Homework, can 4 fundamental operations of magick be equated with the modes of divination?

The 4 modes of divination are 1) sortiledge 2) automatism 3) illusion and 4) hallucination using a database like Liber 777 it can be proved (tongue in check) that there are natural transformations between these four and that they are al therefore equivalent.

psychotopology of the imagination, psychotropic drugs, cellular automata, quantum physics, golden dawn magick, complexity mathematics, the simon's edition of the necronomicon, john lily's work on mind exploration, cognitive psychology, superstring theory, psyonic devices, kundalini yoga, voodoo drumming, The Incunabula papers, phi catergory diagram associating 1, 0, and infinity. Smoking: L&M menthols mood, Random coding using DevBloodshed.

It only takes one (I)ota of (A)lpha et (O)mega to get to (N)omen (E)st (O)men.

Will Bael always remain a King in the body of a frog? Or will the lips of the Crowned Queen of space return the King to Grace? We shall see.


100,000 to Die at the London Olympics ?




Irrefutably, the "organized religion" type of spirituality that takes
the place of and substitutes for the "Christos Consciousness" of the
Age of Ascension, is spelled out clearly as the CULT OF THE ATEN,
which stems from the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, when AKEN-ATEN
was Pharaoh.
Since the vast majority of the population has absolutely no clue as
to the imprint this Akhen-Aten cult effected on both the entire blue-
print of be it Religion & Masonry & Politics all the same, little they
suspect this Akhenaten character's relevance to the prophecy in
question, or reality itself at large. Nothing illustrates the extent of
his interdiction on human affairs more than the very term "Christ";
religious believers think of it as a Last-Name, sort of like Jones or
Smith, pertaining to a blood lineage. When pressed they will admit
that well, it's not really a last-name, but more... a concept of "The
Christ"; when pressed a bit more to really define their belief, they
will stutter and babble incoherently. Why...? Because even the very
term "Christ" in itself, has also been interdicted by the ATEN cult,
and to conceal their imprint, they've created a public vacuum on this
respect. Thus we have a double ignorance, of the term "Ante" & of
the term "Christ"; this speaks volumes on the current state of human
religious beliefs.
The english term "CHRIST" is a transliteration of the greek
term "CHRISTOS", which is a translation of the hebrew term
"MESSIAH". So what does the term "Messiah" mean then...?
Little -if ever- does the believer of either Judaism/Islam/Christianity
realize that the "Messiah" concept originated NOT in the Semitic area
but actually in the religion of the Pharaonic EGYPT...!? It was taken
from the Egyptian Cult, and "appropriated-into" the Semitic cults.
Whereas in the old days without dictionaries & encyclopedias and so
forth it was hard to research for yourself these themes, nowadays
with the Internet it is simply inexcusable and utterly irresponsible
behaviour not to take the minimum time to do so. Or it it really that
at the subconscious level you ALREADY know the truth, and thus
pretend not to know it 'yet' in the conscious level...? What you need
to search for is the original Egyptian word for "Messiah", which is
And for ex you get this typical mediocre web result, of little info.
The 1st. thing any researcher will find truly odd, is how hard it is
to find anything on the term "MESSEH". For such a crucial and
incredibly important term, the seemingly total blackout of info is
most suspicious. You may find something on the crocodile type of
God in Egypt -named "SOBEK"; but even the info on Sobek is also
suspiciously scanty. You often read that it was simply a little god
to appease the ferocity of the crocodiles in the Nile. Really...? How
come then, the Pharaohs had to be ANOINTED in CROCODILE FAT
TO ASCEND TO THE THRONE...? Yes, "Messiah" in hebrew means
exactly that: The Anointed One; because in Egypt "Messeh" meant
the one anointed with the crocodile fat, the Pharaoh...! If you do a
little elemental english Gematria (a=1, b=2, ..., z=26):
Is this just a 'coincidence' of language...? You will notice
that the word "Sobek" contains "BES" of "BEAST". You will also
observe that the old spelling of "anointed" used a double-N as in
"ANNOINTED", thus indicating the "ANNUNAKI" (reptilian et
hybrids, said to be "gods" responsible for the human interdiction).
In other words, the NAME (not the spiritual concept) of the Christ
is 100% not a Semitic but a Pharaonic Egyptian cult term. This is
why the Rev. 13:18 prophecy instructs to look for the Number of
the NAME -never to research concepts & dogmas-.
What is instructed has the clear purpose of making the seeker and
researcher acutely aware THAT NAMES HAVE BEEN ALTERED &
respects to all spiritual/religious matters. And that this huge name-
appropriation is akin to a vast TROJAN virus program operating
within the SUBCONSCIOUS of humans, retrofitting all spiritual
concepts to be re-directed and "detoured" SUBLIMINALLY unto
the reptilian source of Egypt's overlords: THE ATEN CULT



Published onJun 26, 2012bymaidenkid84

Selene came to our solar system around 20,000 b.D.C. [translator's explanation: 'BDC' stands for 'before Draconian Christ'], when there was a lawful Andromedian Government in the solar system, the Dynasty of the Celestials or VARUNA DYNASTY [translator's comment: in Greek, 'Celestials' is 'Ouranideis', which gave 'Varouna' and it sounds like it too] (see the ancient Indian texts of the Indian White Dravidians). 'Celestials/Ouranideis/Ουρανιδείς' means 'People who have come from the Sky', Sky-people. The Dynasty of the Celestials consisted mainly of Zeus (Father Zeus -- Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit [translator's comment: 'Father' is in Greek 'Πατηρ/Patir', which sounds very similar to 'Pitar'; and the genitive of 'Zeus' is 'Διος/Dios', which sounds very similar to 'Diaous']) and the clan of Saturn. When Selene entered our solar system, there was already a 'civil' space war taking place between the clans of Zeus and Saturn (see ancient Greek myths, Hesiod's Theogenia, Clash of the Titans, etc) [translator's comment: 'Civil' is here in inverted commas, as it does not refer to a war between powers of the same city or society but actually of the same race]. Zeus achieved a temporary victory against the mutineer Saturn-Sabaoth and he confined Saturn-Sabaoth's allies in places which look like jails, such as the Underworld Tartara.
The second attempt was successful and Selene entered the orbit of the Earth around 11,436 b.D.C. (see research by G.H.REES. and by Raymond Drake, the inscriptions in Tiahuanaco of Bolivia, etc).
The civilisers White Race Hellenes from Andromeda came to Earth from the astro-gate of Serius (Coccyx-Hyperion) as a scientific mission aiming at teaching and civilising the indigenous Black Race with reference to the Ecological Harmony and the Universal Natural Laws and Astrological Laws (see the annals of the Dogon race in Mali of Africa).
The Reptilian Draconians of Selene, having Asmodai Metatron and El Santai (see the Bible -- Old Testament) or Sentai-Tzentai (see the Japanese and Hebrew produced film Star Wars) or Tzoudas-Judas as their premiers, asked from Zeus permission to land their population on Earth.
The Reptilians of Selene then landed to the island complex-continent of Atlantis (or Waterland under the governance of the Andromedian Hyper-Minister of the water element Poseidon) their first Chinese hybrid settlers able to survive on Earth and genetically engineered so as to be able to stand up the attacks of the microbes of Earth (biocompatibility). The Chinese, under the orders of the first Reptilian clergy of the Serpens constellation under the guidance of Selene, soon degenerated the White Pelasgians of Atlantis and turned them in a 'civil' world war against their racial brothers, the Pelasgians of Europe and of the pre-historic Athenian Empire (see Plato's Timaeus and Critias). In this destructive war, there were used nuclear weapons of that time... 'special effect' ones, and weapons of meteorological war, which are mentioned in the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata.
The white Atlantians, instigated by the Chinese of Atlantis (see the book of Raymond Drake ''Small Yellow Master of Atlantis'') successfully invaded Europe, but the Athenians managed to repulse them and to outflank them and they reached a point to be able to throw them back to the Atlantic Ocean with a massive operation of counter attack.
Metatron and El Sentai Tzentai, those Reptilian feudarchs, were now in fear, because the Athenians under the guidance of Zeus were already ready to counter attack massively and to exterminate completely the Chinese of the Atlantis with the accusation of the insidious machination of the Pelasgic 'Civil' World War.
Selene then utilised its gravity cannons to exert gravity overpressure on the lithospheric plates of the Earth and this way it managed to sink Atlantis and also a while later the Aegis Zone (present day Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea), thus killing by means of drawning in the sea millions of souls of White Atlantians and Athenians. The Pelasgic golden era of high technology and civilisation in harmony with nature soon shifted to a 'stone age'. Civilisation went back to square one and chaos prevailed.
At the same time, Selene and the Reptilian Clergy of Serpens constellation informed the Chinese of Atlantis for that matter, and they evacuated in time the sinking continent and they saved in Esperia (present day America).

Claviceps purpurea
An ergot kernel called Sclerotium clavus develops when a floret of flowering grass or cereal is infected by a spore of C. purpurea. The infection process mimics a pollen grain growing into an ovary during fertilization. Because infection requires access of the fungal spore to the stigma, plants infected by C. purpurea are mainly outcrossing species with open flowers, such as rye (Secale cereale) and Alopecurus.
Ergotism is the effect of long-term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced by the Claviceps purpurea fungus which infects rye and other cereals, and more recently by the action of a number of ergoline-based drugs. It is also known as ergotoxicosis, ergot poisoning and Saint Anthony's Fire. Ergot poisoning is a proposed explanation of bewitchment.
Ergot of Rye : History
Ergot of Rye is a plant disease that is caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. The so-called ergot that replaces the grain of the rye is a dark, purplish sclerotium
Pont-Saint-Esprit (Saint Saturnin church)
Pont-Saint-Esprit is famous as the town of origin of Michel Bouvier, a cabinetmaker, who was the ancestor of John Vernou Bouvier III, father of Jacqueline Kennedy.
Eleusinian Mysteries ( EL eu SIN ian)
On the Greek mainland, at Olympia, an archaic shrine with an inner cella sacred to the serpent-savior of the city (Sosipolis) and to Eileithyia was seen by the traveller Pausanias in the 2nd century AD (Greece vi.20.1--3); in it a virgin-priestess cared for a serpent that was "fed" on honeyed barley-cakes and water—an offering suited to Demeter. The shrine memorialized the appearance of a crone with a babe in arms, at a crucial moment when Elians were threatened by forces from Arcadia. The child, placed on the ground between the contending forces, changed into a serpent, driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it disappeared into the hill.
Enki aka EA
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LSD, CIA, and Your Brain
Deep High Blogspot
Stargate of 3 suns part 8
Transhuman agenda 2012 staging of ritual magic part 1
Transhuman agenda 2012 staging of ritual magic part 2
Hidden history in stars of orion part 1
Hidden history in stars of orion part 2
Histamine, Serotonin, & the Ergot Alkaloids
claviceps-purpurea-lsd-synthesis (interesting reading)