ASSEMBLY: / Administrative Assembly
DATE: / Thursday, March 10, 2016
TIME: / 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Call to Order: / Joseph Macknicki called the meeting to order at 8:35 am.
Quorum? Y/N / Yes by suggested proposal
*Attach Membership Attendance List
Agenda Item / Approve AgendaDiscussion / Agenda was approved by quorum.
Motion Text (if applicable) / N/A
Who Motioned? / Noreen Wilson
Who Seconded? / Nancy Walter
Result of Vote / Approved
Next Action (if applicable) / N/A
Agenda Item / Approve Minutes
Discussion / Minutes were approved for February by the quorum.
Motion Text (if applicable) / N/A
Who Motioned? / Annie Scott
Who Seconded? / Nancy Walter
Result of Vote / Approved
Next Action (if applicable) / N/A
Agenda Item / Consent Agenda
Tracking #s: / N/A
Motion Text (if applicable) / N/A
Who Motioned? / N/A
Who Seconded? / N/A
Result of Vote / N/A
Next Action (if applicable) / N/A
Agenda Item / Updates
Executive Council / Student Senate will attend the first annual Connecticut Conference of Student Government Associations (CONNCOSGA) at CCSU on Monday, March 14, 2016. PCOD may show up as a proposal. Student Services would like to bring back Student Development Task Force. Lots of brain storming. Governance Evaluation Committee does not believe that an annual report is necessary as everything is on the website.
Current strategic plan will not be revised. It will remain status quo. A consultant may come in and help us. Legislative breakfast went well. Enrollment is down.
Dean / Budget is unknown. No concrete information. Draft of the budget is due to the BOR by 4/30/16. We will need to cut at least $500,000 and Meriden is to stay open. Retirements may not be filled. Fewer sections to be offered but shadow courses built in.
Construction chopping through Wheaton’s building to put a ventilator in. The chemistry lab should be done for the Summer Session I. Chapman Hall project is out to bid for the roof envelope project due to start July and end in December.
ZREC looks like a possibility as they had fewer requests than they thought.
Second round of shelter in place took recently happened. Looking to gain a 100% evacuation drill.
Academic Liaison / Enrollment was discussed. Discussion was had about security on campus. If outlines have a less than 20% change, they do not have to go to curriculum.
Student Services Liaison / Conversation and recommendation for Super Saturday registrations being the first Saturday of August and the first Saturday of January. Possible evening event in Meriden for registration. Feedback on MWF schedule pros/cons more data is needed. Proposed Student Development Taskforce – approved it. Governance structure conversations – forward ideas to Susan Salowitz.
Governance Assembly / Link to priorities. Looking into the reason why the bottom of the record’s minute’s template says to not add commenters’ names. Lots of discussion on the Governance structure. CCGA meeting constitutions and bylaws. Food insecurities were discussed. 4/19 from 1 – 3 pm at the Old Judicial Building will be CSU day.
Committees / Governance Evaluation Committee –Two items: MxCC Meeting rules: keep using modified Roberts Rules and absence of by-laws. Strategic planning management. Reported on Executive Council. Discussed CAP situation of the group not meeting in January. In March have an assembly meeting on governance feedback. Previous governance annual reporting is not needed as we put everything on the web.
Action Follow-Up / N/A
Agenda Item / Announcements/Other Comments
Discussion / Tweaks for Assemblies: Ability to approve agenda one week before. Proposal come in, put in the approved agenda; vote to have it in there or not. Recorders meeting to discuss proposals. College Assembly once a semester. Assembly should have a voice; if we say no it should not go to the Executive Council. Forward to evaluation committee; appeal process.
Motion Text (if applicable) / N/A
Who Motioned? / N/A
Who Seconded? / N/A
Result of Vote / N/A
Next Action (if applicable) / N/A
Adjournment: / Meeting adjourned at 10 am. 1st motion Noreen Wilson. 2nd Mark Annie Scott.
Submitted By: / Noreen H. Wilson
●Summarize discussions without recording every comment; do not include commenter’s names.
●Use the Next Action field if needed to record any needed follow up and who is responsible.
●The status of Next Actions should be reported on at the next meeting.
●Draft minutes must be sent out to members for reviewno later than 7 days after the meeting.
●Members may request changes or edits prior to the next meeting.
●Minutes must be approved at the next meeting.
●Approved minutes should be posted online no more than 3 days after the meeting at which they are approved.
v. 100215