Present : Peter Lousada, Alan Preen, Beverley Thompson, Sue Malleson, Mary Preen, Phil Thomas, Sue Willis, Diana Kesterson, Clive Robert.

Apologies : Alistair Twigg

Blind Pond Farm : S106 Consultation

A discussion took place on how S106 contributions could be allocated to Bow Brickhill. PL said there was more chance of getting money if the ideas were development specific.

It was agreed to give priority to the following :

·  Traffic calming

·  A nucleus for cyclists i.e. a parking and washing down area and a path through to the woods. There is an existing path which would need a change of classification.

·  Street furniture

·  Lighting and overhead power cables.

CR will prepare a note to this effect for the Parish Clerk to send to Milton Keynes Council stating that this has come from a Neighbourhood Plan consultation.


Draft Neighbourhood Plan Proposal V3

PL said that the latest draft is somewhat repetitive, but that this may be no bad thing in terms of getting our points across.

Points Agreed to be put to DC - ACTION AP

Introduction :

3rd Para : last line neighbourhood plan should be capital N and capital P.

4th Para : should read “The duration of the Bow Brickhill Neighbourhood Plan is to coincide with the Milton Keynes Council’s Core Strategy and emerging Plan MK to 2031.

5th Para : neighbourhood plan should be capital N and capital P


6th Para : as 5th Para

Key Aims to Deliver the Vision

Bullet point 3 should read “ To ensure that new development enhances the character of Bow Brickhill by incorporating high quality of design, specific to the rural village context”

History of the Village

1st Para : spelling of Doomsday should be Domesday

Location and Boundaries

1st Para : insert ‘Bow Brickhill and’ after ‘connects’.

2nd Para : insert ‘which’ after ‘Woburn’

3rd Para : should read “Following a Delegated Decision on the 28 May 2013, the area put forward by Bow Brickhill Parish Council in their Neighbourhood Plan Application has now been approved as a Neighbourhood Plan Area”.


1st Para : Statistics checked by NPWG

2nd Para : delete hyphen between ‘current and 230’ in third line.


Bullet point 6 : should read “Police, Fire and Rescue services are supplied from Woburn Sands and Milton Keynes with response times generally within National guidelines. Access for fire service vehicles is restricted in London End Lane and Drakewell Road.

Community Facilities

2nd Para : Statistics checked by NPWG

3rd Para : last line should read ‘accessible locally’

10th Para : Create a new paragraph after ‘History Group’ which should read “ Bow Brickhill Church of England (V.A.) Primary School also has a programme of social and fund raising events, based at the school”.


12th Para : delete hyphen, first line, between ‘and growing’.

12th Para : substitute ‘Bedford’ for ‘Woburn’ Estates.

Environmental Considerations

Capital ‘C’ in heading.

2nd Para : Slow Worms (delete the hyphen), Great Crested Newts, Grass Snakes, Adders and Buzzards should all begin with capital letters.

5th Para : ‘Downsview’ should read ‘Downs View’.


2nd Para : first line insert ‘Rail Line’ after East West

Context within Milton Keynes

1st Para : first sentence should read “ Bow Brickhill lies within the rural area of Milton Keynes and has Selected Village status, acknowledging its responsibility to meet housing requirements for its own residents and the new city. The local community………..”

2nd Para : last line capital N and capital P for Neighbourhood Plan.

Community Engagement

Complete rewrite – please see attached email.

Growth Strategy – Village Envelope

1st Para : first line capital N and capital P for Neighbourhood Plan.

2nd Para : Sentence in brackets add ‘ and so called hereafter’ after Settlement Boundary. Amend heading and reference to Village Envelopment in line 3. Check Policy BBNP2 with DC re: this point.

3rd Para : second line change ‘village envelope’ to ‘settlement boundary’

4th Para : “The criteria for land within the settlement are”

4th Para : point 2 – change ‘village envelope’ to settlement boundary’


4th Para : “Excluded from the settlement boundary are”

4th Para : “The resulting settlement boundary is illustrated” Plan completed by NPWG


Policy BBNP1 – Context and Rationale

1st Para : 2nd line add ‘and’ after “Selected Village”

Application of Policy BBNP1 : 2nd Para: First sentence should read “ Bow Brickhill is a sensitive area for wildlife including Great Crested Newts and this will need to be considered when formulating development proposals”.

Policy BBNP2 : Substitute ‘Settlement Boundary’ for ‘Village Envelope’

1st Para :replace Italic font with standard font

4th Para : should read “Policy BBNP2 determines the Settlement Boundary.

Shaded area : replace ‘village envelope’ with Settlement Boundary’ in heading.

1st Para : as above in text

3rd Para : as above in text.

Application of Policy BBNP2 : 1st and 2nd Paras : replace ‘Village Envelope’ with ‘settlement Boundary’ in text

Policy BB3 : should read Policy BBNP3

Context and Rationale :

1st Para : delete hyphen between ‘well’ and ‘designed’ .

4th Para : Policy ‘BB3’ should read ‘BBNP3’

5th Para : as above

Policy BBNP3 : Design and Environment

Point 2 : Replace ‘while’ with ‘whilst’. Replace ‘Village Envelope’ with ‘Settlement Boundary’


Application of Policy BBNP3

2nd Para : delete the word ‘urban’

Community Facilities List

Add ‘War Memorial’ between Graveyard and All Saints Church

Policy BBNP5

1st Para : add ‘opportunities’ at the end of the sentence.

Shaded Area : Rewrite as follows :

“Planning proposals that create commercial, industrial or other employment will be supported, providing :

·  The development is proportionate in size and scale to the buildings in the immediate vicinity;

·  The development will not significantly adversely impact the lives of those living in the village;

·  The development, ancillary activities and signage will not significantly adversely affect the rural visual scene;

·  There is no harm to amenity from noise, vibration, disturbance of smells;

·  Traffic generation and impact will not be of a scale that harms users of the public highways or road safety;

·  The development is well designed in accordance with policy BBNP3”

Outside shaded area should read :

“Bow Brickhill is predominantly a residential rural village with small-scale employment, therefore commercial or industrial development should not comprise or change significantly the amenity value.

Home working is actively encouraged to minimise journeys, support the local economy and maximise employment opportunities for parents with children, students and retired members of the community.


Conditions will be imposed where necessary to ensure that development does not further exacerbate traffic volumes, speed or increased size of vehicles, in order to protect amenity and road safety”.

Policy BBNP6

4th Para : insert ‘is’ between ‘there’ and ‘not’ in second line.


1st Para : Capital N and capital P for Neighbourhood Plan.

Recreation and Sport

3rd Para : begin first sentence “The Neighbourhood Plan’s natural features etc”

Traffic and Parking

5th Para : replace ‘East West’ with ‘Network’ in first line.

Community Facilites



The 10% retention monies of £550 has now been deposited in our bank account.

Ann Sidwick, on behalf of the Parish Council, has completed the Funding Acceptance Form of the second grant of £1,500. 90% of this will be paid into our bank account shortly. 10% will, as before, be retained until the project is signed off. The money needs to have been spent by 31st March 2015.

Time Line

Amendments/comments on Draft Neighbourhood Plan V3 will be sent to Dave Chetwyn

who will have two weeks in which to respond. The Plan will then be sent to Bob Wilson at MK Council for feedback. We need to check if MK Council has screened the Plan for SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and HRA (Habitat Regulations Assessment).

Date of Next Meeting

To be advised.