American Sign Language Class Syllabus
Mrs. Bennett Richland HS
Class Content – as defined by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):
The study of world languages is an essential part of education. In the 21st century language classroom, students gain an understanding of two basic aspects of human existence: the nature of communication and the complexity of culture. Students become aware of multiple perspectives and means of expression, which lead to an appreciation of difference and diversity. Further benefits of foreign language study include stronger cognitive development, increased creativity, and divergent thinking. Students who effectively communicate in more than one language, with an appropriate understanding of cultural context, are globally literate and possess the attributes of successful participants in the world community.
2. The novice language learner, when dealing with familiar topics, should:
A. Understand American Sign Language (ASL) phrases receptively and respond expressively with learned material;
B. Sign learned words, concepts, phrases, and sentences;
C. Be able to transcribe ASL into basic gloss form;
D. Recognize the importance of communication and how it applies to the American Deaf culture; and
E. Recognize the importance of accuracy of expression by knowing the components of ASL
3. Use expressive and receptive skills for comprehension.
Classroom Guidelines -- Be respectful to…
1. Education: Practice professionalism and honor our mission.
2. Teachers: Follow instructions the first time they are given.
3. Students: Give only constructive criticism and celebrate diversity.
4. Property: Take care of the building, books, and belongings of others.
5. Yourself: Do not belittle your accomplishments or self-worth.
· No food or drinks – only clear water bottles are allowed.
· Students are expected to come to class with everything they need to learn, including homework, notebook, textbooks, paper and pen or pencil.
· Students may use cell phones only when the teacher deems it appropriate for educational purposes. Students are not allowed to listen to music during class.
· Talking isn’t just breaking a class rule, but also a cultural norm. Speaking at inappropriate times can have disciplinary and academic consequences.
Contact Information
Jennifer Bennett Richland High School, Classroom G209
I married over the summer, so as of the beginning of the year, my email still uses my maiden name. Shortly, it will change to .
Report cards are given every 6 weeks. At least 8 daily grades such as homework and class participation represent half of the grade. 3 major tests and big projects represent the other half.
To teach and reinforce good organization skills, students should keep a notebook or divider for ASL class. Keep all notes, handouts, homework and daily assignments neat and organized.
Absentee / Late Work
1. Never ask these two questions: “Did we do anything today?” “Are we doing anything tomorrow?” The answer will always be yes.
2. For participation grade missed or not completed, students should come to tutorials to catch up on content and assignments.
3. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to make up or re-take tests and quizzes or present projects.
Helpful Hints For a Successful Year
1. Come to class every day. You cannot learn when you are absent.
2. Complete your homework and study vocabulary every night. Regular drill is essential.
3. Being organized (keeping a calendar and maintaining your binder) is critical.
4. Ask for help when needed. Tutorials are set up to assure your success.
5. Find an ASL study partner. If needed, meet using Skype or FaceTime.
6. Let Mrs. Bennett know if there are extenuating circumstances or problems which affect your work.
7. An iPad can’t download a song if it isn’t on the network. Stay engaged!
It’s an honor to be here at Richland High and I look forward to getting to know each of you for at least the next 2 years.
You can rise above a life of mediocrity through learning, discipline,
passion and persistence. You have it in you to be great.