Notes & Quotes

Jan. 7, 2015

Dear Choir Family,

Happy New Year to each of you and your families! I hope that 2015 has gotten off to a good start and that the Lord blesses each of you with trusting hopefulness for the coming year! Before I get ahead of myself, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who gave so much time and energy this past December with all it’s additional ministry presentations, that we could truly offer the best of ourselves to the Lord. And in the interim, I hope that you’ve had just enough time to rest and ‘recreate’ (re-create) that we can all look forward to this next season of ministry and what the Lord will do with us in the service of His church.

Mike Farley is preaching this Sunday on Baptism; this is appropriate because this is the Sunday where historically the church recognizes the Baptism of Christ (for those who follow the liturgical calendar in detail). Our thoughts are on God’s promise, his grace and restorative power, and our need to be in relationship with Him.

Items to Note:

- There is a prayer service from 6:30-7:30 in the chancel this week that will ‘bump’ our rehearsal to the choir room. We will rehearse from 7:30-8:30.

- We DO sing this Sunday. We’re back to green stoles, so please help by packing away your white/red one in the box in the back of the choir room.

- We’ll be back to our regular Wed. night 6:30-8pm time in the chancel starting next Wed, 1/14.

- Please be sure you have returned ALL your pre-2015 music.

- CONCERT SERIES: Sunday, Jan. 25, 7pm: Music and Faith-the intersection of Christ and the arts. SLSO musicians Dianna Haskill (clarinet) and Celeste Golden Boyer (violin) joined by Vera Parkin (piano) and hosted by Ron Klemm. You won’t want to miss it (also a great one to invite any friends you may have in the arts community).

Rehearsal Anthems:

1/11: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach/Reigger)

1/18: Create In Me, O God (Brahms/Shaw)

1/25: Give Me Jesus (Flemming)

2/1: O Bread of Life (Isaac-Christiansen)

2/8: There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (Schwoebel)

Quote: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Cor 5:17)

Choir Prayer Requests from January 7, 2015

Dan Boeddeker: Dan’s mother, Connie, has been hospitalized since last weekend with a stress fracture in her spine. Dan was hopeful that she would be released to rehab today (Thursday 1/8). Please pray for Dan and his siblings as they make decisions for her future care and navigate delicate relationships within the family. Dan also asked that we pray for him as he cares for his mother given his own physical limitations.

Lolle Boettcher: Lolle’s husband, Glenn, will be having cataract surgery today (Thursday 1/8). Please pray for successful surgery and speedy recovery. This is the first time Glenn is undergoing surgery. Please also pray for Lolle’s good friend, Sherry, who is mourning the recent loss of her younger brother.

Cynthia Speckart: Cynthia’s daughter, Katy, is anxiously waiting to be moved into a safer living situation. Her current situation is stressful and Katy does not feel safe. Please pray that this will be resolved soon. Praise that Katy is now back to work after a brief time off.

~Please continue to pray for Rosemary and Dennis Wiggers. Rosemary’s next chemo treatments will be on January 12 and 13.

~Please pray for Mike Farley as he prepares to preach at all three morning service this Sunday, January 11.