Girl Scout Service Unit 52-08

Fall Product Sales Overview

September 8, 2015

The Fall Product Sale is a council-sponsored program that combines educational activities with money earning opportunities for the troops. The Fall Sale is directed toward family and friends- those closest to Girl Scouting and enables troops to earn start up money by selling magazine subscriptions as well as nuts and candy. There is no pressure to sell! Please visit GSCNC WEBSITE: and consult your pink Guide for Troops.


•  Nuts, chocolates and candies -- Make great holiday gifts for teachers, co-workers, mail carriers, etc.! (Price range $6 to $9)

•  Magazines (M2 Media Group) -- New subscriptions and renewals - Purchase online or with paper order forms

•  Virtual Gift of Caring/Thank You Nuts -- Support the USO (troops) by purchasing $7 nut/candy items to be donated (not available if ordering nuts and candies online)

•  There are no longer address booklets.

•  Unlike GS cookies, collect all money (for magazines, nuts and candy) when orders are placed; checks payable to GSCNC.


•  September 21 - October 23, 2015: Selling Period/Order Taking

•  October 26, 2015: Troop Orders Submitted (at the troop level by the Troop Fall Sales Chair, not Clint Herbert)



•  October 27, 2015: Paperwork due to Service Unit (SU) Fall Product Sales Chair, Clint Herbert:

•  Girls’ Online Sales Reports

•  Paper magazine subscription orders (white and yellow copies) - verify all info is filled out and correct

•  Report T2 - Candy and Nuts (printed from Nut-e)

•  Report T2 - Incentives/Rewards (printed from Nut-e)

•  November 6, 2015: ACH Withdrawal from troop accounts

•  November 17-20, 2015: Product delivery

** Products will be available for pick up at Herbert Residence 8373 Derwent Valley Ct, Lorton, VA 22079

Nut-e, Online Ordering System:

•  Log on to (login name will be gscnc+troop number; for example Troop 101 will have a login of gscnc101 with password gscnc) Please update your troop info and change your password!

•  Nut-e (web program where you manage your fall sales activities) does all the work for you! Figures out monies owed to Council. Figures out recognitions based on girls’ sales if troop voted for recognitions/prizes.

•  You must enter nut and candy orders from paper order cards. You must enter all paper magazine subscriptions. See page page 8 of pink Guide for Troops on how to enter girl orders. NEW THIS YEAR: Nut-e will get all online sales activity -- both magazines and nuts. You should verify this is actually happening by checking with your families who participate online.

Money Matters and Troop Proceeds:

•  Fill out an ACH Form giving Council authority to automatically debit your account for money owed.

•  Deposit money as soon as possible into your troop account.

•  Troop proceeds from sales are 10% of total sales if girls vote for recognitions/prizes (15% if vote is no prizes)

•  Tiered Bonus: Troops that average $150 per selling girl will receive an additional 2% in proceeds

•  Super Troop Bonus: Troops that average $175 per selling girl will receive an additional 1% for the Fall Product Sale program AND 2 cents per box on their cookie proceeds.

Past Performance:

•  Based on past performance in our SU, about 1/3 of all troops participate. This is usually about 10 troops.

•  Average sales are $624 with 10% average troop proceeds $62 and 15% average troop proceeds $93

•  Troop proceeds range from $73 to $1509!

•  You can make some money in the beginning of the scout year with this money earning activity!

Lessons Learned from Past Sales:

•  Don’t wait until the last minute to enter your troop’s orders. Get comfortable and familiar with Nut-e.

•  Double check your orders for each girl and keep accurate accounting of monies received from each girl.

•  Once you enter in Nut-e, it is done. Products are delivered and it is impossible to come up with extra boxes of nuts and candies to correct mistakes.

•  Print out your own T2 reports and sign (saves Clint printer ink and you would be amazed the mistakes that can happen if we don’t get your reports - we have almost missed troops; troops have almost received incorrect orders, incorrect prizes, etc.)

•  Enter your information in Nut-e -- name, address, etc.

•  Checks are payable to GSCNC and yes, you can deposit those checks in your troop account

•  Your troop does not have to participate in Fall Sales in order to participate in Cookie Sales

•  If you want to do some other kind of troop fundraising, you must participate in both Fall Sales and Cookie Sales

•  If you are striving to be an Honor Troop, you must particpate in Fall Sales


•  If your troop participates, please notify Clint before October 23.

•  Any questions, please contact Clint at or home 703-690-1212 or cell 703-628-1259

GIRL SCOUT MISSION: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.