Lesson 2 Activity 4 Worksheet d

Table of Contents

Page 2-5 Notes on Percents

Page 6-9 Finding Percents of Nutrition Activity

Page 10 Nutrition Facts of a Giant Cookie

Page 11-14 Percent of Change and Markups & Markdowns Notes

Page 15-18 Percent of Change and Markups & Markdowns Practice

Page 19-20 Percent Increase and Decrease Student Survey

Page 21-22 Project and Group Work Rubrics

Page 23-31 Unit 3 Post-Assessment

Name ______

Notes on Percents

A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Percents are used every day all around you. You deal with percents when you are at the grocery store using coupons. You deal with percents when there is a sale and you are trying to figure out how much money you need. You even use percents all of the time to see what your grade is!

Part One: Review

Changing a DECIMAL
to a PERCENT / Changing a PERCENT to a DECIMAL / Changing a PERCENT
to a FRACTION / Changing a FRACTION to a PERCENT
Move the decimal two places to the right.
EX: .52 = 52% / Move the decimal two places to the left.
EX: 65% = .65 / Put the number over 100 then simplify.
EX: 30% = = / Divide the numerator by the denominator then change the decimal to a percent.
EX: = .68 = 68%

Part Two: The Percent Equation

You can use the percent equation to solve percent problems. There is always one value that you don’t know. Identify what you are looking for, plug in what you do know, then solve!

part = percentage whole



1. What is 55% of 8?
2. In a school, 25 % of the teachers teach math.
If there are 30 math teachers, how many
teachers are there in the school?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or

b) What is the answer?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or
b) What is the answer?


Part Three: The Percent Proportion
Use the percentage proportion to solve percent problems. There will always be one value that you don’t know. Put an x in the place of that value. This is what you are solving for!



1. 24.5 is 25% of what?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or percent)?

b) What is the answer?

2. A football team has thirty-five jerseys. Five of the jerseys are size medium. What percent of the jerseys are medium?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or percent)?

b) What is the answer?

Now you try!

Solve using the percent equation:

1. What number is 35% of 50? 2. 250 is 50% of what?

3. What number is 80% of 60? 4. 8 of 40 is what percent?

Solve using the percent proportion:

1. $12.75 is 15% of what total price? 2. What percent of 60 is 15?


Name ______Key______

Notes on Percents

A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Percents are used every day all around you. You deal with percents when you are at the grocery store using coupons. You deal with percents when there is a sale and you are trying to figure out how much money you need. You even use percents all of the time to see what your grade is!

Part One: Review

Changing a DECIMAL
to a PERCENT / Changing a PERCENT to a DECIMAL / Changing a PERCENT
to a FRACTION / Changing a FRACTION to a PERCENT
Move the decimal two places to the right.
EX: .52 = 52% / Move the decimal two places to the left.
EX: 65% = .65 / Put the number over 100 then simplify.
EX: 30% = = / Divide the numerator by the denominator then change the decimal to a percent.
EX: = .68 = 68%

Part Two: The Percent Equation

You can use the percent equation to solve percent problems. There is always one value that you don’t know. Identify what you are looking for, plug in what you do know, then solve!

part = percentage whole



1. What is 55% of 8?
2. In a school, 25 % of the teachers teach math.
If there are 30 math teachers, how many
teachers are there in the school?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or
percent)? part

b) What is the answer? 4.4

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or
percent)? whole
b) What is the answer? 120


Part Three: The Percent Proportion
Use the percentage proportion to solve percent problems. There will always be one value that you don’t know. Put an x in the place of that value. This is what you are solving for!



1. 24.5 is 25% of what?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or percent)?


b) What is the answer?

2. A football team has thirty-five jerseys. Five of the jerseys are size medium. What percent of the jerseys are medium?

a) What are we looking for (part, whole, or percent)?

b) What is the answer?

Now you try!

Solve using the percent equation:

1. What number is 35% of 50? 2. 250 is 50% of what?
17.5 500

3. What number is 80% of 60? 4. 8 of 40 is what percent?

48 20%

Solve using the percent proportion:

1. $12.75 is 15% of what total price? 2. What percent of 60 is 15?

$85 25%


Name ______

Finding Percents of Nutrition Activity

According to the Zone Diet, each meal you eat should have 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs. Now that you know how to work with proportions and percents, you can calculate these percentages in your snack.

We will do one example based on the nutrition facts below.

In order to find your percentages, you need to gather data first.

Total grams in one serving ______

Grams of fat ______

Grams of carbs ______

Grams of protein ______

Let’s find the percentage of fat in this example:

Remember: partwhole=percent100


Why aren’t these the same as the % Daily Value? What is % Daily Value?

The Percent Daily Value on the Nutrition Facts label is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example, if the label lists 15 percent for calcium, it means that one serving provides 15 percent of the calcium you need each day. The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.


What percent are we finding?

Now, find the percentage of carbs and protein in the same product by using proportions.

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

Choose two snacks to find percentages for. Then compare and decide which one you think is healthier.

Snack 1: ______Total Grams ______Fat (g) _____ Protein (g) _____ Carbs(g) _____

Percentage of fat:

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

How many servings of this snack would you have to eat to get 100% of the daily value of protein? How many grams of carbs and fat would you be eating if you did this?

Snack 2: ______Total Grams ______Fat (g) _____ Protein (g) _____ Carbs(g) _____

Percentage of fat:

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

Which snack do you think is healthier? Why?

Now, find the percentage of carbs, protein, and fat in your snack on your Snack Smarter project worksheet.

Name ______Key______

Finding Percents of Nutrition Activity

According to the Zone Diet, each meal you eat should have 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs. Now that you know how to work with proportions and percents, you can calculate these percentages in your snack.

We will do one example based on the nutrition facts below.

In order to find your percentages, you need to gather data first.

Total grams in one serving ___228 g______

Grams of fat _____12 g______

Grams of carbs __31 g______

Grams of protein __5 g______

Let’s find the percentage of fat in this example:

Remember: partwhole=percent100

5 228 = x 100

x = 17.9%

Why aren’t these the same as the % Daily Value? What is % Daily Value?

The Percent Daily Value on the Nutrition Facts label is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example, if the label lists 15 percent for calcium, it means that one serving provides 15 percent of the calcium you need each day. The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy adults.


What percent are we finding?

We are finding the percent out of the total grams, not the percent of a 2,000 Calorie diet.

Now, find the percentage of carbs and protein in the same product by using proportions.

Percentage of carbs:


Percentage of protein:


Choose two snacks to find percentages for. Then compare and decide which one you think is healthier.

Answers will vary

Snack 1: ______Total Grams ______Fat (g) _____ Protein (g) _____ Carbs(g) _____

Percentage of fat:

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

Snack 2: ______Total Grams ______Fat (g) _____ Protein (g) _____ Carbs(g) _____

Percentage of fat:

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

Which snack do you think is healthier? Why?

Now, find the percentage of carbs, protein, and fat in your snack on your project worksheet.

Name ______

Nutrition Facts of a Giant Cookie

The name of the snack ______

The cost per serving for the school to purchase the snack ______

The cost to purchase from the cafeteria ______

Total Grams ______Fat (g) _____ Protein (g) _____ Carbs(g) _____

Percentage of fat:

Percentage of carbs:

Percentage of protein:

How does this compare to the FDA-approved Daily Recommended Values (shown below)? (Use at least 3 ratios and/or percents in your response)

Name ______

Percent of Change and Markups & Markdowns Notes

Use this formula to
calculate percent of change:

Part One 1. Identify the percent of increase for each exercise.

2. Find the approximate (which means round to the nearest percent)

of percent increase in body length of the frog from sitting to jumping.

Part Two 1. By what percent does a person’s weight decrease on the moon?

2. Find the approximate percent decrease in the number of representatives
for Michigan.

Use these formulas to calculate
markups or markdowns:

Part One

1. What is the percent markup for each item?
2. Concert venues change the price for tickets depending on the performer.

What is the selling price for the ticket below?

Base cost: $20

Percent markup: 90%

Part Two

1. Each month at an electronics store, new televisions come in. The store manager puts older televisions on sale. What is the percent markdown on the television below?

Selling Price: $250

Sale Price: $200

2. Relax Yoga Store buys yoga mats for $15 each. The store has a sale the following week for 20% off any item. If the original price is $38.99 per mat, does the store still make a profit on each one during the sale? If so, how much of a profit?

Name ______Key______

Percent of Change and Markups & Markdowns Notes

Use this formula to
calculate percent of change:

Part One 1. Identify the percent of increase for each exercise.

100 14

2. Find the approximate (which means round to the nearest percent)

of percent increase in body length of the frog from sitting to jumping. 74.5%

Part Two 1. By what percent does a person’s weight decrease on the moon? 83.4%

2. Find the approximate percent decrease in the number of representatives
for Michigan. 6.7%

Use these formulas to calculate
markups or markdowns:

Part One

1. What is the percent markup for each item?
Notebook 500%

Bicycle 66.7%

Car 50%
2. Concert venues change the price for tickets depending on the performer.

What is the selling price for the ticket below? $38.00

Base cost: $20

Percent markup: 90%

Part Two

1. Each month at an electronics store, new televisions come in. The store manager puts older televisions on sale. What is the percent markdown on the television below? 20%

Selling Price: $250

Sale Price: $200

2. Relax Yoga Store buys yoga mats for $15 each. The store has a sale the following week for 20% off any item. If the original price is $38.99 per mat, does the store still make a profit on each one during the sale? If so, how much of a profit?

Selling for $31.01, which is a $16.01 profit

Name ______

Percent of Change and Markups & Markdowns Practice

Part 1: Markups and Markdowns


1. A computer store bought a program at a cost of $12 and sold it at a selling price of $15. Find the percent markup. Round to the nearest whole number.

2. During a sale, a dress is marked down from a selling price of $65 to a sale price of $47. What is the percent markdown?

3. A diamond ring which normally sells for $1,350 is on sale for $1200. A ruby ring which normally sells for $250 is on sale for $180.

a. What is the percent markdown for the diamond ring? Round to the nearest whole number as needed.

b. What is the percent markdown for the ruby ring?

c. Compare the percent markdown for the two rings.

Part 2: Percent Increase and Decrease


1. If the original quantity is 23 and the new quantity is 29, what is the percent increase?


5. If the original quantity is 90 and the new quantity is 75, what is the percent decrease?


6. If the original quantity is 532 and the new quantity is 642, what is the percent increase?


7. Last year, the Debate Club had 7 members. This year there are 12 members in the club. Which of these is the best estimate of the percent change in the number of members?

a. 25% increase b. 100% decrease c. 75% increase d. 50% decrease