The University Of Texas at Arlington
School of Nursing
BSN Program
Senior I
Kristine A. Nelson, MN, RN
Lead Teacher
Fall 2009
Intentionally Blank
The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing
Undergraduate Program
OUTCOMES: / Nursing care for infants, children, adolescents and their families. Theory and clinical application in diverse settings.
4 Credit hours
Lecture 30 hours, Clinical 90 hours for seven (7) weeks/one-half semester.
Class: Fridays; 9:00 to 11:50 AM & 1:00 to 3:50 PM Room 104 Pickard Hall
Clinical: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays; day of the week, times, and location will vary per student.
Senior Year, First Semester.
NURS 3561, 3581
Name: Kristine A. Nelson, MN, RN, Clinical Instructor
Office: 657 Pickard Hall
Office Hours: Mondays; 1:00 to 3:00 PM and by appointment.
Office Phone: 817-272-2776 Fax: 817-272-5006
Name: Sylvia Bates, MEd, RN, Clinical Instructor
Office: 530 Pickard Hall
Office: Phone: 817-272-2776 Office Fax: 817-272-5006
Name: Pamela Hadley, MSN, RN, Clinical Instructor
Office: 544A Pickard Hall
Office: Phone: 817-272-2776 Office Fax: 817-272-5006
Name: Victoria Hartman, MSN, RN, CPNP, Clinical Instructor
Office: 553B Pickard Hall
Office: Phone: 817-272-2776 Office Fax: 817-272-5006
Name: Tola L. Plusnick, MSN, RN, CPNP, Clinical Instructor
Office: 544A Pickard Hall
Office: Phone: 817-272-2776 Office Fax: 817-272-5006
Name: Jennifer Roye, MSN, RN, CPNP, Clinical Instructor
Office: 553A Pickard Hall
Office: Phone: 817-272-2776 Office Fax: 817-272-5006
**Check faculty office door(s) for posted office hours.**
Students will be assigned to a pediatric nursing clinical agency
for seven weeks either during the first or second rotation of the semester. Consideration will be given to preferences. Students
may be given the option for an observational experience at an
ancillary site for one week.
1. Apply the nursing process using evidence-based data in the
provision of competent, culturally sensitive, developmentally
appropriate, holistic nursing care to infants, children, adolescents, and
their families/caregivers.
2. Demonstrate clinical judgment and decision-making based
on current knowledge in the care of infants, children, adolescents, and
their families/caregivers.
3. Apply legal and ethical principles and professional standards
in the provision of nursing care for infants, children, adolescents, and
their families/caregivers.
4. Demonstrate developmentally appropriate communication and teaching
strategies with infants, children, adolescents, and their
5. Communicate with health care professionals in clinical settings using
oral, written, electronic, and non-verbal methods.
6. Evaluate the impact of contemporary issues on healthcare delivery to
infants, children, adolescents, and their families/caregivers.
Students are responsible for adhering to all the policies, procedures, and requirements outlined in the UTASON BSN Student Handbook.
1. Examinations:
There will be a total of five (5) scheduled and proctored exams consisting of multiple choice and/or short answer questions offered in classroom and computer laboratory settings. These exams are: Pediatric Medications and Dosages Math Test #1, Exam #1, Exam #2, Mini Exam #3, and Evolve Reach (HESI) Comprehensive Final Exam.
Although faculty strives to provide a quiet learning/testing environment there may be noises and distractions in any testing environment that are beyond the control of the exam proctors. If a student feels that the testing environment is unduly noisy or distracting for any reason, it is the responsibility of the student to report this to an exam proctor as soon as possible during the exam so corrective action may be taken.
Missed Exam: All students are expected to take each exam on the scheduled day and at the scheduled time. In the event a student anticipates missing an exam, the student is expected to notify the lead teacher on or before the exam day and before the exam start time. The lead teacher will give the student the opportunity to take the make-up exam. The make up exam must be taken within seven days following the date of the scheduled exam. The make up exam will cover the same material as the scheduled exam and will consist of short answer and essay questions.
Late for an exam: Students are expected to arrive on time for each exam. Students who arrive late for an exam will NOT be given extra time to complete the exam.
2. Pediatric Medications and Dosages Math Test #1 and #2:
All students will take the Pediatric Medications and Dosages Math Test #1 during the first week to two weeks of the semester. The score achieved by the student on Math Test #1 will count 10% towards their grade for the course and is a proctored exam.
Each student will be required to achieve a minimum score of 90.00%. If a student does not achieve this minimum score on Math Test #1, the student will be required to take the Pediatric Medications and Dosages Math Test #2.
Students will not be allowed to administer medications during their clinical experience sessions until they have achieved the required minimum score on the Pediatric Medications and Dosages Math Test.
If a student does not achieve the minimum score of 90.00% on Math Test #2, the student will not be allowed to continue taking the course and will withdraw from the course for the semester.
3. Learning Activities - Quizzes, Assignments, Evolve Apply Case Studies:
There will be several graded learning activities/assignments which include but are not limited to in-class/on-line quizzes, Web CT quizzes, on line or in class case studies, group projects, questionnaires, and worksheets. Unscheduled and unannounced quizzes and learning activities based on textbook reading assignment will be assigned and may be required to be completed prior to students attending or viewing class presentations and lectures. Some learning activities count towards a student’s required clinical experience hours such as the two MicroSim™ modules on Asthma, preparation work/quizzes for Simulation training sessions on Respiratory and Cardiovascular dysfunction, Infant Virtual I.V.™, and the Mosby Nursing Video Skills Care of Infants and Children modules and quizzes. See the N4431 Clinical Notebook for more information.
Students must also complete eight (8) computer-based Evolve Apply Case Studies. The score the student receives on the case study will count as a quiz grade. The eight case studies are: Burns, Cleft Lip and Palate, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Bronchiolitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Head Injury*, Congenital Heart Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, And Compound Fracture. Instructions on accessing the Evolve Apply Case Studies are in the N4431 Clinical Notebook. (*This case study is found in the Medical –Surgical Nursing Section.)
All of these quizzes, tests, assignments, and case studies are due on the designated date at the designated time. Please see the N4431 Master Student Schedule posted on Web CT for specific information. If a student submits an assignment, learning activity, Web CT test or quiz, on-line case study, computer module, etc. AFTER the designated time, the student will receive a score of zero (0%).
4. Written Assignments:
Written assignments related to the clinical experience in pediatric nursing, are graded on a pass/fail basis. These assignments are due on the designated date and at the designated time as determined by each clinical instructor. The clinical instructor will NOT accept assignments that are turned in late.
5. Clinical Experience
Performance: Student performance during the clinical experience and simulation lab experience sessions will be evaluated on a PASS or FAIL basis. Students will be evaluated in accordance with specific course outcome criteria and UTASON performance criteria. A copy of the clinical performance evaluation form titled Clinical Performance Progress Record is in the N4431 Clinical Notebook.
Students who consistently demonstrate satisfactory accomplishment of all course outcomes will receive a PASS grade for the clinical experience portion of the course.
Students who consistently demonstrate unsatisfactory performance related to course outcomes and/or who demonstrate one or more of the following behaviors, will be considered unsafe or incompetent, and will receive a FAIL grade for the clinical experience portion and a course grade of “F”:
a) perform in an unsafe and/or unprofessional manner in the clinical experience setting(s).
b) make questionable decisions often.
c) lack insight and understanding of own behaviors and/or the behaviors of others.
d) continue to need additional guidance, direction, and specific/detailed
supervision throughout the clinical experience rotation.
e) have difficulty in adapting to new ideas and functions.
f) do not complete 90 hours of clinical experience (including clinical preparation work, simulation laboratory experiences, MicroSim and Infant Virtual IV).
g) do not complete required written assignments (i.e., Nursing Care Plan and Care Maps, Medication Administration Clinical Preparation Forms, Developmental Assessment Assignment, etc.)
Preparation: Students are required to complete the required preparation work for their clinical experience. Students must be prepared to provide appropriate, safe, and competent nursing care to the patients and families. The clinical instructor will determine at the beginning of the clinical experience session if each student is adequately prepared to provide care to the selected patient(s) and family/families. At the discretion of the clinical instructor, a student who is not adequately prepared for the clinical experience and/or is not able to provide safe and competent nursing care, will be sent home and not allowed to participate in the clinical experience session. It will be required that the student make up ANY and ALL missed clinical experience time.
Conferences and Evaluations: Students are required to attend and/or participate in Pre and Post Clinical Conferences. These conferences will be instructor led/monitored group sessions. These sessions may be face to face meetings and/or on line discussion sessions. The clinical instructor will provide students with guidelines regarding preparation, participation, paperwork, assignments, posting requirements, and other requirements for each session.
Students are required to participate in mid-rotation and final clinical evaluation conferences with their clinical instructor. Participation in evaluation conferences is required for students to receive a PASS grade for the clinical experience portion of the course.
Clinical Dress Code for Pediatric Clinical Settings: Students are required to follow the general UTASON dress code rules outlined in the BSN Student Handbook along with rules specific to pediatric clinical settings. For uniforms, at the discretion of the clinical instructor, students may wear printed, colored tops with the UTASON patch sewn on the sleeve along with navy blue uniform pants. A white lab coat should NOT be worn with the uniform.
Cell Phones in the Clinical Settings: Students are NOT allowed to have their cell phones on their person when selecting/researching patients and when providing care to patients in the clinical facility. Cells phones must be turned off and stored with the students’ other personal items. Students are NOT to use a PDA that is also a cell phone and/or a camera (PDA+) in the clinical area. Students may use their cell phones or PDA+ in non-patient care areas such as nurses’ lounge during breaks ONLY. If a student is seen using a cell phone or PDA+ in a patient care area, the student will be told to leave the hospital and escorted off the premises immediately. The student will NOT receive credit for attending clinical on that day.
6. WEB CT:
Students are required to check WebCT daily prior to scheduled classroom sessions and clinical experiences. Course materials such as lecture schedules, clinical schedules, Master Student Assignment Schedule, reading assignments, written assignment guidelines, case studies, classroom lecture objectives/outlines, and exam blueprints will be posted. Quizzes, some tests, learning activities and other graded assignments will be accessed via Web CT. In addition, announcements, schedule adjustments, and current information that students are are expected to know prior to attending a class or clinical session will be posted on Web CT.
WebCT affords students and faculty members the opportunity for effective and detailed communication. It is also a powerful educational tool. The WebCT discussion board should be viewed as a public and professional forum for discussion. Students are free to discuss academic matters and consult one another regarding academic resources. The tone of postings on the WebCT discussion board should remain professional in nature. It is not appropriate to post statements of a personal or political nature, or statements criticizing classmates or faculty. Inappropriate statements will be deleted by the course faculty. Announcements from student organizations may be posted with faculty permission. Failure to comply may result in further action including removal from the discussion board.
Reading Assignments MicroSim & Infant Virtual IV
Multimedia Aids Pre, Post, and On Line Clinical Conferences
N4431 Children/Adolescents Syllabus Fall 2009 N4431-13
Lectures (live presentations and/or
recorded/web accessible)
Guest speakers
Case Studies (in class and/or online)
Essential skills instruction & performance
Web CT
Group Discussions and Presentations
Role Playing
Nursing Care Plans and Care Maps
Medication Administration Prep. Forms
Developmental Assessment Assignment
Internet Resources
Evidence-Based Practice Assignment
On line or in class learning activities Clinical Nursing Experiences
Patient Teaching Experiences
Computer-based Learning Activities
Pre and Post Clinical Conferences (face to
face and/or online group sessions
with/monitored by instructor)
N4431 Children/Adolescents Syllabus Fall 2009 N4431-13
Simulation Laboratory Experiences Pediatric Medications Math Study Guide
Critical Thinking Exercises Practice Problems
DVD’s Pediatric Medications & Dosages Math
Demonstrations/Return Demonstrations Tutorial
N4431 GRADING PLAN: (è indicates proctored exam)
è Pediatric Medication and Dosages Math Test #1 (30 questions) 10 %
è Exam #1 (60 questions) 22 %
è Exam #2 (60 questions) 22 %
è Exam #3 (50 questions) 9 %
è Evolve Reach (HESI) Final Exam (computer-based,
comprehensive, 55 questions) 15 %
Eight (8) Evolve Apply Case Studies (computer-based) 8 %
Active Learning Exercise (classroom-based quizzes, activities) 4 %
Assessment Skills Web CT test (3 DVD’s/ 40 questions) 3.0 %
Respiratory Simulation Lab Prep Quiz 1.0 %