Andy Wharton

Basketball Unit Plan

Class Goals:

Seventh grade students will have sufficient dribbling, passing, and shooting skills to play in a 3 on 3 tournament.

Content Outline:

1.  Dribbling

a.  Low control

b.  High speed

2.  Passing and Receiving

a.  Chest/bounce

b.  Two hand overhead

3.  Shooting

a.  Lay up

b.  Jump Shot

4.  Individual Defense

a.  Defensive position

b.  Scoot

Block Plan:

Day / Skill / Tasks / Time allotment
1 / Skills combine / Timed dribbling; Stationary shooting; Passing accuracy / 35 min
2 / Dribbling-
Low control
High speed / Informing: LC & HS
Extension: Everyone dribble across court first LC
then HS
Extension of HS: everyone dribble sideline to sideline and back see how many they can get in 30 / 10 min
15 min
10 min
3 / Dribble-LC & HS
2hand overhead / Extension of HS: everyone dribble sideline to sideline and back see how many they can get
Informing: Chest Pass, Bounce pass, and 2hand overhead pass
Extension: Partner passing using each type of
Extension: see how many times in 30 sec partners can pass with out dropping, do this using each type of pass once / 5 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
4 / Passing-chest, bounce,
2hand overhead
Dribble- LC & HS
Shooting-lay up
Jump Shoot / Extension- partner passing while running down court
Extension- Dribble tag- which team has most players left after 2 min
Informing- lay up and jump shot
Extension- scattered spots around basket one for every student take a shot get rebound then rotate
Extension- 2 line lay up drill / 5 min
5 min
10 min
8 min
5 / Shooting-lay up
Jump Shoot
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing-all skills learned
Individual Defense- Position, scoot / Extension- scattered spots around basket one for every student take a shot get rebound then rotate
Extension- 2 line lay up drill
Extension- Dribble tag-which team has most players left after 2 min
Extension- Passing to partner on the move
Informing- Position and scoot
Extension- getting in position and scooting on teachers signal / 5 min
5 min
5 min
5 min
10 min
5 min
6 / Individual Defense-
Dribble and Passing-
All skills learned
Shooting- lay up, JS / Extension- Partner shadow drill
Extension- Dribble tag- which team has most players left after 2 min
Extension- Passing to partner on the move-making at least 5 passes how fast can make it from one end to the other
Extension- 3 spots on each side of basket, 1 student on each side, how many shots in 30 sec must change spots every shot, if miss shot, rebound and shot a lay up / 5 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
7 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Extension- Partner shadow and ball steal drill how many steals in 30 sec
Extension- Dribble tag- which team has most players left after 2 min
Extension- Passing to partner on the move-making at least 5 passes how fast can make it from one end to the other
Extension- 3 spots on each side of basket, 1 student on each side, how many shots in 30 sec must change spots every shot, if miss shot rebound and shoot lay up / 5 min
10 min
8 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Extension- Partner shadow and ball steal drill how many steals in 30 sec
Extension- Dribble tag- which team has most players left after 2 min
Extension- Passing to partner on the move-making at least 5 passes how fast can make it from one end to the other
Extension- 3 spots on each side of basket, 1 student on each side, how many shots in 30 sec must change spots every shot, if miss shot rebound and shoot lay up / 5 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
9 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Application- dribbling and defense gauntlet
Application- Three pass game
Application- 3 people at a time must make 3 passes then take a shot or a lay up (no defense; dribbling aloud) see how many baskets can be made in 3 min. must start at half after every shot made or not / 10 min
10 min
15 min
10 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Application- dribbling and defense gauntlet-2 of each
Application- five pass game
Application- 3 people at a time must make 5 passes then take a shot or make a lay up (no defense; dribbling aloud) see how many baskets can be made in 3 min. must start at half after every shot made or not / 10 min
10 min
15 min
11 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Application- dribbling and defense gauntlet-2 of each
Application- five pass game
Application- 3 people at a time must make 5 passes (no pressure on passes) then live ball (active defense; dribbling aloud) see how many baskets can be made in 3 min. must start at half after every shot made or not; team keeps ball full 3 min / 10 min
10 min
15 min
12 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / Application- 3 people at a time must make 5 passes (no pressure on passes) then live ball (active defense; dribbling aloud) see how many baskets can be made in 3 min rebounding team must start at half after every missed shot; if made non-shooting team gets ball at half
Application- 3 people at a time must make 5 passes (pressure on passes) then live ball (active defense; dribbling aloud) see how many baskets can be made in 3 min rebounding team must start at half after every missed shot; if made non-shooting team gets ball at half

Informing of Tournament Rules and Play

/ 15 min
15 min
5 min
13 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / 3 on 3 tournament ½ court / 35 min
14 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / 3 on 3 tournament ½ court / 35 min
15 / Defense- DP, DS
Shooting- lay up, JS
Dribble-HS, LC
Passing- all skills
learned / 3 on 3 tournament ½ court / 35 min

Informing Task List:


a. Low control

Day 2- Students will all line up on sideline demonstrate each step of the low control dribble while teacher explains and demonstrates.

b.  High speed

Day 2- Students will all line up on sideline demonstrate each step of the low control dribble while teacher explains and demonstrates.

Passing and Receiving

a.  Chest/bounce

Day 3- Students will partner up and line up one on each keyline facing each other. They will practice each step of the chest and bounce without the ball as the teacher explains and demonstrates each.

b.  Two hand overhead

Day 3- Students will partner up and line up one on each keyline facing each other. They will practice each step of the two hand overhead pass without the ball as the teacher explains and demonstrates each.


a.  Lay up

Day 4- Students will line up facing basket on the foul line and foul line extended. Students will perform each step of the lay up while the teacher explains and demonstrates them.

b.  Jump Shot

Day 4- Students will line up facing basket on the foul line and foul line extended. Students will perform each step of the jump shot while the teacher explains and demonstrates them.

Individual Defense

a.  Defensive position

Day 5- Students will line up on the baseline and perform the steps of defensive position while the teacher explains and demonstrates them.

b.  Scoot

Day 5- Students will line up on the baseline and perform the steps of defensive scoot while the teacher explains and demonstrates them.

Extension tasks list:


a. Low control

Day 2- Students will line up on the sideline spaced enough apart to avoid collision. Then they will dribble from sideline to sideline keeping ball under control.

b. High speed

Day 2&3- Students will line up on the sideline spaced enough apart to avoid collision. Students will dribble from sideline to sideline; then they will see how many times they can go over and back within 1 minute.

Days 4 thru 8- Dribble tag- every student has a ball are using only half court; the object is to protect your ball and keep it under control while trying to knock other teams ball away from them.

Passing and Receiving

a.  Chest/bounce

Day 3-Students will partner up and line up one on each keyline facing each other. They will practice each step of the chest and bounce by passing with their partner.

Day 3- Students will partner up and line up one on each keyline facing each other. Then they will pass with a partner for 30 sec seeing how many they can get with out dropping it; if they drop it start count over.

Days 4&5- Students will partner up one partner on sideline one on keyline; they will run down court passing back and fourth using the chest and bounce passes. As soon as they get to the other side of the court switch sides of court and come back.

Days 6 thru 8- Students will partner up and split the partners into 2 groups (with partners on sideline and keyline then on the other sideline and keyline) teacher will stand at opposite end of court and time the groups. The students will make at least five passes while trying to make it as fast as possible.

b.  Two hand overhead

Day 3-Students will partner up and line up one on each keyline facing each other. They will practice each step of the chest and bounce by passing with their partner.


a.  Lay up

Days 4&5- Students will split into 4 groups two at each basket, they will then form a 2 lines one on each elbow, a member of one group does a lay up following the steps explained by the teacher, a member of the other rebounds and passes to next lay up line member; switch lines after every turn

Days 6 thru 8- 3 spots on each side of basket, 1 student on each side, how many shots in 30 sec must change spots every shot, if miss shot; rebound and shoot lay up

b. Jump Shot

Days 4&5- Students will split into 2 groups, one at each basket; students will each have a poly spot to stand on. Students will shoot from their spot getting their own rebounds for 15 sec. Then teacher will call switch and students will rotate spots.

Days 6 thru 8- 3 spots on each side of basket, 1 student on each side, how many shots in 30 sec must change spots every shot, if miss shot; rebound and shoot lay up

Individual Defense

a.  Defensive position

Day 5- Students will line up on the baseline and perform the steps of defensive position on teachers signal.

Day 6- Students will partner up and defender will get in defensive position and shadow the movements of partner while running down court. Once they reach other end of court switch sides of court and return.

Day 7&8- Same drill as day 6, except this time the shadowed person has a ball and is dribbling. The defender tries to steal ball from dribbler while shadowing them.

b.  Scoot

Day 5- Students will line up on the baseline and perform the steps of defensive position on teachers signal.

Day 6- Students will partner up and defender will get in defensive position and shadow the movements of partner while running down court. Once they reach other end of court switch sides of court and return.

Day 7&8- Same drill as day 6, except this time the shadowed person has a ball and is dribbling. The defender tries to steal ball from dribbler while shadowing them

Applying tasks list:


a. Low control

Day 9- dribbling and defense gauntlet-split into 3 groups; 3 people from each group for defenders (one on foul line, one on half court, one on other foul line) the rest of the students from the group line up with a ball and try to dribble through all 3 zones and defenders; rotate after every dribbler (dribbler becomes last defender and defenders all shift up; first one becomes last in line to dribble) students get one point for getting past defender or stopping dribbler

Day 10&11- dribbling and defense gauntlet-split into 2 groups; 6 people from each group for defenders (two on foul line, two on half court, two on other foul line) the rest of the students from the group line up with a ball and try to dribble through all 3 zones and defenders; rotate after every dribbler (dribbler becomes last defender and defenders all shift up; first one becomes last in line to dribble) students get one point for getting past defender or stopping dribbler

b. High speed

Day 9- dribbling and defense gauntlet-split into 3 groups; 3 people from each group for defenders (one on foul line, one on half court, one on other foul line) the rest of the students from the group line up with a ball and try to dribble through all 3 zones and defenders; rotate after every dribbler (dribbler becomes last defender and defenders all shift up; first one becomes last in line to dribble) students get one point for getting past defender or stopping dribbler

Day 10&11- dribbling and defense gauntlet-split into 2 groups; 6 people from each group for defenders (two on foul line, two on half court, two on other foul line) the rest of the students from the group line up with a ball and try to dribble through all 3 zones and defenders; rotate after every dribbler (dribbler becomes last defender and defenders all shift up; first one becomes last in line to dribble) students get one point for getting past defender or stopping dribbler