Homestay ProgramStudent Application Form
Check your type: One Weekend Only ( ) / One Month Basis ( )
Please attach a 3x4cmPhoto Here
[Personal Information]
Name: / /
Last /Family First Middle
Preferred Name:
Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): / / Gender: Male/ Female
Nationality: Religion:
Home University: Major:
School year:Freshman/ Sophomore/Junior/ Senior / Graduate student
Your contact details in your home country
Permanent Address:
Telephone: Cell Number:
E-mail: @
Emergency Contact Info of your parent/guardian:
Only if you are in Korea
Address in Korea:
Phone in Korea:
Contact Info of your guardian/Relatives in Korea(if you have)
[Other Information]
Title of Program at Yonsei:
Projected period in Korea from (Day/Month/Year)to (Day/Month/Year)
Which language(s) do you speak? How Fluent?
Korean Language Skills (not a requirement):
Very Fluent So-So Absolute Beginner
What is your main purpose of applying homestay program?(circle as appropriate)
1.Accommodation purposes only 2. Learning Korean 3. Safety reasons
4. Understanding of Korean Culture 5. Others
Your personality
Hobbies & Other Interests (Please be specific)
Things you know about Korea
Things you’d like to do with Homestay family while in Korea (Please be specific)
Smoke: Yes / No Vegetarian: Yes / NoAny allergies? No / Yes: ______
Do you take any Medication currently? No/ Yes:______
Any Comments:
MANDATORY: I hereby agree to provide any additional documentation to Global Loungefor Homestay Application, including acopy of My Student ID Passport and the following Homestay Agreement.
Date: Signature:
Documents which should be attached with the application form are:
A Copy of Passport’s ID & Study Visa Page
A Family Photo files
Sponsor’s Letter of Recommendation (Academic Advisor or Parent)
Homestay Agreement followed
Student SelfAssessment Medical Report
1. You shall abide by the house rules of your HostFamily and the laws of community.
주인집 가정의 규칙과 지역사회의 법규에 따른다.
2. You must hand in the designated home-stay participation fee for the wanted period of stay to the host family (Korean Family) on the first day of living with Homestay Family. Participation fee is based on a monthly basis, and may be increased every year about 50 USD. 참가 학생은 정해진 기간에 대한 홈스테이 참가비를 가족과 함께 살게 되는 첫 날에 호스트 패밀리 (가정)에 지불하며, 홈스테이 비용은 한 달을 기준으로 하고,참가비는 매년 약 5만원가량 인상 될 수 있다.
3. Homestay Program participant, the student, should live for first month with the matched host family, and the extension of the period should be consulted and consented by the host family before the period of a month is over.
홈스테이 참가 학생은 첫 달은 무조건 처음에 배정된 가정과 살아야 하며, 이후 연장은 당월이스트 끝나가기 전에 호스트 가정과의 상의하고, 동의를 구해야 한다.
4. In case student wants to withdraw from homestay program in the middle of period, simply email to Homestay program coordinator at with the statement. Please note that there is no refund. 단, 참가 학생이 중도에 홈스테이 프로그램을 철회하는 경우에는 홈스테이 담당자에게 이메일을 통해 프로그램 철회 사실을 알려야 합니다. 그러나, 이미 납부한 비용은 환불이 되지 않습니다.
5. Please expect the breakfast will be with your host family members. However, lunch and dinner are not offered.
아침식사는 가족과 함께 할 수 있으나, 점심 또는 저녁은 별도로 제공되지 아니한다.
6. Overseas phone calls and individual internet line usage feesshould be responsible of the student’s.
국제전화나 개인 인터넷 사용료는 반드시 학생이 부담해야 합니다.
. 7. Smoking in the house shall not be allowed unless given permission. 주인의 허락이 없는 한 금연을 원칙으로 한다. Drinking alcoholic beverage is allowed only by the host family's permission, and is prohibited by Korean law if you are under 19 years old가정 내에서의 음주는 Host 의 동의를 구하여야 한다. 단 19세 이하의 음주는 법으로 금지되어있다.
8. You shall be responsible for any damages incurred by you on the Homestay family's household items during your stay. 체류기간동안 부주의로 파손한 집안 내 물품에 관하여는 변상하여야 한다.
9. Yonsei University and/or the host family shall not be responsible for the guest (student)'s injury or death, caused by accidents and/or disasters, and waives any legal actions to collect financial damages.
연세대학교와 Host Family는 사고나 천재지변으로 인한 학생의 인명피해(부상, 사망)에 대하여는 책임을 지지않으며, 손님이 제기한 어떠한 손해배상 청구소송에도 관여되지 않는다.
10. Arbitration (중재)
The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in Seoul, Korea in accordance with its Arbitration Rules shall finally settle all disputes regarding this agreement in arbitration. 이 협의서와 관련한 모든 분쟁은 서울의 대한상사중재원의 중재 규칙에 따라 최종 해결한다.
Guest (student)’s signature:______Date:______
Homestay Program
International Scholar and Student Services Team
Office of International Affairs
Global Lounge, Yonsei University
Seoul 120-749, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2123-6493 /