript anda copy of your strongest seminar paper or other written work from Spring 2016 or Fall 2016.
- Please give a narrative account of the scholarly work you have completed in the past year. Include coursework, exam work, and dissertation work, where relevant, as well as other work related to your graduate education (conferences, articles, fellowship applications, archival research, etc.). In addition, please explain briefly what have been focal points of your interest, engagement, and effort over the past year. We are interested in hearing about both the challenges you have faced as well as your accomplishments.
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]
- Please discuss your plans for your scholarly work in the coming year.
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]
- Please give a narrative account of your teaching in the past year, if applicable. Describe your teaching experience and any areas you have been working on in your teaching. What are your goals for your teaching going forward?
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]
- Please give a narrative account of your other service activities in the past year, if applicable. This could include service to the department and university such as organizing the EGSA conference, and volunteer or paid work related to your degree but not falling under scholarship or teaching.
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]
Section II - Completed by Advisor
ADVISOR: After completing this section, forward this document to the Graduate Office ().
Please give an account of your annual review meeting with the student.
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]
Section III - Completed by Graduate Studies Committee
Has this annual review adequately addressed the student’s progress toward the degree? If not, what additional items does the GSC ask the student and advisor to discuss or resolve?
[Type response here. Use as much space as you would like.]