International Noble Work Development

& Investigation Association (INDIA):


International Noble Work Development & Investigation Association (INDIA)

International Noble Work Development and Investigation Association (INDIA) is a non-profit, democratic and secular voluntary organization that has its presence in the State of Odisha for nearly two decades. With the combined effort of some youth volunteers who are deeply committed to fight for the causes of the dalits, the poor and marginalized, the organization was shaped and registered in 1996 under the Society Registration Act 1860. Over the years it has been engaged in advocating the rights and privileges of the unprivileged sections of the society and fighting for the issues related to their development with emphasis on the rights of children and women. The organization currently has its presence in Khandamal, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur and Puri districts of Odisha and works mostly in remote areas where the marginalized sections are most vulnerable.

Being located at Buguda in Ganjam district of Odisha the organization is well equipped with minimum infrastructure . It has a team of professional staff and cadres of grass roots volunteers in respective districts to spearhead its activities. Although fund is required to strategically move towards achieving the goal and objectives of the society, its paucity at difficult times has not so far deterred the commitment and motivation of the organizers.


INDIA as an organization is the brainchild of a group of dalit youths from Buguda block of Ganjam district who could never forget the caste based atrocities on them and their families in the form ofdenial of entry into the temples, pulling out water from the village well or using the hand pumps installed in the area inhabited by upper caste community, and most importantly, practice of untouchability at the household and community level and in educational institutions as well. Adding salt to the injury, in 1994 the social boycott of Dalits and caste violence on the issue of entry of dalits into the village temples in Badua ignited the minds of dalit youths and intensified dalit youth action to protect dalit communities and safeguard their rights. Subsequently, the urge to fight against caste based violence and atrocities took the shape of organized and concerted efforts to liberate the community from the ravages of caste practice and victimization of dalits by the upper caste communities. The conviction and philosophy of such social movement was to educate, igniteand organize – break the silence and be assertive.To consolidate the movement further a network of dalit advocates, intellectuals, students, journalists, social activists, educationists, community leaders and small and marginalized farmers was formed in 1995 under the banner of Orissa Dalit Forum (ODF). The dalit youth activists of Buguda played an active role in its formation. The association with the network and exposure on the issue resulted in the formation and registration of INDIA as a social organization in the year 1996 to intensify interventions in vulnerable pockets and cater to the needs of the victimized sections.

Vision, Mission and Objectives


INDIA visualizes a society based on universal brotherhood, peace, communal harmony, gender equality and social justice without discrimination against caste, creed or color.


Improving the socio-economic condition of the downtrodden by liberating them from social injustice, gender inequality and caste based atrocities, as well as alleviating their poverty through generation of livelihood opportunities consistent with sustainable development.


  • To promote overall development of the people, especially of the weaker sections of the society- the Dalits and tribal communities.
  • To undertake issue based advocacy and networking to influence pro-poor policies and prevent violence and atrocities on weaker sections
  • To undertake need based programme interventions for the vulnerable sections of the dalit and tribal communities with emphasis on women, children and marginalized farmers.
  • To enable victimized dalit and tribal communities to assert their rights and entitlements under the legal framework.
  • To promote active people’s participation, accountability and transparency in the process of development administration.
  • To alleviate poverty and discrimination in any form to enable people of the targeted community to live a life with dignity and honor.

Operational Area

Although initially INDIA started its operation in Ganjam district , considering the larger interest of the communities residing in other places and facing similar situations,Kondhamal, Puri and Jagatsingpur districts of Odisha were included in the list.The block and GP wise operational details are as follows;

Sl No / Name of the District / Number of Blocks / No of GPs
1 / Ganjam / 02 / 08
2 / Kondhamal / 02 / 04
3 / Puri / 02 / 04
4 / Jagatsingpur / 02 / 04

Thrust Areas of Intervention

While the issues of caste related violence, atrocities, and discrimination remain major areas of intervention; education, health, migration, livelihood, land and forest rights, right to NTFP, women empowerment and youth action form the core programme approach.Special focus is given on children, women, landless and marginal farmers considering their vulnerability and magnitude of their marginalization.

Governance and legal status

The organization is registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 bearing number Gjm No. 4837/96-97. It is also registered under the FCR Act bearing number 104910082 and Income Tax Act for registration under the 12A and 80G .

The governance of the organization is vested with the General Body that consists of 08 members headed by the President. There is also a Governing body that consists of 05 members from among the general body members to look after the programme and functional aspects. For day to day functioning of the organization the Secretary acts as the Director supported by a team of professionals and a cadre of volunteers both at head office as well as field level. While the General Body meets once in a year to take policy decisions, approve programmes, expenditure and budget, the Governing body meets in every quarter to streamline the programme and operation.

Strategy and Approach

We believe that social inclusion and mainstreaming of neglected sections is possible only when pro-poor policies and programmes are made and implemented through community participation. Therefore, we have taken up a right basedapproach to address the issues and problem embedded with development prospective.

Our Values

  • Transparency
  • Simple living and high thinking
  • Pro-poor thinking
  • Social inclusion
  • Brotherhood and we- feeling

Community level leadership

  • Community level collective action
  • Youth mobilization
  • Grass root activism
  • Building social movement
  • Equal participation and involvement
  • Gender equity in leadership promotion
  • Networking
  • Lobby & advocacy
  • Institution building

Glimpse of Activities

Intervention against Atrocities and Discrimination of Dalits

Over the years the organization has been engaged in raising voice against the discriminatory practices adopted by the upper caste communities against the Dalits and downtrodden (classified as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes by the Constitution). It has also been intervening in the communities to abate discrimination and atrocities caused to latter and to bring them to the mainstream socio-economic structure thereby enabling them to lead a dignified life.Lobby and advocacy, community awareness, protests in the form of campaigns , assertion of rights with appropriate authorities, formation of village level dalit sangathns, capacitating cadres of dalit volunteers etc have been the approaches we have followed in this context.

Activities against Caste Violence and promoting Social Harmony

INDIA envisages a society with no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion and gender. It promotes harmony among communities through peaceful co-existence, feeling of brotherhood, complementing and reciprocating relationships for mutual benefits. It has taken up cases where the cases of caste based atrocities and violence are taking place and guiding and escorting the victimized to get justice.

Child Rights

In promoting the child rights, INDIA intervenes to safeguard the following rights of the children:

  • Right to survival
  • Right to development
  • Right to Protection (against child labour, child abuse, foeticide)
  • Right to Participate (action to curb class and caste discrimination in school functions, school meets, sports, cultural programmes, MDM)

The organization is committed to ensure the above rights of the children of the target area through its variousprogramme interventions and facilitation that include checking malnutrition of children, ensuring child immunization, facilitating regular functioning of mid-day meal scheme, facilitating smooth functioning of ICDS centres& schools, reduction in malnutrition level, preventing caste based discrimination at the school, villages and public places.Child clubs are formed in villages in the target areas. The role of these clubs includes advocacy on child right issues, participation in planning, and monitoring of school activities.

Women Rights

INDIA has been taking various measures from time to time to empower women and make them resilient enough to fight for their rights. Women Clubs have been formed withour facilitation that work on woman related issues. INDIA has taken up cases where dalit women have been assaulted, raped, discriminated by upper caste communities to enable them to get justice within the legal framework.

Sustainable Livelihood :

Addressing food security through promoting grain banks, organic farming, community farming and watershed management

Developing entrepreneurial skills of women and youth to take up income generating activities

Access to credit through the linkages of women SHGs and farmers clubs with financial institutions

Preservation and promotion of traditional indigenous seeds

Land & Forest Rights and Migration

Facilitating homesteads for the backward class communities (Scheduled castes,dalits and other backward classes) without land and ensuring forest land right for the tribal are the activities pursued by INDIA over the years. Such activities also include use of non-timber forest produce by tribal communities in accordance with the Forest Rights Act 2006 of the Government.

In view of the large scale migration of workers, including a substantial proportion of Dalits taking place from the State to distant places like Gujurat, Karnatak and Maharastra, INDIA is making people aware of its vices through video shows that highlights unhygienic conditions of living, torture and exploitation and drudgery at work places, unforeseen diseases etc, while at the same time making them aware of the job opportunities available in the locality.

People’s Participation

  • Promotion of citizens’ participation through people centered advocacy and building stronger Gram Sangathans
  • Training and awareness building on Panchayat Raj, the NREGA and RTI and other development schemes

Network Partners

Adivasi Dalit EkataManch (ADEM)

As the pro-dalit movement in the district gathered momentum, the issues of land rights, livelihood, education and dignity of the oppressed classes were integrated in the agenda of the activists and district level issue based networks were formed. INDIA took the initiative and facilitated the people’s movement in the form of “Adivasi Dalit Ekta Mancha” (ADEM) in the district of Ganjam and Kandhamal during the year 2004. One of the major interventions of ADEM was campaign on land rights. In 2004-05, the campaign was organized in 6 Gram Panchayats of Buguda block in Ganjam district and Khajuripada block of Kandhamal district and presently continues in other GPs.

Dalit AdhikarSangathan (DAS)

INDIA is working as a network partner along with 6 other NGOs and CBOs under the banner of Dalit AdhikarSangathan (DAS) to fight for the rights of the poor and marginalized people in Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur, and Kendrapara Districts of Odisha. DAS is a Dalit people’s movement, a pro-active, non-profit, social organization. Eradication of untouchability, social discrimination and caste-based atrocity with special focus on dalit women; ensuring equality and equal rights for the dalits and abolition of caste based discrimination are the main aims of the organization.

Current Funding Partners

  1. Tata Trusts
  2. Action Aid
  3. Usha International Ltd.
  4. No Hungry Child

Officials and Associates

President: Mr Suresh Chandra Bisoyi

Secretary:DrKumud Chandra Behera, Ph.D

Chartered Accountants:

Nalam Associates, China Bazar, Berhampur, District – Ganjam, Odisha, India.


Andhra Bank, Indian Bank, UtkalGrameen Bank.


Regd. Office:INDIA,Badua, P. O.: Golia, Via: Buguda, Dist.: Ganjam, Odisha, India. PIN 761118,

Project Offices:At-NuaSahi, Buguda , District – Ganjam, Odisha (India),Pin - 761118

At / Po - Kotgarh , District – Kondhamal , Odisha- 761128,

At - PatraPada, Po- DutiPada, District – Kondhamal , Odisha , Pin - 762012