Newfrontiers London Base2013 - 2014


The course:

Leadership TrainingFoundations is designed for all who are currently in a leadership role and those who may in the near future be taking on responsibilities such assmall group overseers, youth leaders, social action project leaders etc. An aptitude for learning and studyas well as a grounding in basic doctrine are pre-requisites for the course.

The course is a mixture of listening, exploringanddiscussing with experienced leaders, class-based tuition and practical application within your home church. As well as attending the course training days, participants are expected to carry out pre-reading for modules, complete assignments according to schedule and participate in a monitored leadership project in their local church.


There are 40 days to the training programme and normally applicants take 2 years to complete the course. The training days will be on a Friday and Saturday once a month, and Leadership Training Foundations courses are held at King’s Church, London(Catford).It is possible to attend training either on just a Friday or just a Saturday, and take the course over a period of 4 years.

Dates for 2013 - 2014:

2013 / 6th -7th September
4th-5th October
1st–2nd November
6th- 7th December
2014 / 17th- 18th January
14th- 15th February
14th- 15th March
11th- 12th April
9th- 10th May
6th -7th June


The closing date for applications is 3rdMay 2013for a September 2013 start. If this date has passed please contact us to see if there are any places available.

All applicants must be based in a Newfrontiers church. However, if you are at present considering joining a Newfrontiers church you will need to discuss the application with the leaders of that local church or it’s apostolic oversight, as all applicants for the course must be recommended by their local leadership.

Please indicate on the Application form which of the 2 interview dates you will attend. All interviews are held at King’s Church Catfordsite,10.00 am – 1 pm. Please note that before an interview can take place, we will need to have received both the completed application form and a reference from your church leader.


The fees for the first year will be £995(payable to King’s Church, Catford) plus £17.00 per night for accommodation if required, payable to your host. If you are only attending one day of training each month, the course fee will be reduced accordingly (£495).

Other information:

It is extremely important that whoever is overseeing you sends us an outline of the leadership role which you have/or will have within the church or, if applicable, your job description.

It is also helpful if the leadership understands that there is a mentoring element involved in the training. If your leaders are not able to provide suitable mentoring, please let us know as soon as possible so we may help you find suitable arrangements. We would be very happy to chat through with them what this involves, if that is helpful.

Completion of Newfrontiers Leadership Training does not guarantee paid full-time employment. If your future is not clear to those responsible for your supervision on the course, we will be happy to discuss any concerns you have in order to effectively make future plans.

Course syllabus:

London Training Base Syllabus 2013-2015

2013 - 2014 / 2014 - 2015
Church Planting: strategy, methods, principles / Scripture / Doctrine of Man / Homiletics 1
Communication & contextualisation of the Gospel / Hermeneutics / Doctrine of the Church 1 / Homiletics 2
Pastoral Theology 1 / Church History: Reformation / Doctrine of the Church 2 / Spiritual Warfare
Pastoral Theology 2 / Church History: Modern Period / The Holy Spirit / Doctrine of Salvation 1
Understanding culture and cultural principles / The Trinity / Ethics 1 / Doctrine of Salvation 2
Diversity training / Old Testament Theology 1 / Ethics 2 / Small Group life
Leadership 1 / Old Testament Theology 2 / Men and Women / Leadership 3
Leadership 2 / Christology / Eschatology / Leadership 4
Church History: Early Centuries / New Testament Survey 1 / Pastoral Epistles 1 / Biblical Theology
Church History: Mediaeval Period / New Testament Survey 2 / Pastoral Epistles 2 / Effective Administration

If you require any further information, please contact Val Tayloron 020 8690 4646


King’s Church, Catford Hill, London, SE6 4PS.

“A great opportunity for anyone who feels the call of leadership on their life to invest time in working this out and being invested in; making great friends and pushing deeper into God...” James Durrant

“Grow in God, Learn Theology, make a friend” – Dan Marshall

“A fantastic course with fantastic teachers – enough said” – Clive Elliott

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