
This utility searches for any Unified messenger specific property entries of a user within active directory or their mailbox in exchange 5.5, and deletes them. The minimum requirements for its usage are:

·  Exchange 5.5 Service Pack 3 or above running on any OS. SP3 supports LDAP, and the utility makes LDAP API calls.

·  Exchange 2000 running in a Windows 2000 Active Directory environment.

The utility can be run from a command line prompt on a workstation by a user with sufficient security privileges to modify properties in the Directory or Exchange 5.5.

The utility can be used as follows:

RemUmProps <alias> /e55 <server>

RemUmProps <alias> /e2k

RemUmProps <alias> /e2k <server>

RemUmProps <username> /ac /e2k

RemUmProps <username> /ac /e2k <server>

alias Users mail alias or nickname

server Name of Exchange server where users mailbox resides (Needed for

Exchange 5.5 users), or

Name of domain controller whose directory you want to bind to.

(Optional in Exchange 2000).

username The logon name or id of the users NT Account.

/e55 Users mailbox resides on Exchange 5.5 server.

/e2k Users mailbox resides on Exchange 2000 server.

/ac The first argument is the users logon name instead of his mail alias.

1) Running on Exchange 5.5

The utility works on Exchange 5.5 with Service Pack 3 because it supports LDAP. The utility can therefore make calls using LDAP to the directory on the exchange server and manipulate the properties, which are exported by it. The utility can be run against an Exchange 5.5 server by typing the following command: -

RemUmProps <alias> /e55 <server>

Where alias is the mail alias of the user in Exchange 5.5. The alias of a user is unique in Exchange 5.5 and can therefore be used to uniquely identify a mailbox. The alias can be found by double clicking a users mailbox in Exchange 5.5 as shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The server argument is a required argument because in an exchange 5.5 environment it is not possible to do a server less bind to the directory on the exchange server. The name of the exchange server is required, since that name is used to specifically locate the server when trying to bind to it.

2) Running on Exchange 2000 with Active Directory.

In active directory environment, the utility can be run by using the following arguments and switches: -

RemUmProps <alias> /e2k

RemUmProps <alias> /e2k <server


RemUmProps <username> /ac /e2k

RemUmProps <username> /ac /e2k <server

The server name is optional in an exchange 2000 environment since you do a blind bind using LDAP in Windows 2000. If you specifically wish to bind to a child doemain controller, specify the server name of the Domain Controller. The alias of the user can be located by viewing the users properties in ‘Active Directory Users and Computers’ and looking in the ‘Exchange General’ Tab as shown below in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

The problem is that in exchange 2000 it is possible to have two users with the same mail alias, and therefore the alias property is no longer unique. That is why if the utility searches for a user using the alias you specify, and finds that more than one user is returned by the query, it fails and returns an error message. In that situation it is possible to search for a user by supplying the users NT account logon name accompanied by the ‘/ac’ switch instead. The second usage scenario above shows how to search for the account name instead. The ‘/ac’ is only supported with the ‘/e2k’ switch

The users account name can be found by viewing the users properties in ‘Active Directory Users and Computers’, and looking under the ‘Account’ tab as shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

The users account name is a unique entry, and it can be guaranteed that a single user will be returned when search is done with the account name.