Spiritual Growth MinistriesApplication form
Aotearoa New Zealand
Spiritual Directors Formation Programme
Please enter your responsesinside the boxes below.You are not limited to the present size of the boxes. Keep typing for as many lines as you need, and don’t worry if your response takes you on to the next page.
Title: First name: Surname:
Phone: Mobile:
Email address:
Skype contact details (overseas applicants):
First language: Fluent in English?
Educational qualifications. Please give details of secondary, tertiary and other relevant qualifications:
Listening skills or counselling training. Please give details of any listening or counselling training and how you have used these skills:
Theological study. Please give details of any theological study, papers or courses taken:
Psychology. Please give details of any study in psychology, personality, behaviour or human development, including MBTI (give profile if known), and Enneagram (give number if known):
Workshop attendance. Please give details and dates of any relevant workshops attended e.g. Christian dreamwork, Treaty of Waitangi.
Give an account of the spiritual direction you have received, including adescription of your present spiritual direction relationship.
List any books or speakers on prayer, spiritual direction and spirituality which have shaped your spiritual life and understanding of prayer.
Outline the types of retreats attended (what year, length etc).
What other experiences, events or relationships have been of special significance in your formation as a person?
Ministry experience:
Comment on spiritual direction and any other forms of spiritual guidance you are offering at present. Include some estimate of how you think it is going.
Using John 20: 11-18 (the appearance of Jesus to Mary), describe the process you would use with a directee to help them to have this quality of meeting with the risen Jesus.
In what other areas of ministry are you or have you been involved?
Please explain why do you wish to participate in the Spiritual Directors’ Formation Programme.
In approximately 500 words, please describe the development of your faith up to and including your current experience.
Referees. Please supply thenames and contact details (including email addresses) of two referees as follows:
Your spiritual director:
A person who knows you well and can give an assessment of your suitability for the work of spiritual direction:
Other requirements:
- When you have completed this application form, please save it to your computer and upload it using the link provided on the Formation Programme application page of SGM website ( Applications are due by September 20, 2016, but late applications will be considered.
- Post or internet bank the non-refundable application fee of $50.00 to:
Joanne Garton
SGM Administrator
36 Buller Crescent
Auckland 2102
Internet banking details:
Account Name: Spiritual Growth Ministries Trust
Account Number: 030 166 019878200
Please include your surname in the Reference field.
- If you have any difficulties in completing this form, or any queries, please contact the Formation Programme Coordinator, Fran Francis, by email at , or by phone at 027 4817 016.