Psi Chi


Article I Name

The name of this organization shall be Psi Chi Lambda

Article II Purpose

Section 1. To provide an organization for students who are interested in psychology.

Section 2. To provide learning experiences such as will be educationally illuminating and to prepare students for a future in psychology.

Section 3. To inform students of career opportunities and summer opportunities in the field of psychology.

Section 4. To encourage students to view psychology with a Christian perspective.

Article III Membership

Section 1. Members shall be any HoughtonCollege affiliate interested in psychology.

Section 2. Those who want to join may do so at any time during the current year.

Article IV Officers

Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, chaplain, and social/publicity chairman.

Section 2. The president shall oversee meetings in the absence of the president and shall be co-chairman of the program committee.

Section 3. The vice-president shall oversee meetings in the absence of the president shall be co-chairman of the program committee.

Section 4. The secretary/treasurer shall have the responsibilities of keeping the minutes of all meetings, handling monies and records thereof, and for conducting all correspondence associated with the organization.

Section 5. The social/publicity chairman shall be responsible for publicization of meetings and events.

Section 6. The officers shall be elected by majority vote for a period of one year following the period of election.

Section 7. The officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the regular meeting in April of each school year.

Article V Program Committee

Section 1. The program committee shall consist of the cabinet and faculty advisor.

Section 2. The duties of the program committee shall be to arrange for places of meeting and activities pursuant to achieving the objectives of the club.

Section 3. The chairman of the program committee shall submit the programs and requests to the office of student affairs for approval.

Article VI Meetings

Section 1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held once each month as shall be agreed upon by the cabinet and student affairs committee.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the cabinet.

Section 3. Cabinet and program committee meetings may be called by the president at any time.

Article VII Amendments

The constitution of this organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any meeting, providing that notice of the proposed amendment has been presented at the preceding meetings.

Article VIII Faculty Advisor

Section 1. The faculty advisor of this organization shall be a member of the Psychology Department of Houghton College.

Section 2. The faculty advisor shall be elected in April by the cabinet.


Article I Quorum

Section 1. A majority of the enrolled members of this organization shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. A quorum must be present at any meeting at which business is transacted.

Article II Vacancies

Section 1. If any office becomes vacant before the expiration of its term, it shall be filled at the first meeting possible by a member duly elected.

Article III Rights and Duties of Members

Section 1. Members shall be new at the beginning of each school year, with the exception of previously elected officers.

Article IV Amending the By-Laws

Section 1. The by-laws of this organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any meeting provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at the preceding meeting.