Hosted by the Community Impact Council of Mesa County


This award recognizes exceptional philanthropic contributions by a governing board or advisory council member in Mesa County. The award will be presented to the board/advisory council member who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to philanthropy through financial and professional support and community involvement. Your organization is invited to nominate an outstanding current or past board (or advisory council) member who has demonstrated leadership and has hadextraordinary accomplishments as a board member.All nominees will be honored and the winner announced at the annual Community Impact Council Inspire Impact Breakfast onMarch 9th, 7:30 am at the DoubleTree.

The winner will receive recognition and $500 to be contributed to the nonprofit organization that submitted the nomination.


  • One nomination per organization.
  • Please list and answer all questions in the nomination narrative on no more than two (2) typed pages.
  • Please submit an electronic copy of the organization’s logoand a picture of the nominee to the email listed below.
  • A cover letter is not necessary.
  • No other attachments will be accepted.
  • Please note that you must include your nominee in your RSVP along with a registration fee.

FIRM DEADLINE: Friday, February 17th, 2017

(Postmarked or electronically submitted)

Nominations must be complete when submitted.

Sorry, no late nominations will be accepted.

Completed nominations may be submitted in two ways:

1)Email: Send nomination form, organizational logo and nominee picture via email as attachments to:

2) Mail: CIC Board Member of the Year Award

Community Impact Council

PO Box 3821, Grand Junction, CO 81502

2017 Board Member of the Year

Award Nomination Form



Title (if applicable):


Role of the nominee in the organization:



Title (if applicable):

Organization (if applicable):



Relationship to nominee:

Please provide a two- to three-sentence overview of your nominee for our presentation script.


  1. Please briefly describe your organization.
  1. Describe why you consider the nominee to be an exceptional leader.

3. How has the nominee helped in strengthening the board and/or the organization?

  1. What positive impact has the nominee’s leadership had on the organization’s staff?
  2. What impact has the nominee had on efforts outside of the nominating organization – the community as whole?
  3. Is there anything else you would like to add about this nominee?