On Your Radar October-November 2015

11 November 2015

Janet Sillett LGiU


On Your Radar provides regular updates on information from central government and other key organisations; looks back over the last period, ahead at what could be hitting the headlines and comments on issues relevant to local government that will be influencing the political landscape over the coming months.

This edition contains:

·  Upcoming briefings

·  Government consultations

·  Select Committee inquiries

·  Legislation

Briefing in full

Upcoming briefings include:

·  Tackling health inequalities

·  English Deprivation index

·  Fromebbtoflow:howentrepreneurscanturnthetideforBritain's seasidetowns by theCentre for Entrepreneurs

·  Funding the British nations part 1

·  Funding the British nations part 2: local government

·  The impact of budget cuts on local road maintenance and road safety

·  Health, public health and social care round-up

·  Spending Review analysis

·  HS2 update

·  Latest reports on Winterbourne View

Government consultations

The consultation section will normally include new consultations, ongoing consultations and consultation outcomes from DCLG and consultations from other departments and related organisations when particularly relevant to local government. It will also include relevant consultations from government agencies and public bodies.

Communities and Local Government

New consultations

Extending mandatory licensing of houses in multiple occupation and related reforms

Closes: 18 December 2015

Reforming business rates appeals

Closes: 4 January 2016

Pay to stay: high income social tenants

Closes: 20 November 2015

Improving efficiency of council tax collection

Closes: 18 November 2015

Of interest – DCLG have a chart of their top organisational structure on their website – see here.

Latest DCLG announcements here

Cabinet Office

New consultation

Language requirements for public sector workers

Closes: 8 December 2015

Ongoing consultation

Open Government Partnership: UK national action plan 2016

Closes: 11 December 2015

Department of Health

New consultation

Settling the mandate to NHS England for 2016 to 2017

Closes: 23 November 2015

Continuing consultation

The role of the National Data Guardian for health and social care

Closes: 17 December 2015

Consultation outcomes

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community

Published: 10 November 2015

Local authority public health allocations 2015 to 2016

Published: 4 November 2015

Readers will be aware that the proposal to make savings in this grant in 2015 has been highly contentious. The consultation had different options on the method of reduction.

The department has decided to go ahead with the savings by reducing each local authority’s grant by an equal percentage. The saving will be implemented through a reduction in the fourth quarterly instalment of the grant, which will be brought forward from January 2016 to November 2015.

The department received 219 responses fromcouncils, stakeholders, third sector organisations and individual members of the health and care workforce. Out of the total of 152LAsin England with public health duties, 123 (81%) responded.

Select Committee inquiries

This section will normally include all new inquiries from the CLG select committee, those from other select committees when particularly relevant to local government, and government responses.

Most (but not all) select committee inquiries are conducted as follows:

·  written evidence called for

·  oral evidence sessions held

·  report published

·  response published

Not all inquiries result in a report

The government will normally make a response to a select committee report, either publishing it itself (as a Command Paper) or sending a memorandum to the committee, which can be published as a special report (simply saying, in effect, “we have received the following reply ...”), although the committee can publish the response with further comments or take further evidence.

The government has undertaken to reply within two months of the publication of the report, when possible, but may seek the committee’s agreement to allow a longer period. In some cases where a report has recommendations affecting a body outside government (for example the Bank of England) responses will be received from more than one source. It is sometimes convenient for the committee to publish such responses together. The government’s replies to reports from the Committee of Public Accounts are published as Treasury Minutes (which are Command Papers).

There is a House of Commons YouTube video explaining the select committee system: How do select committees work

Communities and Local Government Committee

The committee membership can be found here

Clive Betts MP, Chair of the CLG Committee, has written to Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, to press for clear answers on the government’s financial help to local authorities accommodating Syrian refugees. This can be found here. The link to the response from Greg Clark on the select committee webpage did not work.

Housing and Planning Bill

The Committee held a one-off session on 9 November to question the Housing Minister on the Bill. No evidence has been published to date (10 November).

Ongoing inquiries

The Government’s Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill

Announced: 24 July 2015

Deadline for written evidence: 1 September 2015

The committee is examining a number of devolution issues, including lessons from the City Deals, can the Manchester deal provide a model for other areas, and local accountability.

The latest evidence can be found here.

The Housing Association sector and the Right to Buy

Announced: 29 July 2015

Deadline for written evidence: 28 August 2015

Latest written evidence can be found here.

Planning and productivity

Inquiry announced 23 July 2015.

Oral evidence session with Brandon Lewis MP can be found here.

Evidence so far can be found here.

See LGiU briefing here

Local council bank loans

Inquiry announced on 15 July 2015. Committee is currently taking oral evidence

Latest evidence can be found here.

Environmental Audit Committee

The government’s approach to sustainable development

Future of the Green Investment Bank

Health Committee

New inquiry

Public health post 2013 – structures, organisation, funding and delivery

The committee is currently accepting submissions.

Ongoing inquiry

Current issues in NHS England

Launched: 14 July 2015

Evidence here given by Simon Stevens, CE NHS England

Sugar review

The committee has published a series of letters and replies on the publication of the sugar review – between the Chair of the committee, Dr Wollaston, MP and the Chair and Chief Executive of Public Health England – found here.

Home Affairs Committee

Reform of the Police Funding Formula inquiry

Deadline for written submissions: 16 October 2015

Countering extremism

Accepting written evidence

Migration crisis inquiry

Deadline for written submissions was 21 October 2015

Oral evidence from the Mayor of Calais, the Minister for Immigration and the Director General, Border Force can be found here.

Justice Committee

New inquiry

Restorative justice

Now accepting written submissions

Public Accounts Committee

New inquiries

Closure of Kids Company

This was launched on 26 October 2015 and is examining the funding received from the government.

Care Quality Commission

The PAC held a session on the CQC on 28 October 2015. The latest oral evidence can be found on the inquiry’s homepage.

Ongoing inquiries

Wave 1 City Deals

Launched 30 July 2015

This inquiry is considering the early impacts from some of the individual programmes agreed in the deals and how their impact is being evaluated and shared.

Latest evidence can be found here.

We have published a briefing on the NAO report on this issue – here.

Local government new burdens

Launched: 11 September 2015

Care Act first-phase reforms

Launched: 11 September 2015

These two inquiries are linked: looking at the costs of reforms and the demands they place on local authorities and how the government is assessing new requirements that increase local government spending.

Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs

Whitehall’s relationship with Kids Company.

Oral evidence will be taken during October.

English Votes for English Laws and the Future of the Union

The committee says that it will devote most of its effort during this parliament to addressing the broader constitutional consequences of the Scottish independence referendum.

Women and Equalities Committee

New inquiry

Gender pay gap

Work and Pensions Committee

New inquiry and report

Tax credit reforms inquiry

The committee carried out a short inquiry examining the distributional impact of the proposed April 2016 tax credit cuts.

They have now published the report titled ‘A reconsideration of tax credit cuts’ which can be found here.

We have published a briefing on this issue that can be found here. We will be publishing a briefing shortly on the new report.

The report is clearly important. The committee says in its introduction that:

‘In a unanimous cross-party report, the Work and Pensions Committee says in the absence of any satisfactory mitigation of tax credit cuts, the Government should pause for a year and plan for a major overhaul of the tax credit system.

According to the report, themeasures the Government has so far cited in mitigation of tax credit cuts will simply not reach many of those worst affected, and the benefits for those who would be helped are "dwarfed" by the cuts. As things stand the majority of families affected will still be worse off by 2020-21’.

Ongoing inquiries

Local welfare safety net

Deadline for written submissions was 30 October 2015

This inquiry will look at discretionary welfare, housing and council tax assistance schemes.

Welfare to Work

Deadline for written submissions was 28 August 2015.

Latest oral and written evidence can be found here.

Benefit delivery inquiry

Latest written evidence can be found here.


Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill

TheCities and Local Government Devolution Billhas completed its journey through the House of Lords. The LGiU briefing Devolution Bill: important changes in the Lords explains what happened to the Bill in the Lords and comments on key debates. An earlier briefing outlined the Bill’s provisions.

It is now in the Commons. MPs debated the second reading on Wednesday 14 October. The Bill passed second reading without a division and was considered by a Committee of the whole House on Wednesday 21 October 2015. The date for the second day in committee is Tuesday 17 November 2015.

We will be continuing to cover the Bill as it goes through the Commons.

We have published a briefing on health and social care devolution which included an update on the debates in the House of Lords and in the Commons on these areas of devolution. This can be found here.

Welfare Reform and Work Bill

The Bill has finished its stages in the House of Commons and is now in the Lords. The second reading is scheduled for 17 November.

The Bill will implement Conservative policies on welfare reform, including lowering the benefit cap, extending the freeze on working-age benefits to four years and limiting child tax credit to the first two children for new applicants.

The Trade Union Bill

The Bill amends the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation Act) Act 1992. Key measures include the requirements for a minimum thresholds of a 50 per cent turnout in all industrial action ballots, and for a higher level of support in favour of industrial action for specified important public services; requiring positive consent for a union member to contribute to a union’s political fund; and creating regulation-making powers in respect of paid time off for trade union duties and activities in the public sector.

The Bill has passed through its stages in the House of Commons and is now in the Lords. The First reading took place on 11 November. The Second reading is yet to be scheduled.

Housing and Planning Bill 2015-16

The Bill passed its second reading on 2 November 2015. TheBill will next be considered by apublic bill committee that will scrutinise it line by line. The dates of the public bill committee meetings havenot yetbeen announced. The committee is expected to report by 10 December 2015.

It will be interesting to see how the new stage of the Bill works regarding the new ‘English votes for English laws’ procedure. Certain provisions of the bill have been certified by the Speaker as relating exclusively to England, and to England and Wales, so the 'English votes for English laws' procedure will apply to it.

Under the 'English votes for English laws' procedure, any provisions certified by the Speaker must be separately approved by MPs representing constituencies in England, or England and Wales, before the Bill can receive a Third Reading. This would take place on the floor of the House in a legislative grand committee following report stage.

We have published a briefing on the Bill that can be found here.

For more information about this, or any other LGiU member briefing, please contact Janet Sillett, Briefings Manager, on

© Local Government Information Unit, www.lgiu.org.uk, Third Floor, 251 Pentonville Road, London N1 9NG. Reg. charity 1113495. This briefing is available free of charge to LGiU subscribing members. Members are welcome to circulate internally in full or in part; please credit LGiU as appropriate. You can find us on Twitter at @LGiU