Chapter 11

11.1 3D Coordinate System

A. Obj: to plot points in space; to find the distance in space; to write an equation of a sphere.

B. Facts:

1. 3D coordinate system

2. 3 planes divide the system into 8 Octants. Octant I is where all coordinates are positive.

3. distance formula in space:

4. Midpt. Formula in space:

5. Equation of a sphere:


11.2 Vectors in Space

A. OBJ: Find the component forms of the unit vectors in
the same direction of, the magnitudes of, the dot products of, and the angles between vectors in space; Determine whether vectors in space are

B. Facts:

1. Component form of a vector in space:

v =v1, v2, v3.

2. Unit vector form where i= 1, 0, 0, j = 0, 1, 0, andk = 0, 0, 1:

v = v1i + v2j + v3k

3. Component form from P (initial pt.) to Q (terminal pt.):

v = v1, v2, v3

= q1 – p1, q2 – p2, q3 – p3.

4. Rules for vectors in space:

5. Angle between 2 non-zero vectors (0<θ<π) can be found using dot product:

Reminder: if dot product = 0, then the vectors are orthogonal.

6. Parallel vectors: the vectors u, v, and w are parallel because u =2v and

w = –v.

11.3 Cross Product of 2 Vectors

A. OBJ: Find cross products of vectors in space; Use geometric properties of cross products of vectors in space; Use triple scalar products to find volumes of parallelepipeds.


1. Cross product (3d vectors only):

2. Properties of Cross Product:

3. Triple Scalar Product:

11.4 Lines and Planes in Space

A. OBJ: Find parametric and symmetric equations of lines in space. Find equations of planes in space. Sketch planes in space. Find distances between points and planes in


1. Lines in space through a pt. P on a line and parallel to vector V:

Symmetric Equation of a line in Space:

2. Planes in Space through a pt. P in a plane and normal to vector V:

This plane consists of all points Q(x, y, z) for which the vector is orthogonal to n.

Using the dot product, you can write:

n  = 0

a, b, cx – x1, y – y1, z – z1= 0

a(x – x1) + b(y – y1) + c(z – z1) = 0(standard form)

ax + by + cz + d = 0(general form)

3. 2 planes in space are either parallel or intersecting at a line. To find the angle between the planes:

*They are perpendicular when n1n2 = 0 and parallel when n1 is a scalar multiple of n2.

4. Distance between a pt. P and a plane :