January 7, 2014

SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Dennis Gragnolati and Michael Russo



First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.



Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Minutes of the December 17, 2013, Regular Meeting as published. Selectman Russo seconded the motion with one correction noted. The amount of the Board of Selectmen/Public Works’ Capital Improvement Budget should have read $1,972,000 rather than $2,317,000. All were in favor. Motion passed.

CORRESPONDENCE: Selectman Wawruck passed out a copy of a publication called the “Town Crier”. He pointed out the front page showed that Windsor Locks was the recipient of the “Top Town Hall Building” award. This is a prestigious award given by the Power of Change organization as recognition to the Town of Windsor Locks for achievement in energy efficiency.



a. FY 2014-15 Operating Budget

Selectman Wawruck suggested a working meeting be scheduled prior to the next Board of Selectmen meeting in order to formulate the budget. The Board scheduled a Budget Workshop to begin at 4:00 pm on January 21, 2014. The new Finance Director will be invited to attend.

b. Update on Ethics Study Committee

Selectman Wawruck stated the Ethics Study Committee has disbanded. He said that the Town Attorney suggests going forward that we have a Town Policy rather than a Committee. Human Resource Director, Shannon Walker, is going to pull policies from other towns to formulate an overall policy for Windsor Locks. Selectmen Wawruck questioned whether or not another committee should be formed to review the Policy that gets formulated.

c. Resolution to enter into an Agreement with CRCOG & CT Transit for Bus Shelter Program

Selectman Russo moved:


that the Town of Windsor Locks Board of Selectmen approve and enter into partnership with CRCOG and CT Transit to implement the Bus Shelter program as proposed and to provide the required 10% match through a combination of cash and in-kind services.

Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Board of Selectmen

January 7, 2014

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d. Capital Improvement Requests FY 2014-15

Selectman Wawruck stated the Capital Improvements Committee met last night and their requests were discussed. The next CIAC meeting is scheduled for January 27 when rankings will be assigned. Selectman Wawruck stated that there is a continued need for roadway infrastructure and he felt they presented a good case for it last night.

Selectman Gragnolati asked if the CIAC is a formal committee and whether or not members had to be sworn in. He said he did not attend last night’s meeting because he did not see an Agenda posted. Selectman Wawruck stated there was a list of meeting dates sent out to members in an email before the first meeting.

e. Charter Revision Update

Selectman Wawruck said he did not meet with the Town Committee so he had nothing from them. Selectman Russo stated there was a meeting the next day to discuss how the revision would be accomplished. Selectman Gragnolati stated there are redundancies that need to be reviewed and rules that need to be clarified. They questioned what Committees would be included in the revision (i.e. Agricultural Committee, Open Space Committee, Ethics Committee). They agreed that this will be a lengthy process.

f. Waterworks Property Update

Selectman Wawruck stated that the recent storms have halted the clean-up of the property. Scott Lappen will talk to the clean-up company that was hired about finishing the job when it gets warmer. Selectman Wawruck also spoke of a nearby homeowner whose trail has been blocked by dirt brought in for the clean-up and needs to be moved so the trail can be accessed. Selectman Wawruck stated that the Town will move forward with the transfer of the property once they see that the clean-up is being done.

g. Update on Town Newsletter

Selectman Gragnolati passed out his research regarding the costs, publishing details, and contents of the pending Newsletter. He stated that the print version will have basic information but an on-line version will have greater detail. Selectman Russo suggested that Selectman Gragnolati put together a draft for review at a February meeting.


Youth Services Bureau –

a. Jayson Wiggett – Youth Member for one-year term

b. Dan Squires – Adult Member for three-year term

c. Sebastian Garofalo – Adult Member for three-year term

d. Paul Kindall – Adult Member for three-year term

Selectman Gragnolati moved to appoint the following individual to the Youth Services Bureau – Jayson Wiggett - youth member for a one-year term, Dan Squires – adult member for a three-year term, Sebastian Garofalo – adult member for a three-year term, and Paul Kindall - adult member for a three year term. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Selectman Russo moved that the Board of Selectman appoint Dennis Gragnolati to serve on the CIAC Board in the capacity of Fire Commission Representative. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Board of Selectmen

January 7, 2014

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Selectman Gragnolati asked why the deadline for tax collection is published as February 3rd rather than January 31st? Neither Selectman Wawruck or Selectman Russo knew the answer.



There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m. was made by Selectman Gragnolati and seconded by Selectman Russo. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Pfaffenbichler

Sharon Pfaffenbichler
Recording Secretary

A full recording of this meeting is available on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town’s Website @ www.windsorlocksct.org