MGMT 360 – Labor Management Relations


SPRING 2010 – Dr. Yacus


You should be able to do the following

Chapter 6

1. Know when multi-plant bargaining would be preferred. Know what pattern bargaining is.

2. Know what centralized bargaining is.

3. Know what mandatory subjects of bargaining are.

4. Know what a lock-in agreement is and what whip-saw bargaining is.

5. Know when union bargaining power is higher or lower.

6. Know what the resistance point is. Know what the bargaining range is.

7. Know how a one-cent per hour increase would change a year’s labor cost.

8. Know what the roll up factor is.

9. Know what mutual gain bargaining (aka win-win or interest-based) is

10. Know what distributive bargaining (win-lose) is.

11. Know what intra-organizational bargaining is.

12. Know what good faith means.

13. Know the difference between illegal bargaining, mandatory bargaining, and voluntary bargaining subjects.

14. Know what mid-term bargaining and good-faith bargaining impasse are.

15. Know what happens when an employer claims inability to pay.

16. Know what totality of conduct means. Know what Boulwarism is. Know what “surface bargaining” and “dilatory tactics” are.

17. Know that management has rights too (long and short form)

18. Know the difference between a new employer and a successor employer.

19. Know how contracts are ratified.

20. Know some of the reasons why tentative contracts are rejected.

21. Know that deception and false information is a high risk strategy that is rarely used.

22. Know that the majority of contract negotiations result in a successful contract.

Chapter 7

1. Know that industrial wage differentials are explained by three factors.

2. Know what a job analysis is.

3. Know the various incentive plans (gain-sharing, piece-rate, profit sharing, Scanlon plan, Rucker plan. Improshare) and how they are applied to individuals or groups.

  1. Know what skill based pay is and what skill pay differential is.
  1. Know what a two-tiered plan is

6. Know what labor productivity is.

7. Know what “COLA” and “CPI” are. Who determines CPI?

8. Know what “Back-loaded”, “front-loaded”, and “even-loaded” are.

9. Know what a wage reopener clause is. Know what a lump sum pay adjustment is.

10. Know what HMOs and PPOs are.

11) Know what work-sharing is.

12. Know that there are at least 10 regular U.S. holidays, though some workers get 11 or more.

13. Know the difference between defined benefits pension plans and defined contribution pension plans

14. Know what an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is and how it affects employee behavior.

15. Know that employee are often vested after 3 years.

16. Know that FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

17. Be aware of some of the “other benefits” (e.g., prepaid legal services, EAP, education tuition aid)

18. Know what “spillover effect” is.

Chapter 8

1. Know what a High Performing Work Organization is.

2. Know what deskilling is.

3. Know what electronic monitoring is used for.

4. Know what featherbedding is.

5. Know that WARN required 60 days notice of a plant closing with more than 100 workers.

6. Know the difference between subcontracting, offshoring, and outsourcing.

7. Know what jurisdictional disputes are and who settles them.

8. Know what flextime, compressed workweek, and alternative workschedule are.

9. Be familiar with seniority. Know what superseniority is for.

10 Know what work sharing is.

11. Know what work restructuring is.

12. now what OSHA is and how it affects the workplace.

13. Know what the Americans with Disabilities Act was, who settles the disputes, how a person with disabilities is defined, and what reasonable accommodation is. How has ADA affected the workplace?

Chapter 9

1. Know what mediation is.

2. Know what FMCS does.

3. Know the difference between a mediator and an arbitrator.

4. Know how fact-finding differs from arbitration.

5. Know what interest arbitration is

6. Know what conventional interest arbitration (CA) is, final offer total package (FOTP), and final order issue-by-issue (FOIBI) are. Know how FOTP affets the arbitration.

7. Know what med-arb is.

8. Know that mediation, fact-finding, and interest arbitration are used to resolve impasse.

9. Know the different kinds of strikes (economic, unfair labor practice, wildcat, sympathy, jurisdictional) and which strikes are legal and which ones aren’t.

10. Know who has the most effect on a striker’s behavior and attitude.

11. Know the reasons why or why not an employer would hire replacements for striking workers.

12. Know what picketing is and employee rights.

13. Know what a secondary employer is. Know what a business ally is.

14. Know what a sympathy striker is and when it is legal.

15. Know what Common Situs Picketing is.

16. Know what a reserve gate is for.

17. Is product picketing legal?

18. Know what the president does during a national emergency strike.