Chairperson: Arvid Spor

members present: Sharonda Barksdale, Breeanna Bond, Theresa Clifford,

Lorena Garcia, Patrick Imamura, Debbie Kyte, Claudia Lee,

Linda Lew, Julieta Ortiz, Carolee Vakil-Jessop

Recorder: Lucy Nelson

The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.

Review December 18, 2009 Minutes - minutes were approved with no changes.

Governor’s Budget for 2010-11

  1. $20B gap in the state budget, $6.6B for the current year and $13.3B for 2010-11. Strategies proposed to close gap include:
  2. Cutting $3B from health care programs and extensive cuts to welfare.
  3. Department of Correction cuts of $1.2B.
  4. $7B federal government aid.
  5. Extending temporary tax increases.
  6. Major components of the 2010-11 Community Colleges budget include:
  7. Enrollment growth of 2.2% - projected, not expected.
  8. Negative COLA – loss of $20M spread throughout Community College system.
  9. Reduction in funding for EOPS and part-time faculty compensation by $10M each to augment Career and Technical Education (CTE) funding.
  10. Suspension of mandates by relaxing laws; wait to see if this is legitimate and can occur.
  11. Increased categorical flexibility – move nominal amount from one categorical to another to fulfill flexibility requirements; will see this on February board agenda. Relaxing mandates and increasing flexibility is similar to block grants where institutions determine how funds are distributed.
  12. Student enrollment fees – will remain the same for now. CCLC has proposed raising fees to $32/unit with the condition that students only pay fees on 1 to 10 units per term.

Enrollment Reports

  1. Currently at 101% enrollment for Winter 2010. At about 86% target enrollment for Spring 2010. State will only pay at certain level of FTES and College may have to use reserves to cover over enrollment costs. May have to cut more sections or eliminate next winter session. Faculty needs to understand that all staff and college infrastructure is affected when they over-enroll.
  2. If Council members have questions about the meaning of report categories (i.e. fill rate, sections versus seats taken, etc.), contact A. Spor.

Metrics - Federal government and Accrediting Commission are asking colleges to collect and analyze data for planning, program review, evaluation, etc. President Fallo asked VPs to work with divisions/departments to collect metrics. Work with managers if asked for assistance or ideas on collecting metrics for departments.

Group Reports and SLO Updates

Student Development (C. Vakil-Jessop)

  1. Handed out tentative calendar of spring events. Still to be scheduled: ASO special election (to replace student trustee who in ineligible to continue serving), ASO cabinet meetings, finance meetings, and banquet.
  2. Completed two SLOs in fall and evaluations have been submitted. Will begin SLO in spring which is a repeat of one done in fall.
  3. Scheduling issues due to fencing/construction on Library lawn and in Activities Center. Bookstore is expected to move out of East Lounge by the end of March, but was asked to hold off scheduling East Lounge until May 1st.
  4. Flooding in ASO Executive office and flooding and no heat in the Student Development office. Concerned with mold issues.
  5. Free H1N1 vaccine clinic in Activities Center on Monday, 1/25/10, from 10am-4pm for students, staff, managers and faculty while supplies last.
  6. Photo ID is only open Tuesdays 8:00am-1:00pm and Wednesdays 1:00pm-6:00pm during Winter session. Students with either Compton or ECC IDs should receive services at both campuses.
  7. ASO Senate Meeting planned for 1/25 or 1/26 to finalize students attending ASAAC National Student Advocacy Conference in March in Washington D.C. and approve activities (participate in a March and SSCCC Spring General Assembly) to send to Finance Committee. Will announce Special Election for student trustee at beginning of spring semester.
  8. Area Council was cancelled this month – nothing new to report. Asking for volunteer(s) to cover two Area Council meetings this spring – will email dates to Division Council.

ASO/ICC (B. Bond) - nothing new to report.

Student Job Placement (L. Lew)

  1. Five upcoming spring events co-sponsored by Career Center and CTE:
  2. March: Green Job and Internship Fair and Fine Arts Career and Majors Fair
  3. April: Career Expo and Majors Fair
  4. May: Business Career and Majors Fair and Math Career and Majors Fair
  5. SLOs - collected 30 surveys in December for total of 180 surveys for four-month period. Working on an additional SLO statement and survey for Resume and Cover Letter workshops conducted by John Weitzel.
  6. December totals: 83 new job postings, 25 new employers, 212 students using services.

Outreach & School Relations (J. Ortiz)

  1. Three Information Desk students have exhausted their work study funds, but Luis Mancia helped attain additional funding through next pay period, then will use Info Desk budget to cover through June 30th. Info Desk has been busy – at least two students scheduled at time.
  2. Three Outreach counselors should start on February 7th.
  3. Scheduling students for Welcome Week. Working on location of tables issues due to fencing and construction on campus.
  4. Luis Barrueta is updating Outreach website. SLO statement and calendar of events is posted.
  5. SLO assessment – provide students with pre- and post-test in ECC information sessions. Before session, 62% correct answers; after session – 84% correct answers.

FYI/SI (T. Clifford)

  1. SI - four SI coaches left to hire. SI mailers generated a lot of interest, bringing in four to ten students in per day. Training for SI coaches will be on February 10th and 11th, location to be determined. Updated SI schedules. No new information on SLOs.
  2. FYE – hired new part-time counselor, Maria Estrada, to work Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am-4:00pm. New intern will work one day a week for two hours starting February 17th. Will send Learning Communities mailer to new LC students next week. Counselors will conduct orientation the second week of classes. Putting together events for spring.

Assessment/Testing (L. Garcia)

  1. SLO update - encouraging students to pre-test before testing. Sample tests are available on website and in testing office.
  2. ATB is still on hold – coordinating with the Learning Resource Center for students to preview test before taking ATB.
  3. Will begin surveys in February.

Financial Aid (D. Kyte)

  1. Received approval from Chancellor’s Office for funding to purchase computers for the lab. The goal was to be up and running in two weeks.
  2. Sallie Mae debit card program link was added to the main El Camino webpage for better access. Funds are not being held for non-payment of fees for out-of-state students if they sign up for the debit card. Two-phase debit card test runs were successful, but still anticipate glitches.
  3. Cal Grant verification information is available on Financial Aid website (March 2nd deadline). Should receive checks in four to six weeks for Chaffee Grant recipients awarded in fall.
  4. Forms Committee started meeting January 8th – not many changes to forms this year.
  5. Direct loans still pending – currently use Wells Fargo and Nellie Mae for student loans. Department of Education will provide federal loans, no longer using banks.
  6. Plan to hire Datatel consultant to make changes to SAP calculation procedure. Received two new scanners and will need training for staff. Having some issues with logging on and not recognizing bar codes. Need to provide scanner training for ITS Help Desk.
  7. Completed assessment and reflection SLO in December. Still working on survey for second SLO (due Spring 2010) to determine what types of online services students are using.

Foster Care (S. Barksdale/P. Imamura)

  1. Starting series this weekend of F-rate (kids medically fragile) and D-rate (kids with emotional challenges) classes for foster parents who want foster home certification. There is a waiting list for D-rate classes; other campuses not offering D-rate classes until end of year.
  2. S. Barksdale works with tutoring program – bombarded with referrals of students not doing well in school; request to hire more tutors.
  3. P. Imamura conducts class for 16-20 year-old foster and probation youth which will end February 17th; 20 enrolled (18 showed up). 15 RSVPs so far for Financial Aid event at Inglewood One-Stop on January 30th. Students will enter FAFSA information and apply for Chaffee grants in computer lab.

Next meeting is scheduled on February 19th. Meeting may be canceled or postponed because it’s the first week of spring semester classes. Meeting ended at 9:50 a.m.