22nd April 2016

14.00 IT Meeting room


Chair / Adrian Chira
VP Services and Comms / Josh O’Connor
Women’s officer / Anne Marie Howe
VP Education / Osei Downes
VP Welfare / Jess Rich
LGBT Officer / Simone Mendez Sutcliffe
BAME officer / Asha Ali
Disabled student’s officer / Alicia Alexander Gavrila
VP Southend / Shola Akinyemi ( via video)
Post Grad officer / Jess Blair
In Attendance
Governance officer / Michelle Harris

Apologies: Christina Anastasiou, Craig Stephens, Chris Mullen, Jake Parkins,


Actions from Previous meetings:
Student ideas
-  Outstanding Action: VP Education to ensure Rosie Redstone is invited to join the student group looking at improvements to the student centre - Group has not started yet but when it does Rosie will be included
-  Exam resit fees – Idea successfully passed. Action: VP Education to take forward and discuss with university what opportunities exist to reduce or remove these fees – VP Education to meet with Pro vice Chancellor for Education
-  V-Team online passport – Ideas successfully passed but concerns as to implementation costs. Action: VP Education to take forward - Promise 1already looked at the idea but need to ensure there is budget available
-  Sabb vital stats - Action: It was agreed that AC will submit changes via student ideas and discuss concerns with CEO. This has now been discussed with CEO and agreed that students will be consulted via social media etc.
-  Executive Question Time Action: Executive to promote via social media where possible – not done but still time
1.  The lighting situation in the towers – President
·  President ran through the information available and what involvement the SU had on the process being implemented. RA pay is still being looked at by the university. Venerable students are being moved if possible but it was not clear how many could be moved and what was classed as vulnerable.
·  SU working with university communication team as it was felt the current wording was misleading
·  Any help that the Executive could provide would be appreciated and ensure that students are pointed in the correct direction for advice and support (contact 01206874000 or )
2.  VP Education events update
- number of events taking place over next few weeks
- The decolonisation of Essex – events taking place all week
Action: VP education to circulate programme to Exec and they will promote and support
3.  LGBT Pride – LGBT officer
Looking to hold a pride event on 1st June
Action: Support needed from Promise 3 regarding risk register
Action : to request budget from Promise three manager – how much and what money is required for
4.  EU Referendum – 17th May – Chair
Residence life is arranging a day of action that the Executive will be supporting . This will be to encourage students to bot register and vote in the EU referendum on 23rd June
5.  Student Idea – wheel chair access to Multi Faith Chaplaincy
-  Was a student idea that was successfully voted through, Exec had taken to the MFC and had expected changes to be included in phase 2 of the redevelopment. The Redevelopment has now been paused. Action: Disabled student’s officer and VP welfare will take forward
6.  NUS Yik Yak vote – Chair
-  New president will be visiting Essex as part of the decolonisation week events
-  VP welfare gave feedback on the National conference
-  Action: BAME officer to look at possibility of leaving the NUS – need 75 signatures to hold a referendum