Creighton Students Union Committee Meeting

Monday, April 14, 2014 | 5:15 pm | Skutt 105


Present: Lulu Alvarez, Colton Brasel, Anna Caflisch, AnnMarie Chengazhacherril, Marc Cubrich, Matt Hoover, Samantha Jones, Sara Knowles, Adam Kotula, Clarie Liang, Luna Luo, Kevin Nabong, Julia Neppel, Laura Novotny, Charlie Oertli, John Pfaff, Arthur Segismundo, Shayla Shojaat, Anne Taylor, Carleton Young, Angela Lax, John Greenwood, Joel Henriksen, Jack Anderson, Emily Boes, Katie Kelsey, Michele Bogard

Not Present: John McCoy, Courtney Coslor, Alicia Dalpe, Laura Novotny

  1. Opening Ceremonies
  2. Call to order(5:16)
  3. Invocation- Fr. Kestermeier
  4. Approval of Minutes

i.3.31.14: No changes

  1. Roll Call
  1. Executive Reports:
  2. President: Mr. John McCoy (ABSENT)
  3. Executive Vice President: Mr. Jack Anderson

i.University Committees: Email sent out. 15 committees and over 30 vacancies. Work with president’s office on this. Application on CU involved. All reps eligible too. Not too much of time commitment. Due 4/25 at 11:45 pm

ii.Neighborhood Cleanup: Annual thing 4/26 9-2pm

  1. Vice President for Finance: Mr. John Greenwood


  1. Vice President for Programming: Mr. Joel Henriksen

i.Spring Fling Recap: Last event tonight.

ii.Upcoming Events: Rachel Brown at Skutt fireplace

  1. Speaker of the Board: Ms. Anna Caflisch


ii.Representative Review: Check-in with reps. Many reps not getting any response from their clubs.

iii.Representative Check-In: Doesn’t feel like we’re really doing our job. No responses to our actions for student body. Structure better; to have required number of events for each semester. Need to work on visibility; students don’t acknowledge what we can do. Make cabinet and exec minutes public. Find ways to connect reps to cabinet: transparency. Possibly get reps to sign up for W.A.C to meet people. Mainly freshman on board of reps. Possibly having outings to have more unity within reps. Advertise what we have done through emails. Getting section in Creightonian.

iv.Admitted Student Day: Last one Tuesday after Easter.

v.CU Sunday (4.27): Families to come see Creighton. More like open house for juniors in high school.

  1. Open Discussion
  2. Free laundry. IRHG has not responded. Possibly email their advisors.
  3. Zip Car: Dirtiness within car. File report to their establishment.
  4. Student Organization Updates/Announcements
  5. None
  6. Old Business
  7. None
  8. New Business
  9. None
  10. Announcements
  11. Committee Updates

i.Julia: Email IRHG. Possibility of getting more standing water bottle fillers. Email Ben Turner about bicycles. No reply

ii.Marc: Taking grandfather approach to reusable bags. Will be executed in fall

iii.Colton: Implement an official policy for dead week and tests.

iv.Matt: Last piece of legislation and suggestion about what wants to be seen

v.Laura: Nothing recently. John sent few projects like visibility of Zip Car.

  1. Advisor’s Update

i.Katie: Annual activity reports due for clubs. Try to get as many in as possible by May 1st

  1. Coordinator Updates


  1. Upcoming Funded Events


  1. Adjournment (5:52)