St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Aylesford

Parish Notes for
Sixth Sunday of Easter
21st May 2017 / We are a fair-trade church



If you have come with a child who is under 4 years old, your child is very welcome to stay in the pew during the service or go to the Children’s Corner at the back of the church. If your child is four years or more, and Sunday Club is running today, they are welcome to attend Sunday Club. Parents/guardians may accompany their children to Sunday Club if they are hesitant about going to the club, which runs from 10 – 11am.


Father God, may your Spirit at work within us, guide us into all truth and equip us to live out your Son’s commandments to love one another. Amen.


8am Holy Communion. 10am Morning Prayer. Theme: The Spirit of Truth. Readings for this week: Acts 17:22-31 (NT p171) & John 14:15-21. (NT p138)

We welcome James Alder to speak at our 10am Service about the work of CAST (Churches And Schools Together).

The Week Ahead

Tuesday 23rd:2pm Friendship Group. 8pm-9.15pm Bell ringing practice.

Wednesday24th:10am Holy Communion. 2.00pm Funeral of Len Wells in Church.

Thursday 25th:4.15pm Songs of Praise Queen Elizabeth Court. 7.30pm Deanery Evensong for Ascension Day at St Nicholas Church, Linton.

Saturday 27th: 10am -4pm Christian Aid street collection at Aylesford retail parks.

Sunday 28th: 8am & 10am Holy Communion Theme: The Spirit of love & Service. Readings next week: Acts 1:6-14 & John 17:1-11.


Parish Notes are now available to download on the Church website. They can be found on the "main home page" and the "events page":


Vicar: Rev. Jonathan Hall 01622 717434

Church office:Anita Keays Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 2pm

01622 719366

Churchwardens:Brenda Sladen 01622 882395

Robert Halliday 01622717426

Pastoral Assistant: Janet Holdstock 01622 710083

Cherith Bourne

Parish Evangelist: Jenny Relf 01622 710963

Parish Website:

Quiet Area for Prayer and Prayer Book - You are welcome to use the chapel on Sundays or during the week for prayer, and a Prayer book is available, in which you can write any prayer requests. These will be prayed through at the Wednesday morning service.

The Key to the Church - This is kept at the Village Shop. You are welcome to borrow it if you want to go into the church outside service times.

Aylesford Church Prayerline

If you have a special request for a prayer to be said at the 10am service on Sunday please telephone Richard on 01622 792855 at any time during the week.

Brassey Bazaar Summer Special Saturday 3rd June 10am -2pm

We are asking for contributions to raffle and tombola stalls & items for the Bazaar. Cakes & any other delights will be most welcome from 9.15am on the day or phone Valerie on 01622717598 to arrange Friday delivery.

Plant Sale

The date of the plant sale has been changed to coincide with the Summer Special. The time will be 10am – 12 noon. If you have any spare flower or vegetable plants we will be pleased to accept them.

Pentecost Eve Ecumenical Supper and Service with the Friars.

Saturday 3rd June. Everyone is warmly invited to a special evening of fellowship and worship in St Peter and St Paul’s Church.

6.30pm - Bring and Share Supper. 8.00pm - Taize Service, followed by Prayer Vigil until 10pm.

Thy Kingdom Come – Global Wave of Prayer

In response to a call by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, between 25th May and 4th June, communities and churches around the world are gathering together to pray that their friends, families and neighbours come to know Jesus Christ. At St Peter and St Paul’s Church there will be two opportunities to share this:

Wednesday 31st May 9.00am to 12 noon- Prayer Vigil (including Holy Communion at 10am)

Saturday 3rd June, 8.00pm to 10.00pm Ecumenical Taize Service followed by Prayer Vigil.

Notes from Janet

June 3rd – Summer Special10am – 2pm at Brassey Centre for Brassey Bazzaar with plant sale. Janet doing ploughman’s lunches. Any help appreciated please.

June 3rdevening - Bring and Share Supper in church 6-30pm prior to Pentecost service 7-30pm. We are Hosts this year and people from the Friars are invited to join us.

Patronal Festival June 25th – cream teas 3 – 5.30pm in church followed by evening Songs of Praise 6-30pm. Help with baking , serving , washing up etc please.

Food Bank

Gifts of food are always greatly appreciated. There is a particular need at the moment for: Toilet rolls, Marmite and full fat long-life milk.Thank you.

Church Calendar 2018

Just a reminder that I still need photos please from around the Parish that can be used to depict Aylesford and the surrounding area in each month of the year. So far I have an autumn photo and a couple of spring photos so still need lots more. I'm sure we have some good photographers among us. We will be making our final selection towards the end of August. Please either send to or contact Aline on Thank you.

Responding in Love and Service – Stewardship Programme

Throughout the month of May we are each encouraged to think and pray about the ways in which we can be more effective in achieving our VISION as a Church family and the MISSION OBJECTIVES that the PCC has set for this year. Although financial issues are important, we are each asked to reflect on ways we can respond in love and service, by giving of our time, energy, skills and experience to share in God’s Mission.


Theme: “The Spirit of truth.” As an example of a practical way of offering time and skills, James Alder will be talking about the work of CAST at the 10am Service.

Sunday 28th May -FINANCIAL GIFTS

Theme: “The Spirit of love and service”

Following both services on 28th May you are invited to stay for… A short Information Session, about financial issues and the need to increase our income in order to fulfil our vision and mission objectives.Everyone will be given a leaflet and response form.

Church is now on Facebook!So how can you find us?If you already have a Facebook account, head to our Community page:St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, Aylesford or search for Aylesford Church Facebook.

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