
Works Cited and Parenthetical Citations Practice #2

(20 points)

Objectives: By the end of this lesson, you will use Noodletools to take notes from sources you locate and will create a works cited page for those sources. You will demonstrate the difference between a quote and a paraphrase. You will also be able to use a parenthetical citation after a paraphrase and a quotation.

Background Information: The Supreme Court, the highest court of the land, serves as the final court of appeals for interpreting the Constitution. The court agrees to hear less than 100 cases per year but their rulings have significant impacts on the nation. The Supreme Court has heard a number of court cases regarding education

Task (follow these in the exact order in which they are written):

1.  Choose the one of the following Supreme Court cases regarding education that is most interesting to you.

A.  New Jersey v. T.L.O. (Issue: Search and Seizure in Schools)

B.  Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe (Issue: prayer at school events)

C.  Goss v. Lopez (Issue: The right to due process in schools)

2.  Research and locate 2 sources about your topic. Places to look:

A.  North Penn Databases (REQUIRED!!!) **

i.  U.S. History in Context

ii.  World Book Advanced

B.  Books (optional – may be tough to find)

C.  Internet (optional) **

D.  1 of your sources MUST be a database. The other one is up to you.

E.  You may NOT use your text as a source – it is only for background.

3.  Once you find your 2 sources, enter them in to Noodletools.

A.  Share your Project with Mrs. Mumford

i.  From the Dashboard - Select

Then start to type “Mumford” and

select your class and click “Share Project”

4.  Take a note from each source. You must do this in Noodletools. For each:

A.  write down a quote; then

B.  paraphrase it – this is when you express the meaning of the writer using different words.

5.  Create your Works Cited page and print it out.

6.  Using your notes from Noodletools, write 2 sentences about your topic. The sentences do not need to connect to each other. Each sentence MUST be followed by a parenthetical citation.

A.  From 1 source write a quote

B.  From your 2nd source, your sentence MUST be a paraphrase

7.  Hand in your 2 sentences, your works cited page, and this assignment sheet.


20 Points / 15 Points / 10 Points / 5 Points / 4 Points or less
MLA format / Uses required number or more
cited sources
•Sources meet selection
•Parenthetical citations in correct
MLA format
•Works Cited page is correct
MLA format
•There is no plagiarism, either
intentional or unintentional
•Mechanical formatting meets
MLA requirements / Uses required number of cited
•Sources meet selection
•Few errors in MLA parenthetical
citation format
•Works Cited page is in MLA
format with only minor errors
•There is no plagiarism, either
intentional or unintentional
•Mechanical formatting meets
MLA requirements / Uses required number of cited
•Most sources meet selection
•Some errors in MLA
parenthetical citation format
•Works Cited page is in MLA
format with only minor errors
•There is no plagiarism, either
intentional or unintentional
•Mechanical formatting meets
MLA requirements with only
minor errors / Uses 1-2 fewer cited sources
than required
•1-2 sources do not meet
selection requirements
•Several errors in MLA
parenthetical citation format
•Works Cited page is in MLA
format with several errors
•There is some unintentional
•Mechanical formatting does not
consistently follow MLA
requirements / Uses 3+ fewer cited sources
than required
•3 or more sources do not meet
selection requirements
•Errors in MLA parenthetical
citation format are abundant
•Works Cited page is in MLA
format with several errors
•There is some unintentional
•Mechanical formatting does not
follow MLA requirements


1. ______I located 2 different sources related to my topic and took notes from them

2. ______1 of my 2 sources was a database

3. ______I entered 2 sentences from each source into Noodletools & Shared with Mrs. Mumford

A. ______1 sentence was a quote

B. ______1 sentence was a paraphrase

4. ______I wrote 2 sentences about my topic.

A. ______From 1 source, I wrote a quote followed by a parenthetical citation

B. ______From the 2nd source, I wrote a paraphrase followed by a parenthetical citation

5. ______I printed out my works cited page and attached it to the page with my sentences

6. ______I attached this handout (with my competed checklist) to my works cited page my sentences.