Bear Creek Jr. Sport Association
Meeting Minutes: August 22, 2016
Called to order by: Amy Nuanes
Attendees: Claude Vigil , Amy Nuanes, Melissa Joy, Pam Miranda, Bob Brown, Sean McNeal, Casey Hunt, Mike Mestas, Dan Carroll, David Hutchcraft, Chris Cushing, Ray Rodriguez, Felipe Cervantes
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
President: Bi-laws need to be updated, will discuss at next meeting
Treasurer: Financial comparison, January – June, income up $15,000 from same time last year. OTP we have only spent $1400. Volunteer opportunities still need to be identified and enforced.
Vice President: Fall PCA and Ralston House, 30 minute parent PCA. Need volunteers for passing out packets. Amy to confirm the dates.
Fields & Facilities: No updates
Website & Fundraising: No updates
Investigative Committee: nothing at this time
Scholarship – no updates
Capital Reserve Sean spoke to Judy about how to spend the money. We have a $230,000, and it has been proposed to stop collecting the $10 until we start using. Amy has assigned all directors to determine what they need and then we can decide what to do. Next meeting is Sept 19th, please have items for next meeting, and Pam will clarify.
Sports Reports
Baseball – No UpdatesMinor Baseball – No Updates
Fall Baseball – Ray, 97 teams up from 89 the year before, and 64 the year before that. Estimated to bring in $20K net. Sch
Schaefer all fields in use for practice, 5 fields from City of Lakewood. Big draw for program.
Basketball –. David - Registration is open. Met with HS coach and build that relationship. He would like to build the girls
Program. Working well with AYL for the competitive teams. If we have some rec teams, should we go to Jeffco with
Those teams. Little ballers will be back from SJeff next year. 60% of the teams in SJeff are rec. Competitve teams are
Staying with AYL. Tryouts will be important to get the right kids in the right levels, but we need to figure out how to align
Competitive and rec. There needs to be more communication between the high school and ensure we are developing
A good feeder program, and that goes to what the HS program. Leuders has stated that we need to move to Jeffco,
However it is difficult to insist our program doesn’t use AYL, when Jeffco does not offer the competitive programs.
Parents love the AYL program, but it is a lot of driving. Facilities – has an in with DPS, can use Henry three days per week
Lincoln is a maybe. He is bringing a coach over from YMCA and has an “in” with the gym at Henry. Hepner, and a couple
Other schools that we can use. Practices start November 1st. Felipe will work on a couple other facilities that we have used
Before. Brady HS. Ft Logan school is a strong option also. Box of merchandise that was purchased last year – what was
It for – but we cannot sell it on line. We can sell on the sidelines. There is only one box – and there is some debate about
How many there should be left. The invoice was for a lot more, and the box was never opened. David will sell them at
Games as quickly as possible. David is meeting with Brandon from Dicks to get some equipment and coaches stuff.
Golf – Jack updated Claude. Season ended, and will update at next meeting with results.
Football –. Mike, first games this week. Registration is 217, last year 219. Coaches are saying they lost kids due to the movie “Concussion”. 3rd graders play at Ray Ross at 5:30. Chipotle fundraiser on Monday 29th. Thank you to Stephanie
For sending out all details. Weigh ins went smoothly. Implemented re-weighs later until after the first game, helped with the delays. Registration can now close, including 5th grade. 11 teams this year. Decals – paperwork needed.Fees up for jersey purchases. Names are all the bears. Uniforms coming in Friday, coming close to the deadline. JMFA is going to Blue Sombrero. We will need training, the webinar was cancelled. Vote will be tomorrow at JMFA to get next training. Dicks has a huge stake in the website, as we can get uniforms through them that way. Benefits seem to be good.
Flag football – 2 teams now. Email went out to get additional update. Website needs updated
Soccer – 296 kids. 12-15 turned away for not having a team – all ages. Competitive starts this weekend, Rec on Sept10th. Registration is closed. Pam is working on numbers and separating by Fall and Spring.
Lacrosse – Sean introduced Dan Carroll who will be taking over the Director of Lacrosse. 53 kids for fall season. Practice starts in the next couple of weeks. Practices are at Dennison, games on Sundays at BCHS. Bandits 3D program that can do the coach coaching. Foothills insists that registration goes through BCJSA and be paid by BCJSA. As long as we are called Bandits at Bear Creek or similar, we don’t lose fields.
Dan Carroll unanimously voted in as new Lacrosse Director.
Softball - No updates
Fall Softball – 5 teams, will need a new fall director. Will need to verify date needed to vote in new director. Casey has someone in mind. Pam suggested splitting fees like soccer, but for now will keep. $6100.
Cheerleading – 43 kids already, program starting strong. Uniforms in, excited to see them out there on Saturday.
Wrestling – Chris Cushing to be voted in as Director. Western Suburban Wresting, no fundraising, hosting tournaments only. Registration is hoping to be 150 this year.
Chris Cushing unanimously voted in as new Wrestling Director.
Meeting adjourned :