United States History Final Unit Test Review Spring 2015
Eisenhower Era:
1. Which President stressed “a return to normalcy?”
2. What President desegregated the military?
3. What was the GI Bill of Rights?
4. What was the baby boom?
5. What are Levittowns?
6. Why was there a growth of the suburbs in the 1950’s?
7. What are some of the effects of the television in American homes?
8. Who is considered the “King of rock and roll?”
9. What was the Interstate Highway Act?
10. What is the “Nuclear family?”
11. Who are the “beatniks?”
12. Why is Betty Freidan remembered for?
13. What was the topic in the Supreme Court Case “Roe vs. Wade?”
14. What is Earth Day?
Kennedy Era:
15. Describe Kennedy’s “New Frontier?”
16. What is significance of the 1960 Presidential debates?
17. What programs was a part of the New Frontier?
18. What is the Alliance for Progress?
19. What is the Peach Corps?
20. Who was the first man to step foot on the moon?
21. Who assassinated President Kennedy?
22. What did the Warren Commission conclude about Kennedy’s assassination?
23. What was the outcome of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
24. What did President Kennedy do in response to finding nuclear missiles in Cuba?
25. How was the Cuban Missile Crisis settled?
Johnson Era:
26. Which President vowed to fight the “War on Poverty?”
27. What was the Job Core?
28. What was VISTA?
29. Why does the U.S. enter the Vietnam Conflict?
30. What countries was a part of French-Indochina?
31. Who were the Viet Mihn?
32. What was the Geneva Accords?
33. Which country do we support in the conflict?
34. What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
35. What are some of the hardships the US troops faced while fighting in Vietnam?
36. What was the Ho Chi Mihn Trail?
37. What was the war so unpopular on the home front?
38. What happened in the Tet Offensive?
39. What was the My Lai Massacre?
40. What happened at Kent State during the War?
41. What are some of the effect of the Vietnam War?
42. What was the War Powers Act?
Civil Rights Movement:
43. What was the court case “Plessy vs. Ferguson, 1896?”
44. What was the court case “Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954?”
45. What does the Kerner Commission confirm about the Urban Race Riots?
46. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
47. What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
48. What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
49. Who was Malcolm X?
50. What event occurred that changed the movement to a more radical one?
51. Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
52. Who was President when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed?
53. Who was James Meredith?
54. Who were the Freedom Riders?
55. What was Freedom Summer?
56. What happened at the Selma to Montgomery March?
57. What are sit-ins?
58. What was SCLC? Founded by who?
59. Who was Rosa Parks?
1960’s Era:
60. Who was Cesar Chavez?
61. What was Silent Spring about?
62. What did the EPA do?
Modern Era:
63. What was Nixon’s policy of New Federalism?
64. What did OPEC do in 1973?
65. Nixon visited what country and normalized relations with them?
66. What do Conservative and Liberal’s believe concerning both foreign and domestic policy? (see chart on notes)
67. Who are the Moral Majority?
68. What is “Reaganomics?”
69. What is supply side economics?
70. What did Ford do right away once President?
71. What are some of the effects of Nixon’s scandal and resignation?
72. What was Carter’s greatest foreign policy victory?
73. What is the significance of the Iran Hostage Crisis as it changes our foreign policy?
74. Why did the Bush Administration back the UN calling for Sadam Hussien to with draw from Kuwait?
75. What symbolized the end of communism in Europe?
76. What was the Iran-Contra Affair?
77. Why did the Persian Gulf War begin? (Think countries invading another)
78. Why does Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait?
79. How long was the Persian Gulf War?
80. What was NAFTA?
81. What is the Taliban?
82. What was the main effect of Contract with America?
83. What was the Family Medical Leave Act?
84. Why was President Clinton impeached?
85. Which state was key in the outcome of the 2000 Presidential Election?
86. What finally decided the outcome of the 2000 election?
87. Why did Osama Bin Laden form Al Qaeda in the late 1990’s?
88. What group is responsible for the terrorists attacks September 11th, 2001?
89. What did the No Child Left Behind Act do?